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Rands Kids.


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First you've made the assumption channeling is attributed to one set of allels, secondly you're assuming it is the most simplistic version of genetics instead of a possible Incomplete, semi-dominance, or Co-dominance scenario. The phenotype of the channeling trait could be epistasis or possible be sex link dominant versus autosomal.


You've suggested a very simple perspective when it comes to channelers and it doesn't take into account those that will channel and those who need to be taught to learn... Nyneave versus Tuon.



I actually stated to have used mendelsonian inheritancew (for simplisity). The conclusions still hold If everything you said is true. A ressisive trait would need the parents to have it on all alleles for it to show as a phenotype. So if you are a channeler, and it is a res. trait. All of the allelesw must be right. If it was dominant you would not need it to. Being that there were about 2-3% channelers in the old days makes it unlikely that it was very many alleles involved. I agree with you though on that what I wrote was simplistic, but that was to make a point. A codominant trait would be in direct contrast to a statement of it being recissive though.


I am sorry though, I can't find the quote in the guide, just abougt the percentage (maybe it was in a intervjuw with RJ I saw it). If it isn't stated anywhere- everything falls and I stand very much corrected (which I don't mind :-)). As to phenotype, I said something about it (Morgase- Elayne). I beleive the ones that have to be tought are just a different phenotype, not genotype. Probably several other modifying genes (like tails on dogs, you have one that regulates if it is born with a short or a full tail, but many that regulate how long the stump will be on the short tailed ones).

RJ also created an "escape clause" when he said that channeling was linked to the soul as well as to genetics. If Rand's kids aren't soul, its simple enough ; they don't have channeler souls.


Yeah, there is allways that "escape clause" in fantasy. I, personally, would be bummed though. There is also the question about going back through our "own time" (no channelers- at least that we know of... :wink: ) on our way to the next time of legends. But there were also artifacts from earlier times that utelized the Power (I.e. way gates). He has to get rid of the channelers somehow. Or maybe 2-3% walks around being able to channel without us having any idea how to learn.. and the sparkers just die off.


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