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The Return [Attn Isha and Drenn first then Open]


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A dark lightless sky; the moon hidden behind the thick blanket of cloud. It seemed to fit his mood, a mood that had become far to familiar. Linten adjusted the saddle pack on the short legged gelding he sat; moved in rhythm with the horses steady trot toward another town. It was the only light in the area and the only potential light for him; a chance to once again start over. Each time he had the Tar Valon witches had appeared; going about their business it seemed. But he knew better; knew they must be Red’s hunting for male channelers; for him. Each time he seemed to settle in; began to find possible comfort and a way to co-exist. They had shown up in all their pompous glory and world saving righteousness. Each time the temptation to stop running; to face them, destroy them if need be, grew. But instead he always slipped out with the coming of night. Black had comforted and protected him more then anyone else since leaving the Farm and he had become found of it’s company. Dark space, dark thoughts, dark life. These were his companions; all he could trust and now the wheel turned again and he found himself hoping to start a new; to find rest.


The town streets were quiet and it pleased him to slip nearly unnoticed into the village. What noise there was to indicate life mainly came for two large buildings that where the Inns for the village. His random choice lead him to the Inn on the left, The Black Mare. The grin that added the faint white trace to his face at sight of the name seemed out of place at first glance but it fit the theme of his life. Slipping from the horse he tossed a couple of coppers to the boy out front. “Mind it’s fed and watered properly, and don’t forget the rub down either.†Turning he stepped up to the door with a large saddlebag over his shoulder and reached out to it. In that instant his world changed and for the first time in over a year Linten felt ice move in his veins again. Somewhere inside a man had just channeled; it was not a large draw. If he had not been this close to the door he may not have noticed. But it had happened; the question that pulled at his haggard mind now was who? And for what purpose? Tension tried to touch him; make him nervous and tighten muscles. But instead he quickly opened himself to the void; fell into its emotionless embrace and studied the door before him that his hand just touched. In there answers maybe found, but also more question . He was tired of question; tired of thinking; tired of trying to survive alone. Perhaps if it was not too late he could teach the man enough to last against the taint for awhile; someone to talk to.


With cautious steps he entered the tavern and moved to the bar. The room was only mildly busy and the plump old women who owned the place immediately met him there. “I’m in need of a room for the night, perhaps more.†It took only a moment to settle on a price before she had another old lady on the move to ensure his room was ready. Glancing over his shoulder he surveyed the room carefully hoping to figure out who had channeled when the very blood in his veins became ice; his breath catching in his throat for a moment. He turned back toward the bar quickly, his glance had been no more then a flick to the table in a distant corner but it was enough for his mind to leap visions before him. Men sat around that table, but these were no ordinary men. He recognized the black uniforms immediately before spinning back to the bar hoping not to be noticed. Ashamen here, a recruiting party perhaps. Unconsciously his hand moved over the saddlebag still on his shoulder; rubbed the black uniform inside. With a slight start he looked up to the owners face as her hand shook his shoulder lightly. “I said your room is ready, She will see you to it.†Only half turning he followed the other women up the steps and into a small cramped room at the end of a hall. Closing the door behind her he quickly latched it and tossed his pack on the bed with a thump; the bed was not going to be soft and comfortable by the sounds of it.


Ashamen here ….. Here, in the same town. How can that be? What are the odds? He paced back and forth over the small room as his mind worked feverously on what to do. In a way they were the answer; if he went back with them then he would be safe from the witches. But it also meant facing the M’heal and Isha his old mentor. What would he say? Would he be happy to see me again? So many questions; his life continued to be unanswered questions that never ceased. He was not sure at what point he had stopped pacing and had pulled the black uniform from the saddle bag. But realization came as his eyes swept toward the door and froze on the image in the mirror. A young man he had not seen in a long time holding a uniform he had not worn in almost as long. Curious puzzlement painted his face; nervous hands held the black cloth. So long it had been since he had felt those feelings. His focus shifted slightly to the sword hilt sticking up over his right shoulder. There would be a price; was he prepared to pay it?


It had taken several more minutes of negotiating and rationalizing with himself before the decision was made. Slowly fingers suddenly made of wood fumbled at his laces and buttons; slightly trembled as they worked at the clothes. With painstaking slowness they completed the job. He turned toward the mirror fastening the high collar and let his hands fall to his side. A view from a distant memory looked back at him from the depths of the mirror; a face, a person he had not seen in over a year and only now realized how much he had missed him. He looked back down at the tunic; his hand smoothing the cloth against his opposite arm taking in the feel of the material; the snugness of the collar. Turning back to the bed he lifted the sword and fastened it to his back once more. With a final adjustment and look in the mirror he took one last cleansing breath and drew the void around him like a protective cloak. “Now the test of your will begins Linten old boy.â€


He closed the door behind him; his hand lingering on the wood as if to leech additional strength from it. Noise from below filtered up the stairwell. His destiny awaited and there was no more time for hesitation. Each step down the stairs was a test of his will to face the men in black and the judgment that may be settled on him when they returned him to the Farm. He could feel the pull of Saidin calling to him as he reached the bottom. A serving girl passing across the stairs base almost dropped her tray before skirting wide around him. Bloody ashes Linten control. Control your emotions; your features. You are better then this. With a conscious effort he relaxed the hard expression that had taken his face and emptied all sense of emotion from it. With a last deep breath he headed across the room toward the men at the table and an uncertain future.


