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hey everybody!!


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Well, just thought I'd introduce myself.  My name is Matt, I'm 26 from Cleveland, Ohio.  I work as a bookseller/manager for a local Borders bookstore where I try my hardest to jush Jordan's and now Sanderson's books to any who have not tried them.  I recently sold the entire Mistborn series to a woman shopping the romance section, which I considered a huge win for me.  8)


I started reading WoT about 2 years ago and have been hooked since.  I have only read the series once unfortunately but I plan on rereading the entire series once it is finished.  I am now however currently listening to the audio books starting with Eye of the World. 

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Welcome to Dragonmount Matt!


Heh, I am impressed if you sold Sanderson to a romance books fan.  I myself just read the Twilight series three times though, so I guess we fans can't be pigeonholed. ;)


I'm on my forth read of WOT. I haven't made it to The Gathering Storm yet.  I have not heard the audio books.  Are they read in characters, or just by a narrator?


I hope you will come tour our ogier museum and be awed by what we ogier have managed to teach humans how to build!

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