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Hey there peep's


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Hello all, Thought I should join up on the forum's as I have been a long time fan of the series. I have been going to site for years now, just never really thought much of joining up on the forum's till recently.


To be honest, I never really thought about half of the stuff you all are giving theory's on such as who killed Asmo(I always thought it might have been the Goalm(i think thats how you spell it)I just kinda went with the flow. To think there is a fan base out there dedicated to finding out every nuance and every little thing is pretty awesome IMO, though honestly I think I am just to lazy to think things through like that :p


Anyways nice to meet you and hope I can add more to everyone's thoughts bout everything related to the "Wheel Of Time". 

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Welcome to the mount!


You look like you have a good grasp of the forums already, but if you have any questions feel free to PM me or the other mod for the intro area and we will attempt to set you on the right path. If you dont want to do that feel free to post questions here and I am sure people will answer it :) Everyone here is very helpful.


Anyway, have fun!

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Thank's Winter I will definitely keep that in mind. Most of the time I just lurk around the forums till I see something intresting. Most of the question's I did have, have already been answered just viewing most of the front pages :p


Anyways once again hope I will be able to contribute to the forum's at least some point in time.

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