As the crowd parted the table broke into view directly in front of him. Eyes as black as his uniform flashed up from one of the table’s members and regarded him coolly at first and then a tinge of recognition flashed as Linten’s lips moved to the memory, “Drenn.†Suddenly this did not feel like the right choice; the sound of metal meeting metal echoed in his head a vision of Drenn facing him sword locked against his own. Drenn’s eye movement, braking their locked gaze, drew his eyes to the large man at the end of the table with his back to him. A top knot adorned his head and brought back a flood of memories; threatened to break him then and there as loss and fear battered violently across the smooth surface of the void. Spidery web lines cascaded over it’s surface; gave the impression of a shattered mirror. His throat felt dry and tight but he knew there was no way to turn back now. His tongue swept across his lips; tried to bring moisture to them. Focusing he worked the words over in his mind before he let them pass between himself and the men at the table; worked to ensure his voice remained calm and flat. “Recruit Linten al’Dracain reporting. I stand ready for your orders.†His hand moved to his chest in a salute and then fell to his side as he stood emotionless watching and waiting.


Linten al'Dracain

Black Tower Recruit

A lost wanderer returns hesitantly

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Guest Estel

This had been the first time the M’Hael had let him leave his bed since... Even in his mind, he skirted the memory, refusing to acknowledge it for that would make it all real again. He would give anything to blot that memory from his mind. Every night he relived the pain, every night in his dreams a face was there.


Unconsciously, Isha ran a rough finger along the edge of the crater where his left eye had been. He had left much in that place of nightmares but taken as much with him- but left behind or taken with, none of it bore fond memory. The hard seat dug into a bottom, too used to laying in a bed. Damnit! He had gotten soft! How had he let this happen?


~Soft!~ The Voice cackled in his head. What it was, or who it was, was lost on the big man. He had never been one for philosophy... or whatever it was that was required to understand what was happening in his mind. ~You are still too hard, boy! Damn, you’re not a man! You’re mad!~ ‘Not in comparison to you.’ The Voice giggled in reply. That was another thing, ever since his- he winced inwardly, just remembering it- torture, he had The Voice had sort of begun to talk. Almost as if The Voice was a person. Burn him! Maybe he was mad! He shook off the thought.


Drawn out of his reverie by a nudge he took a moment in remembering what he had been doing. “You can’t learn, boy.†A mixed expression of relief and disappointment passed across the young man’s face. Isha knew those sentiments all too well. Everyday a new boy would come to train, wondering whether his power was for good or ill. Burn him, but Isha could still remember feeling the same thing some years ago when he had first went to the Tower.


“Recruit Linten al’Dracain reporting. I stand ready for your orders.â€


Isha spun, knocking over his chair in the process. It couldn’t be! It was! But how? Shock passed through him and for once, the giant found himself completely frozen in spot. His mouth hung open and his good eye was ready to pop out of his head and render him completely blind.


In the Blight, Isha Talcontar was a sure, quick-thinking soldier. He did what was needed to survive and kill the enemy. Physically, he was everything he could possibly be. But psychologically... Isha was never good with emotions, especially his own. He built walls around himself so nothing could penetrate his heart and harm it.


And now, here before him stood a boy he had known. A boy he had cared for. Linten had been his first mentee, his first failure at anything. Isha had always succeeded- the strongest man, the quickest to become Asha’man- except for Linten. He had failed the boy.


So how should he feel? Guilty? Angry? Overjoyed? Sad? Confusion held him in a trance and he simply said nothing.

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Drenn was quickly growing bored of testing all these people in the inn they'd come too. He'd long since forgotten the name. It wasn't important. What was important was that they were turning up no results among this town's population. Not a single one of the lot could ever hope to channel. He briefly thought how lucky they were for that but pushed the thought aside. They needed more recruits in the tower. The number of recruits who weren't surviving was becoming a number too high for comfort. He avoided thinking about the taint and madness as if somehow by ignoring it wouldn't come too him. But he knew that wasn't true. He hardly ever slept anymore and when he did it was troubled by... nightmares. Or something of the sort… He could never remember what they were but what he knew for certain was the meaning of harm was more then an illusion. The pain was real. So he simply didn't sleep aside from when his body began to truly need it for survival.


Bad thoughts... His hand twitched to adjust the dragon pin that now adorned his high-necked collar but he stayed it for sake of not appearing shaken. He was an Asha'man now and he would be expected to act it. He glanced over at Isha. Isha had been through worse then he and here he was doing his job as Drenn was expected too. It was his first outing to gather recruits as an Asha'man and burn him if he wasn't going to do his job. He looked up to the next kid in front of him who seemed to almost be shaking as Drenn's eyes met him. Black eyes like his were not common. He felt the boy with Saidin but he found nothing and turned him away like all others before him. The boy moved away a little more quickly then was necessary but still slow enough that he was thinking he didn't want to offend an Asha'man. Drenn almost laughed but held back so as not to appear mad. He did enjoy the effect he had on others and non-channelers were all the more obvious about it. If only he'd been allowed to bring his cloak... But he had been told it would just be too much for some of these people. For starters being an Asha'man was enough for most but with his black eyes... They'd be scaring enough people off that they'd never find anyone. That was the main reason he hadn't done this before. He was a deterrent.


