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Returning to the Fold (Open)


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Crisp blue eyes scanned the horizon; the darkness had claimed the east, the sun setting in the west. Cobalt dotted with the twinkling of stars, like little lights invading the darkness, disturbing its peace. The sounds of water were all around her, along with the sounds of the crew scrambling it was almost time to dock. Soon... soon she'd be back where she belonged. It'd been a year… perhaps more that she'd taken her sabbatical. Now home loomed ahead of her, even in the darkness the spiraling tower could be seen.


Closing her eyes she could remember the first day she arrived at the White Tower, full of hopes, full of fear…and full of sadness. Her mother had died at a young age, and her father and grand mother had raised her... Until her father had been killed for the few pennies he had. They had gone out shopping so he could buy his daughter a piece of candy or two, but he never came home. That scene ran through her dreams… her night mares more often then not. It was what had brought her to the Tower. Her grandmother wanted a better life for her grand daughter and sent her to the Tower.


The stern looks of the women caused her to shrink back, her little hands wringing in front of her. The one woman in the yellow shawl looked to another older woman and shook her head, “I don’t feel it.†The woman in the white shawl nodded her head and looked to Tria, “I am sorry child but it just isn’t there. Not even a speck. You cannot channel, nor can you learn.†Fright had taken her then… she had no where to go back to, her grand mother had died just before she set out, giving her instructions on what to do, and now she was left with not even that. When she explained to the Sisters her plight, the Yellow had taken pity on her, pity is too illogical for a White, and they bustled her out to the yards. “The girl has no where to go, nor can she channel, teach her to fight, and to serve.†The man sniffed, a scrawny little thing like Tria had no business picking up a sword to defend such a noble creature as an Aes Sedai.


She had taught him different, as was evident of the heron on her hip. Alin had done well with her; there were very few men in the world that could surpass her. There were some, but not a lot. The captain yelling snapped her out of her day dreaming, they were docking, Tar Valon stood before her. The white shining walls screaming for her to return and her heading it, stepping off the boat she was home. The woman still had her sea legs, the river was rough at times but it was the fastest way for her to get back home, so she took that instead of going horse back.


The trek through the City didn’t take long, most the people had went in for the night, all the shops were closed up, and those that were out, were in the taverns. The music was loud and the banter louder, she could hear it as she walked by both. Tria was passing one such place when a group of men stepped out from an alley way, “Well what do we have here? You’re a little too cute to be wandering the streets alone by yourself. I think you need proper escort to where you’re going little one, why don’t you let me and my boys escort you to where you’re going. For a modest fee, of course.â€


Tria merely blinked at the man and said to him, “I have the proper escort right here.†She patted her hip where her sword was sheathed, “Now if you’d kindly step aside I wish to continue to my home.†The lead man chuckled and shook his head, “Oh no the little woman’s going to hurt me! Please don’t do it sweet heart. Get her boys.†Having never been the strongest of the bunch the Tower Guard had relied on her quickness, and her brains. As quick as lightening, steel scraped against leather, as she Unfolded the Fan. The heron on her blade gleamed in what little light the moon emitted. Arch of the Moon met the first man, getting nothing but his shirt, and scratching his front, as she planned; “Now I said… I have the proper escort, step out of my way and let me go home.â€


The man’s curse followed him down the alley way, his men along with him. Chuckling she shook her head and slid her rapier back home. It didn’t take her much longer after the incident to get to the Tower Grounds. Making her way to the Training Grounds she stood there a moment or two just looking over everything, letting the memories come rushing back. The tree she sat under to read her precious books, the circle she did her first spar in, that memory still hurt. Shaking her head she moved farther into the yard, towards the barracks, there would still be activity there, at least there’d be someone in the recreation room that would recognize her, if not… then she’d have to answer a lot of questions.


Pausing at the door she took a deep breath, and closed her eyes, pushing all of her emotions into the Spring she pulled the door open and stepped in. Once her eyes adjusted to the light she looked around, her sapphire eyes landing on all that were there, and to the Light she prayed, ‘Let someone know who I am.’

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: Jumping in. Us broken women need to stick together. Good to See you around Nia. Been a while. ;) Although i was looking through your bio. Still bonded to Karana?




