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Character's name: Daroth

Age: 17

Place of Origin: Andor

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5’10â€

Weight: 180

Brief History: Daroth was born on a small farm in the outskirts of Caemlyn.

His mother and father raised him well, and as the oldest of five boys and

a little sister, he often was relied on for farm work and taking care of the



This being so, he had not much free time. The time he did have though, was

spent practicing his swordwork. His father, being an ex-Queen’s Guard, knew

about the many thieves that ran rampant, and did not fail to share stories.

Daroth would not let his family be endangered by fool brigands. The day he

picked up that old, rusty blade that had once belonged to a Queen’s Guard,

was the day he knew what he was about.


The metal hilt on his hand was something he was not accustomed to, a

wooden-handled axe, to cut wood, was something he was familiar with. As

strange as it felt then, he was comfortable with it, he liked the way the

sword flowed through the submissive air at the twist of his wrist. His

father had laughed at him, trying to dissuade him of his woolheaded notions

of honor, and courage, glory in battle. Unwavering, Daroth was determined

to follow in his father’s footsteps, the only thing he knew. He practiced

even harder, but without a mentor he could not get far. His so-called

practicing, could be reduced to nothing more than idle swinging at the air,

or now and again, a bush.


As time passed, most of the boys in his family were now becoming of age,

and his father still refusing to assist him in his quest to become a Queen’s

Guard, Daroth decided to take matters into his own hands. Strapping on his

father’s sword, he went to Caemlyn, and inquired a senior looking officer

about joining up. Daroth walked away disappointed. It seemed his father’s

influence held strong there, and the officer bluntly denied him. He turned

to walk home, kicking stones that littered the bustling streets.


Looking to his right, something caught his eye. In a sidestreet, a man and

a woman walked calmly through it. The man looked dangerous, while the woman

looked of nobility. Then Daroth noticed what had caught his eye, they were

going to be attacked! There were two men on porches opposite eachother,

looking down at them with a deadly gleam in their eyes. Daroth pushed his

body against a flower shop, peeking around the corner into the alley. Three

more men came around the opposite corner, short swords in hand. The

dangerous looking man slightly pushed the woman behind him as he swung his

sword out in the same motion.


He could not hear the two men on the porches silently hop down and creep

towards the woman. This did not look good to Daroth, he could not just

stand there. In that thought, the man had already disarmed one of the

thieves, taking off his hand. The woman looked too calm for the current

situation, and Daroth prayed she would look behind her at the men. Seeing

she would not, Daroth went into the alley, trying to quietly unsheath his

sword. He failed. The two thieves behind the woman turned their attention

to him, “Fool boy†he heard one mutter, the other just snickered. Daroth

swallowed heavily, he was scared, too scared. The sword suddenly felt

awkward in his hand, like he had never held it before. He attempted to look

brave. He failed. “Don’t worry boy, we won’t hurt you..much.†They

laughed. The woman must have heard that, because she turned around and saw

the quivering boy. As the thieves were almost upon him, they suddenly froze

mid-step. A look of horror crossed their faces as their deadly eyes melted,

and looked at eachother in confusion. Daroth was just as confused. Looking

behind the thieves, he saw the other three dead on the ground, the man, not

a scratch to be seen. The man and the woman walked nonchalantly towards the

two thieves, and him. Suddenly, their limbs dropped and they ran, weapons

clattering on the ground behind them.


Daroth watched them, chuckling for only a moment as a large hand set upon

his shoulder. He turned to see the man and woman in front of him. “Tis a

risk you took today lad, an unnecessary one at that.†The man said in a

deep, yet soft voice.


Daroth looked down, abashed. “Ther..there were men behind you, I-I..†The

man laughed heartily.


“No need to be ashamed son, you have done what is right by, and by me as

well.†He patted his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He looked Daroth up

and down, “You seem to be a good lad with a solid head, and heart. May need

some work in the fighting department though,†he laughed again “there are

many places to find that help.†He mused and walked away, tossing Daroth a

shiny mark as he left. Daroth caught it, fumbling.


A Tar Valon mark! Then it hit him, the men, how they were frozen. That

must mean that woman was an Aes Sedai, an Aes Sedai! Imagine that, an Aes

Sedai and her warder, and he thought they needed help. He stuffed the mark

in his pocket and smiled. A warder.

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