He was about to go back to examining the next man in front of him when he saw something that he had not expected and almost made him weave a shield then and there. The face was one he hadn’t seen in a long time. In fact he’d lost track of how long it truly had been. Time passed strangely for him now. But there was no mistaking Linten. Their eyes met and locked as they each remembered the other. The last time he had seen Linten he had been forced to draw his sword on the man in defense of Rion. He’d never really found out what had happened to Linten and given the way the man had been acting he really hadn’t cared. He’d merely dismissed him as another of the Towers regular losses. Seems he’d scratched him off too soon. He suddenly remembered though that Isha had been Linten’s Mentor. He broke their stare and glanced over at Isha. What would the giant man think about this? It seemed the question had gone through Linten’s mind as well as he stiffened up even more when his eyes fell on the man.


“Recruit Linten al’Dracain reporting. I stand ready for your orders.†Linten’s voice was perfectly calm but he could tell the man himself wasn’t. Drenn didn’t think he would be. The void was the only thing keeping face solid at the moment and he assumed it was only the same training keeping Linten’s that way. Isha on the other hand had a different reaction. As soon as he heard the voice and the words accompanying it he spun around, knocking his chair over to simple stare at Linten. His mouth worked wordlessly as he seemed unable to find his voice. Drenn knew there was more to this then he was aware of but for the sake of maintaining order he couldn’t let this confusion continue. He saluted Linten in return and even though Isha was his superior, Drenn took the lead.


“Recruit, You will return to the Black Tower with us promptly and report to the M’Hael for debriefing.†That would be the necessary formality. They had spent far too long in this little town without turning up any results and the few people left seemed to be re-thinking their decisions and were starting to leave. There was nothing else to hold them here and as such they were best leaving. "If you have any other belongings retrieve them now and report out front prepared to leave." His voice was harder then he intended but he was not about to change it now.

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Linten watched as the chair clattered to the floor; a single wide eye lock on him. It was the first time he had ever seen open bewilderment on the large borderlander. He had seen different emotions from him at the yard and on that fateful day in his home borderland; his fathers grave. Concentrated control kept the shiver from manifesting at the grave side remembrance. He studied his mentor’s face; recorded every mark and line displaying a maze of emotions. But he could not stop from glancing back to the puckered scar that ran through tissue and a dark socket where his eye should be. Who could have done this? Isha had been a tough hard and disciplined mentor; soldier. But now before him Linten saw a man lost to himself; gripped by emotions that seemed to fight themselves for control. Had anyone suggested it was possible earlier in his career with the Tower he would have fallen over unable to walk with laughter. But laughter was a distant thought now. Will he still accept me? Does he despise me so much?


Movement from the corner of his focused vision normally would have alarmed him; had sword and Saidin in hand. But now it registered only dimly; a fly buzzing around his head as he stood motionless be fore his speechless mentor hoping for acceptance; understanding. “Recruit, You will return to the Black Tower with us promptly and report to the M’Hael for debriefing.†The sudden hard tone of Drenn’s voice broke though him; startled him slightly. He almost flinched at the words; a slight shake visible before he could rein in control. Coolly he looked back at the man; noted the shining Dragon pin on his collar, the guarded stance. Fingers flexed slightly at his side, itched to feel the firm pressure of his sword hilt. His eyes looked back at Isha questioningly only to hear the other man order him to prepare to leave. eyes lingered on Isha’s seeking any sign of the leader he knew existed; hoping beyond hope that he would accept him back.


Again he noted movement in the corner of his eye but his senses where his own again; eyes darting back to Drenn in veiled challenge. At one time he would have; might have called the man friend; but that same night had also pit them against each other. A dark and quiet man with unnatural eyes had met his from opposite sides of death offering edges. Linten had not forgotten where the man’s loyalties had lay that night; he would watch him carefully until proven otherwise. Silence lay thick between them as he continued to study the man now risen to Asha’man status. He tested his reach toward the source and felt no resistance as he neared it but did not touch it. Drenn had far more training them himself now; the pin showed that. But in a fight for survival a man used everything he could and a cornered man fought harder then one expected. He turned his head slightly keeping Drenn still in good view while he addressed Isha, “As requested Asha’man Isha Talcontar so shall I do. If you will excuse me I will gather my things and return.†He offered a crisp salute to his former mentor and the barest nod of recognition to Drenn. With his eyes still on Drenn he back away several steps before turning to head toward the stairs. Most of the common room was empty now; those that remained tried to look busy, to look like they did not see what was happening. Cowards! Bury your head in the sand, but sooner or later you will need the Dargon and those sworn to him. Stopping briefly at the stairs he glanced back toward the table eyes locking briefly on Drenn’s once more before proceeding up.


Closing the door behind him he sagged against it briefly “He said nothing, nothing at all. Am I so great a disappointment he would not even acknowledge my presence. Am I truly so dead to him.†His mouth worked the form of the last few words but his voice had failed him. Slowly his body slide down the door until he was seated on the floor; arms wrapped around his knees he fought to keep emotion at bay. Perhaps he had been wrong in his decision to return. He could run; slip out the back and move on to the next village or town. Lay low in a farm house an wait for the hunting parties to move on; only then what? The witches still hunted men like himself; he could not face them all. What about the taint, if he went mad would he hurt innocent children. He scrubbed the tears that had begun to slide down his face with the backs of his hands. The void had slipped and in it’s absence emotion leeched in. No, he would make this work. The Black Tower needed men who could channel; until the Dragon claimed them for service he needed the Tower.


With stone determination he collected his belongings and stuffed them into the bag; hand closed gently around the small carvings in his pack. Reassurance they were still there helped to melt away some of the stress in his neck. He pulled his hand back out, fastening the bag securely and slipped back into the comfort of the void. Emotionless was how he had to remain; mind alert. He could afford neither a drop in his guard nor a softness in his heart until he fully knew what lie before him. The yard and the M’Hael were the next stop and answers he was not sure he could offer would be sought from him. Perhaps that would be all but he steeled his emotions into a distant corner should that not be the case. He would accept what was to be; but he would not be broken, not yet.