The years had done wonders to Cairma, although she still resided more in the shadows. It was possible that her personality was just like that, quiet and reserved. She enjoyed going out to the taverns, but her heart was still in her sword and she loved what she could do. She loved the yard. She had started in the Yard at 16 with eyes far too large for what she wanted. But in the end her hard work had payed off despite the price for it all. She learned two disiplines, Water and Void, and mastered them both. Very few knew why, and even fewer knew that she had mastered them both. But in a way it was her own secret. The Torents of water brought her to her new life, while the void held her old life.


Cairma smiled as she walked though the yard. She had a few errands to run, including a pick up in Tar Valon, and was dressed lightly as opposed to her practice leathers. Oh, her chest was still bound, and Beast was still strapped to her back, but she didn't look like she was in waiting to snap a man in half. Possitive that Aran was in the recreation room (where else would be be, after all, the lazy sod.. ) she hoped to borrow his throwing daggers to have a few made for herself. She liked the wieght of his and figured having something for reference would give her a good idea how to go about getting one. Even if she had to have them commissioned.


But as she walked towards the Rec Room the door swung open, nearly hitting Cairma in the face.


"Ack." She jumped back, a bit surprised by the quick movement of the door. Hmm.. Singlemindedness not good for the senses apparently. Or was she 'really' that tightly spun? Couldn't be.. she felt fine. But as she looked to who opened the door, the culprit had arleady scooted out of the way with a quick apology and was running towards the Yard. The Trainee looked like someone had started a fire under his leathers!


"Good Grief... " Cairma muttered and walked into the room, blinking at the change of the lighting, her eyes adjusting easily to the light of the room. Without a surprise the room was rather bare, and only a few guards were playing daggers and having a few rounds. The sound of dice was also heard from the corner. And there was no sign of Aran.


"Damn.. " Turning to a woman that stood by the door, she was about to ask if Aran had been around, but she caught herself as she recognized the woman, although mostly from a distance. Never met the woman before but had heard some stories from her first Mentor Bril years and years ago when there were fewer women in the Yard. But was she right?


"Excuse me, but are you looking for someone?" Cairma extended her hand. "If i'm guessing right, your Tria? Cairma. You never met me, but i saw you around back in my training days. If you need help with something i could try my best to help."




Cairma Vishnu


Welcome home, dear!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tria blinked when someone said her name, actually spoke to her. Cocking her head to one side the blade master nodded her head and said, “Indeed I am Tria, I am not sure I remember you though.†Of course it’d been so long that she’d been around half these guards and warders now could have come after she’d and had been raised to their positions.


Frowning a little she shakes her head and says, “Do you know if Alin is still around or, perhaps Radzyne… Damian?†Her heart sunk when she said the last name, Tria wondered many a times how he had been but had never wrote to him, she couldn’t bare the fact that she’d just left him.. the Tower even without a word. Pushing her self to get past it as she’d done for many years she says softly, “I…†She shakes her head and says softly, “Who do I speak to about being back?â€


Looking to Camira she chuckles and shakes her head, “Forgive me, I’m rambling, it’s just been so long, it’s good to be home.. You must tell me, what’s happened since I’ve been gone?†The Grand Master looks around once more before turning her attention on Camira once more, “What have I missed?â€

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

*ooc: Notes to click "Notify when reply is made"*




Cairma gave a soft smile to the woman. She seemed a little upset and scattered not that she blames Tria at all. A lot has changed in the past few years. Many of the older Gaidin and Gaidar were gone on their own adventures or bonded and following thier Aes Sedai around the world. Or other, more sad, reasons that they were no longer occupying the Yard.



"I'm afraid the only ones that still seem to be here, that I know of is Damian. But that is more by name than aquintance. Daemon and a few others are still here and have reached GrandMaster status. However the rest are beyond my own knowledge. I tend to stick to closely to my training to pay atention to names. Usually." Cairma smiled at this, knowing she has fully contradicted herself beacuse she had remembered Tria who was older than most of the Masters in the Yard. But then again, years ago there were so few Female Gaidar that it wouldn't be too much of a surprise to know all of their names.


"Brand Ryota is now Commander of the Guard and probably the easiest to get a hold of and deal with. He will be happy to see someone of your status returning to the fold. If you like, I can take you to his office."



Cairma Vishnu


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