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Dragonmount on The G-Spot


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Hey all,


Some of you may know this but I'm sure a few of you don't yet, so I'll try to briefly explain what this is about.


Several weeks ago, Kara and myself were kind of tricked into hosting an online radio talk show and to our surprise found it to be quite fun. The name of the show is G-Spot and yes, it's not PG13. Though don't be alarmed by it, it's not a sex talkshow but there can be the occasional joking around, bantering or tongue-in-cheeck comments that cross the line of the PG13 rule.


What G-spot is about is basically a bunch of friends sitting around talking about a specific topic each week. We've opted for a very relaxed, casual and freestyle format instead of operating on a fixed schedule to allow for whatever mood strikes us and our guests. Needless to say we cover quite a bit of fantasy but that isn't the only area and there are already plans to do a show on different cultures, languages and so on. It boils down to whatever topic we find interesting or have a fancy talking about.


The show is supposed to give a non-American view on things, though it is not to be taken too seriously. We laugh a lot, joke a lot, tease a lot and generally focus on just having a good time. Whether it is equally enjoyable to listen to, well that's for the audience to decide ;) As for the 'non-American' part, that's to be taken with a serious amount of flexibility for there's not been a show without at least one or two Americans on it so far.


At the moment, the G-Spot is touring the realm of Fantasy and we have just finished two weeks each on books and movies and fantasy based games. The next two weeks the show will cover online communities, in which Dragonmount will be taking a prominent place and we plan on closing the Fantasy Tour off with a special on the Wheel of Time itself.


This Saturday (tomorrow) we'll look at the topic from a members' point of view, where members from both DM and TV.net (and maybe a few other online sites) will talk about their experiences.

Next Saturday (the 20th) Kathana will be our guest as DM's representative and hopefully the Amyrlin and Keeper from TV.net will also agree to join us as guests.






For those that are curious, here's a few links to check out.


Note: due to USA being on DST but Europe not yet, keep in mind that there's a 4 hour difference now between EST and GMT. So check your local time to be sure.


Live show: every Saturday at 1pm EDST  (Replay show on air: every Sunday at 1pm EDST): http://alldigitalradio.com/index.php

Click on the 'Click here to listen live. ON AIR NOW' blueish icon on the left side of the site.


Podcast of previous shows: http://alldigitalradio.com/?q=station/archives/1327



Those of you that like to follow Life Journal blogs, there's a fan of the show that has made a blog on it. It's pretty funny (she seems to be developping a crush on Manny and Talya), so feel free to check it out too if you like: http://g-spotism.livejournal.com/



small reminder that Kathana will be on the show today at 1pm EDST. And I'm suffering from a major whopping aftherthirst from a party last night. This could get interesting ;)



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