Arriving out front with the short legged gelding at his side he surveyed the little party. Three men dressed in black on a lightless night; the look of death held in them and the tension of silent madness surrounding them. It appeared the town folk were more then happy to see them on their way alone; nothing moved in the streets; window shutters drawn tight against the night. He shook his head slightly; disappointment welling inside. It had been that way in the beginning when he had worn the uniform back then; his hand once more absently rub the material of his opposite arm. They wanted protection from the Father of Lies and his minions. But would only embrace men who could touch Saidin if they were surrounded by Tar Valon witches or they were facing a Trollics pot and no other means of salvation came to them. He was tired of the resentment, the fear; you could rush them, crush them all. Make it look like one of his minions did the deed. A quite low growl escaped him briefly as he cursed the voice and it’s poisonous thoughts; eyes looking back down the deserted street behind them. I need them still …. For awhile I need them. With emotions and thought in a steel grip he faced the other two; a small dark twinkle still lighting his eye. He nodded acknowledge at the men, prepared to follow them; but eyes remained warily on Drenn and his movements. How much of the past lives in you still old comrade.


Linten al’Dracain

BT Recruit mentee of Isha

Quiet defiance is mine.

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Drenn noted the fact that Linten seemed to ignore him. It was somewhat understandable as the last time they had spoken they were both only soldiers and far from any positions of power. In the time that Linten had been gone Drenn had advanced to Asha'man while Linten would return at his low rank. He might have even let it pass had he not seen the man quite obviously take in his Dragon pin collar. Linten knew what it meant and symbolized. Whether he liked it or not, Drenn was now his superior officer.

He suddenly realized he was stretching his fingers as if to grasp his sword hilt and relaxed them. If it came to it he would not deal with Linten via his sword this time. He was far from the most dexterous person with Saidin but he was one of the strongest Channelers in the Black Tower, and now he knew well how to use that strength. No, it was what Linten might do when he was not looking that worried him. He remembered all too well how the man had drawn his blade out of spiteful anger to attack an unarmed and defenseless man. It was something he would not forget. He vaguely remembered the argument and found himself slightly taken aback by the fact that he now stood on the opposite side. He didn't like the fact that he found himself somewhat agreeing with the man now facing him but there it was. He straightened himself and tried to seek a sense of calm within himself. He was letting the void slip around him with these memories.


His movement seemed to catch Linten's eye and the man glanced over at him and there was no mistaking the defiance in his gaze. Yes, there was no doubt Linten remembered their last encounter and would continue to remember it as would Drenn. He didn't like making enemies but he wasn't the "friendly" type. Linten's current behavior wasn't helping much either. It was obvious he was pushing him and seeing how far he could go before Drenn snapped. There was something in the look in Linten's eyes that made Drenn wish he'd shielded the man but he held back and decided it was only fair to give the man a chance to show his intentions. Linten turned his attention towards Isha and addressed the big man in a tone that seemed forcibly calm.


“As requested Asha’man Isha Talcontar so shall I do. If you will excuse me I will gather my things and return.†Drenn nearly snapped on Linten at that point. Everything before was tolerable but that was blatant disrespect. Drenn glared at Linten as the man made his way upstairs barely having acknowledged him at all. If this kept up he was going to have to set the man straight. Anger towards him was understandable but this was open belligerence and insubordination. He barely realized nor cared that his hands were balled up into fists.


“He seems to respond better to you Isha so either you reel in his behavior or I will.†It was a harsh growl and unlike before it was intended. His patience was at an end. Once again Drenn wished he had his cloak… He felt a sudden surge of anger at the thought of the cloaks previous owner. He would find that Fade and make him pay. That bloody forsaken too if he could ever get his hands on him… That in itself raised more anger at how easily he’d been swept aside and controlled. He’d been weak… He wouldn’t be weak again! Looking around he realized that both himself and Isha were simply standing there, lost in though “Blood and ashes,†he muttered, “Come on Isha. We need to go.â€


They stood outside waiting for a few minutes before the saw Linten appear, walking a slightly shorter-then-usual horse. Drenn found himself only slightly surprised at the horse but realized that Linten would hardly have mastered skimming or gateways so an alternate means of speedy travel was necessary. The man merely nodded to them before Drenn turned around and started back towards their designated Traveling area here. It was some ways outside the town so they had a bit of a walk ahead of them. Wrapped in the void Drenn could hear every step and every breath taken by the two men behind him and with Saidin nearly in his grasp he was ready should Linten try anything vindictive. His head was swimming with questions. Where had Linten gone and disappeared to? Isha was obviously greatly surprised by the man’s appearance. Why was that? Blood and ashes…

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The tension between Linten and Drenn went unnoticed until his former mentee finally retreated to gather his things. Everything and nothing went through Isha’s mind as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Linten was returning? How much had the boy changed? Light, how much had he, Isha, changed? So much had happened since they had parted ways and only time would reveal what was to pass between mentor and mentee.


Burn him, but it was so much easier to simply turn off all emotion and sit in the Void, protected from what scared the big man most- his own feelings. After his father had died, Isha had built walls and shields around his heart to prevent anything from ever wounding it so badly again. Now, after... recent events, the walls had become thicker. He was a weapon! Emotions were unnecessary. ~You disgust me~ Isha nearly snarled as he savagely stomped The Voice out.


