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How to make a Twisted Stone Doorway


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First take equal amounts of metal from the world your starting from and the world you go to via a Portal Stone. Then construct a doorway melding both metals together and then hardening it as one. Next focus the One Power into a single point within the middle encompassing the entire doorframe within that single point. Next weave a Traveling web through this single point and volla a connection has been made to your destination. Go through said portal and then on the other side repeat the first step making the second doorframe as exact as the one in your world the same metals and the same shape. Afterwhich you would then need to weave all around the doorframe and the edge of the portal it being crulendar will keep it from collapsing then sink your weaves into both doorways and hopefully the portal will vanish however a permanent connection has been made. Engrave with your choice of bizzare and cryptic engravings and enjoy!


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