With Linten gone, the bid man was finally able to begin to rationalize the situation. Linten was gone, but that still left Drenn. The night Linten had left- or rather Linten had been abandoned- Drenn and the boy had nearly come to blows over a few comments of Rion’s. A rift had already began to form between Isha and Linten and Isha had had little to no control over the boy’s actions.


Finally, Drenn’s attitude wore down on Isha’s nerves. “Leave him be, Drenn. I don’t want to know what he’ll do if he’s pushed. The last thing we need is blood to be spilled.†‘I don’t think I could bear the guilt if he died with his blood on my hands.’ ~So you’re not heartless~ ‘It’d be easier if I were.’ Though he could not be sure, Isha sensed The Voice was disappointed.


True to his word, Linten led a short-legged animal towards them. The giant was not quite sure what he would have done if Linten had decided to run. They needed to talk. Linten’s welcome to the Tower would not be warm and Isha wasn’t even sure if there would be time once the others got to him. Blood and ashes! What would Dalinar do? Would Linten be branded a deserter?


“Drenn, check to see that no one’s around to cause trouble.†It was a ploy to get the man out of the way and the black-eyes man knew it. Isha was relieved when the order was followed. But that left him alone with Linten ~That was what you wanted~ ‘But now what do I do?’ ~Don’t ask me, Light, I must be mad! I’m being asked questions by a voice in my head!~ Isha’s surprise was soon lost on the sudden awkwardness of the silence.


“Where have you been?†The question was asked both out of curiosity and the need to break the silence.

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Drenn seemed to remember well their past or so it seemed. He watched him with as much caution and readiness as Linten did him. What would happen if either slipped; would Isha stop them. Would he spare Linten or turn his back as Drenn dealt dead and release from the madness? Linten was not sure either way at this point, his former mentor’s silence troubled him greatly. But he spared it only a moments time and focus. He would not be blindsided by Drenn if he could help it. The man moved off ahead of them; a cold dispassionate shell wrapped around him but Linten could still see the tenseness in small muscles. Neither was about to let their guard down around the other.


Isha’s final utterance of words almost startled him as his focus on the more distant shape of Drenn was so intense. He had not noticed the stretched silence between them until his mentor had spoken. At least he hoped he would still be his mentor; he still didn’t know if Isha would accept him. Turning his eyes back to Isha’s scared face Linten studied the man for a moment. Read what he could from the expressions present and void on Isha’s face; the tone threaded through his voice. Survival had made it necessary to learn to read expressions and emotions. He was still not a master like some of the Cairhein he had observed, but he had learn some valuable insights that had kept him alive thus far. Only now his own emotions seemed to muddle what he saw; what he hoped he saw.


“Chasing demons and dancing with death,†his voice was quiet with a guarded matter of fact edge still riding on his words; a guarded inflection that had become habit and second nature. He had to keep his head straight now, had to. This maybe his only chance back to some semblance of family and belonging, he could not afford to alienate the man. Deep down a spark of hope took light; warmed to the thought that perhaps Isha might still accept him back. Welcome him as mentee again forgetting that day at the grave side. “You look …. You look awful,†a small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth; attempted lightheartedness in his voice. But worry still prevailed underneath. What do I do if he does not accept me? Where can I go? Will he even let me leave again? The last thought had his mind reaching toward Saidin’s call before he realized it and rationality took over stopping it’s touch of the sweet and tainted source moments before it might have been to late. Isha was not his enemy, would not betray him. He was his mentor and somewhere in the hard man before him he knew he still existed.


The empty socket and new scars kept pulling his eye; making him self conscious of the flick of his eyes repeatedly. The big man did not deserve that no matter the situation; how could someone have let it happen? “Is Ben still with you?†It seemed like a safe place to start; a former mentee from the same time as Linten and also assigned to Isha. Perhaps Ben had done better as a mentee for Isha; had made him proud unlike the boy who had cowardly run from the only thing he had left to call family.


edited for text marker corrections

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  • 2 weeks later...

Linten’s anger confused and angered the big man. ‘Why is he beating around the bush? Light, how much as he changed? Why is he so wary of me?’ ~You did leave him in the middle of nowhere~ ‘He chose to remain there, I gave him the option of returning.’ ~You never looked back~ Isha crushed The Voice. It touched far too close on a subject he’d rather not think about.


The boy’s next comment reminded Isha just how much he had changed since Linten had left. He wished the other man would stop staring at his missing eye though- too many reminders of what had happened that night.


“Ben?†Isha searched his mind, trying to drag up a face. Oh, right. Another of his failures. “Burned himself out.†Bitterness lay heavy on his words. Neither of his first mentees had become the successes Isha had always dreamed for them. ~You have a second chance now. Linten...~ The big man looked at the boy again. So the Creator saw fit to give him a second chance. Why hadn’t He stepped in when Isha was being tortured?

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Linten almost flinched at the bitterness that swelled in Isha’s voice as he spoke of Ben and the fate the pattern had sealed him to. Both a horrid and blessed fate to one who could at one time touch Saidin. It was a blessing in that it separated the man from the Dark One’s taint on the one power and help to save the madness it caused. But it also meant a separation from a source of the sweetest life could offer. Touching Saidin after the ugly vileness of the taint washed over and through you left you in a euphoria that nothing in the world could match. Desperation and despair was the future of a man cut from it’s touch he had been told. A small shiver raced his spine at the thought of losing the ability to touch Saidin. “Burned out,†the words where more breath then true form as his mind raced over the horror.


So life had been equally hard on the man who had remained true to the Black Tower; true to the uniform they both wore. Has more right then you to it … wasn’t a coward … a sniveling baby at the side of someone else’s grave. Linten’s shoulders tensed slightly as he tried to ignore the taunting voice that had been his only companion after Isha had left, left you alone to die. His eyes cut toward where Drenn had moved off; check to see if the man was watching him before returning his gaze to his mentors. Forcing himself to keep his eyes lock to the one good eye Isha still had; “I am sorry to hear that. Ben was a good man … would have thought he would have made you proud.†His eyes dropped to the man’s feet as he shuffled his stance slightly, his voice low “unlike me.†The past was done and could not be rewritten there was no sense in delving into it’s dark and murky waters; it only held pain, for both it seemed.


“Do you suppose they will allow me to train under someone again?†His eyes came up to read his mentor’s expression; to find truth in the words he spoke. Linten desperately needed the Tower again; needed the sense of family it provided. Foolish weak boy, can’t you stand on your own two feet. They will be your undoing. Reliance is weakness. His jaw clicked; the voice in his head causing him to tense his jaw as he tried in futile to ignore it’s venomous thoughts, words.

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Make him proud? Pride. His former pride had been crushed in a single night. A single night had seen him broken, sniveling on the floor, begging for it to stop. He had thought himself so strong then, strong enough to stand up to anything the Shadow threw at him. Light, he had been so wrong. Isha Talcontar wasn’t strong, he was weak. The Shadow was so strong, where was the Light? Shouldn’t the Light be here, fighting the Shadow? Where was the Creator? If the Dark One had so obvious a hand in events why shouldn’t the Creator? ~He does you idiot, who do you think Lews Therin is?~ ‘Who? Jarron al’Tanin? Where is he? Flitting between Cairhien and Caemlyn, doing nothing. NOTHING!’


“Do you suppose they will allow me to train under someone again?â€


Was that fear in his voice? Why was he so afraid? Did Linten fear him that much? Was that why Linten left in the first place? Did he leave because he was afraid of the man he should have been able to trust? Burn him! What kind of mentor was he? Blood and bloody ashes! None of his mentees had ever reached the rank of Asha’man!


Anger and frustration welled up inside him. ‘Why in the flaming Pit of Doom is he so scared of me? Have I ever given him reason? Damn the boy! He wouldn’t even give me a straight answer when I asked where he had been in the last year!’


The anger coursed through his veins, demanding it be let off. Finally, at the point where he could take it no longer, Isha grabbed hold of Linten’s shoulder, pulling him to a halt. “Why are you so afraid?†He hissed at the boy through clenched teeth. He longer to yell and scream, but he didn’t dare let Drenn know. “What in the Light is wrong with you? If you’re so scared of me, why did you bother to approach me tonight in the first place? Why can’t you even give me a straight answer? Damnit boy, why...†The last question ended in a growl.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why was Isha so void of emotion with him? Am I so awful a disappointment Isha will not accept me back; not remember the boy I had been when I was assigned to him? Refuse to remember the innocence that had met his soldiers eyes at first arrival. A lost soul seeking a place to belong and perhaps an understanding to some of the many questions that had plagued him since … No he would not allow that thought back into his life now; had no time to afford it a life while he still did not know his own fate amongst these black clothed men. Back then Isha had been a man he had looked up to with great regard; a mentor he strove to find peace through and hoped to return even a measure of the benefit he gained from the association with the big man.


Sudden firm pressure gripped his shoulder and spun him effortlessly. Movement seemed to slow as the Void flashed up around him; floated in it’s cold separated emptiness. Saidin leapt to his grasp; oil tainted vile slicked his skin and wrenched his stomach fiercely as the torrent current of Saidin filled him. His eyes, flat mirrors reflecting everything back out and allowing nothing to be seen inside, locked to the danger that threatened his life again. A weave already beginning to form over the tall shadowy figure in front of him. The weave never finished it’s form as realization screamed and battered the smooth surface of the void. Recognition that beg to be let in; spoke of wrongs and need. Something felt wrong in this; hesitation a luxury that he had never been afforded since their separation bore from the moment of confusion.


A sudden thick sheet of glass slammed through between him and Saidin and eyes that had been flat reflecting mirrors flashed with horror and shock as the unfinished weave dissipated. His muscles tensed with a sudden fear as he threw himself at Saidin once and found no contact. A strange hiss echoed in his ear; recollection of metal sliding over metal came to mind as he fought for understanding of what was happening. He had let his guard down and they had him now but steel would bite flesh before they drug him off to be stilled and turn mad from the loss. How? How could this be? They were behind him, he had found safety … What was it. Where was the safety he had found; light where did they go? He needed them and …


Confusion smote his mind in flashes; raced ahead of consciousness and the beat of his heart. With sword half drawn the world caught up to his fear and he froze as if a garden statue in some fine royal garden. The shadowy image before him came clear as Isha, and for the first time in over a year he felt the ice cold bolt of shame drive though him. For the second time he face the one man he knew he needed with the ugly thought of death burning inside. What was he becoming? This was the man he needed and he was about to separate himself further from him. A familiar feeling began to well up inside; a distant old friend he had sent away that very night Isha had left. Inside he struggled to crush the sorrow and loss that wanted to bring forth tears again to him. He would not let them return; they were weakness and he would not be weak again. Never again.


A dark eye observed him severely as he slowly straightened; his raised hand eased the partially displayed blade back into the sheath on his back. Sheer determined will forced the fingers to uncurl and release the hilt they had married only moments ago. “Sorry,†the void still held his voice emptying any emption that would have touched his words; “certain reactions become habit when they are necessary for life.†He straightened; trying to make it looks as if the situation was completely normal. “As for training,†he shrugged nonchalantly, “I had hoped you would have taken me back again.†Inside he wanted to scream his apologies to Isha, to ask him to train him; protect him. Tell him how he had missed him, wished nightly for him to return and retrieve him like it was a bad nightmare. But none of it reached the surface; broke from the iron grip he held it inside with. A word wrong or a feeling innocently released might set open the flood gates from which he would not be able to hold back.



OOC: I’ll let you and Drenn decide which one slams the shield on Linten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Isha’s eyes- ~Eye~ - went wide for a moment before instinct kicked in. Saidin flooded into him, drowning him in its toxic bliss. Linten’s power was still no match for his own- no doubt the boy would bypass his mentor’s pitiful strength soon- and pure Spirit slammed between the obviously panicked young man and the blissful bane that was the male-half of the One Power. ‘If only al’Tannin could remove the Taint.’ The Voice laughed. ~Lews Therin is the Dragon, but he can’t undo the Dark One’s own work... Only the Creator himself~ It sighed.


Broadsword and bastard sword were both partially drawn. The memory of the Sheinaran hilltop came to mind and he desperately hoped Linten wasn’t stupid enough to attack him again. If the boy kept this up, the giant would have no choice but to kill him. ~So much death~ Isha couldn’t help but add his own resigned sigh to that of The Voice. His usual shiver followed as It fled to the dark crevices of his mind. Luckily, the hand on the blade was released and while the older man followed suit, he dared not release his hold on saidin, nor drop the Shield. Linten was far too unpredictable.


“Sorry, certain reactions become habit when they are necessary for life.â€


~And yet they cause death~


‘Are you a philosopher?’


~I’ve been called that but it wasn’t my trade so-to-speak~


‘You had a trade?’


~Of course I did, fool boy!~


‘Are you real?’


No answer came and an odd feeling came over the usually solitary man; loneliness. Linten was there, but how far could he trust the boy?


“I had hoped you would have taken me back again.â€


“How far can I trust you?†He said, repeating the question voiced in his mind. “You’ve drawn steel and saidin on me tonight and you still don’t answer my questions! Damnit, Linten! I want to trust you but you have to give me a reason. So far you’ve given me nothing.†Suddenly, more rare feelings- or perhaps they weren’t so rare, Isha just repressed them- came upon him; fear and a sense of having laid too much out for the boy to see. While he didn’t usually wear an emotionless mask as Dashiva did, Isha rarely displayed anything except amusement or anger. Anything else was weakness and he was expected to be strong. Strong for the Dragon, for the Light, for his father... and for Linten.


ooc: SORRY!! I promised to get this up last week but I've been fighting off exhaustion all week, so...here I am very very late....

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  • 1 month later...

Isha’s words were like a slap in the face for Linten, a slap he well deserved and did not fault the tall man for. But they also peaked a curiosity that had not otherwise been there. Isha had never been so …. open before about his feelings toward him. It seemed to be at odds with all Linten remembered of his prior mentor. The man had been strong and authoritive; let humour show in the strangest situation and was no stranger to displaying his anger when appropriate. Isha had more then enough reason to show that anger to Linten now, he had given him more then enough to be disappointed in the boy. Yet there was something else there, something in his words; a seeking perhaps.


Linten stared intently at the Shienarian’s lone eyes as if trying to see his thoughts held deep in the darkness of his own mind. He had pondered what a meeting with Isha might be like since his abandonment. Each one was different; unique as the very day and time it was given life in his mind. Only none of those encounters held a man like the one before him. The more Linten went over the man’s words in silence while they remained motionless; staring at one another. The more he was convinced Isha was searching for something, the question was what? ~Are you sure you want to walk that road now Linten?~ They were neither words nor thoughts yet they formed out of nothing to be nothing and yet he knew their meaning to be true. Was he truly willing to walk that road now, before he had time with Isha; time back in the Black Tower and the training he still needed?


Silence had become a friend of Linten’s during his travel, the drawn out silence in a conversation that most would rush to fill he found a comfort. It was there that many men lost their edge; secrets and thoughts revealed themselves in rushed words and actions. But his old mentor in that aspect remained true to the man Linten had come to admire and, now for the first time since he had left him deserted in a foreign land, worry about. “A reason …. You make it seem like such a simple and trivial task Isha.†His eyes broke away from the penetrating gaze of the Shienarian and glanced back up the road toward the location Drenn had headed. That was a further problem he would sort out in time; but it was not time for that now. Looking back for a moment as if struggling to find an answer in the older man’s eyes. A soft sigh escaped him as he unbuckled the sword from across his chest. This was not what he had planned; was not what he had ever imagined would come of there meeting. But he had to make Isha see he was not a threat to the man he looked up to like a father.


His hand caressed the scabbard and hilt; noted how Isha seemed to tense when his hand floated over the hilt. So we must begin at the beginning again my mentor and I will endeavour to win back your trust. Stretching out his hand he offered the sheathed sword to Isha. “I do not fear you Isha, take the blade if you do not trust my words. I will understand. You are who I seek not who I run from.†He glanced once more around them; another of his new habits. He never let his eyes rest long on anything and did not feel comfortable out in the open as they were. “I would not have attacked you with Saidin or steel. It was simply a reaction; you caught me of guard when you grabbed me like that. Truly, I mean you no harm and will accept the shield you hold in place over me if it will help to ease your mind.†His eyes found Isha’s again and studied them for a hint of what was going through his mind; noted how he had not collected the gift he held out to him still.


~What of the witches? Do you really think this fool will save you from their grasp? They will find you again, and when they do you will know true torment as they rip Saidin from you.~


Shut up damn you! I have no time for this now, I trust him.


~Do you now …. But for how long?~




OOC: hey no problem … As you can see I kind of forgot it was my turn. :(

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Reflex made his hand shoot to the hilt of his sword. Ever since... that night... any movement that resembled a threat in the least bit set him on edge. Light, he couldn’t even bring himself to trust anyone let alone a boy who had already bared steel to him. Despite his tough exterior and usual aloofness he had a soft heart, something he discovered while torturing Marak. Each time a person flinched away from his freak outside he felt a pang. Isha Talcontar- big, strong, hard Attack Leader Isha Talcontar was lonely.


Perhaps that was half the reason Linten’s return affected him so much. Even before the boy had been assigned as his mentee Isha had taken him under his abnormally large arm from the moment he had arrived. The Andoran lad had been closer to him than just about anyone else.


When Linten handed the sword to him, Isha had no idea how to react. Linten’s words stirred an emotion in him that had died along with large part of him not so long ago: pride. The boy was back. Happiness welled within him, tainted by uncertainty.


~What are you expecting from him?~


‘I’m not sure.’


~Do you expect him to embrace you like some long-lost relative? Burn you lad, don’t get your hopes up. If he’s attacked you once he’s likely to do it again.~


‘What do you want me to do then? Kill him! I won’t, I spill enough blood as is, I won’t start spilling that of innocents, let alone the few whom I may be able to trust!’


~Trust? Can you trust him? Are a few words worth that much? What if he’s playing you? What if he’s a Darkfriend?~




~What makes you so sure?~


‘Blood and ashes! One moment you’re telling me to soften my heart, the next I’m not hard enough!’


The Voice had no answer for him and it retreated back to its hiding place in the darkest, least explored places of his mind. Defeating The Voice brought some sort of strange satisfaction to him.


He realized with a start that he was standing stock-still, staring at nothing, still holding Linten’s sheathed sword. How long had he argued with The Voice? He remembered Vaerraent’s odd fits and wondered whether Linten worried as he had about Vaerry. The question surprisingly didn’t draw out The Voice. ‘Are you sulking.’ He almost sneered.


Finally, he handed the sword back and released saidin, letting the Shield dissipate. A warm smile twisted his face and he spoke with rarely shown emotion. “No need for that, boy. I need at least someone I can trust.†He had changed since Linten had left. Isolation and fear had softened him. “Drenn!†he called out to the darkness and then half-whispered “It’s time to return home.â€


ooc: no probs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Relief flickered on the void's surface; tittered across the glass like expanse between the black emptiness that held him in focus and the winsome emotion that sought out a home. Isha had accepted him, or perhaps was curious enough to bring him back to the yards without further questions and demands. Only time would indicate whether that had been a good decision or a bad one. Either way, his experience had taught him that only one person could truly be trusted in this world and right now that one person was him self. He needed Isha, still wanted to believe in the man. But he was also the reason Linten had been separated from his own kind; forced to stay running from the witches of Tar bloody Valon. Seething anger beat upon the void, begged admittance back into his heart, sought out revenge. Patience, the time will come when warm blood and dirt will mix to make the mud beneath feet.


For a precious moment his world slipped; masked dropped slightly as eyes widened. Where had that thought come from? Was he truly willing to kill? He would never let them take him alive, but would he actually hunt them as they did his own brethren. A shiver escaped his control; raced the length of his spine setting his shoulders to motion briefly as Isha's half whisper spoke of home. Indeed it was time to be home, to be were he might still be accepted. ~Will they take you with open arms?~ His feet stuttered in there following of Isha as the reality crashed down on the void. He had been gone for a long time, there would have been changes. Even his old mentor had changed; what if he wasn't welcome any longer, was labeled a run away or traitor and separated, ridiculed, punished. These thoughts had never occurred to him prior to this moment. They had tried to find a place in thought but he had always dismissed them. Now the reality was to close to ignore. What if he was returning to his own death instead of a welcome?


Will wrestled with desire to control the urge to draw Saidin in once again, to find comfort in it's power and strength. But he had to control that desire, that reaction of self preservation that had taken root in him since Isha had left him in the borderlands. He would need a clear, level head for what would await him in the Black Tower; home. A thought strayed from the dark, the void separating it from emotion, would his stuff from his real home still exist? Would it still be there for him when he returned? Drenn materialized out of the darkness ahead of Isha and Linten. Focus returned sharply to Linten's mind as he watched the man's back cautiously. He still had to figure out were they stood. His leaving left them unsettled in where a relationship might have gone. He had advanced in the ranks well while Linten was absent; would no doubt expect a certain level of respect for his position. It could be the lever in which to set events in motion should the need arise. But for now he would have to work to feel out where they might find common ground.


Studying intently, Linten tried to watch the pattern Drenn weaved Saidin into before the door materialized and rotated into place. It was a complicated pattern; one Linten had only been able to record a fraction of. He would have to watch this happen more often if he was to memorize the correct sequence. Familiar smells drifted through the opening as he took a moment to gaze at the traveling grounds through the hole now occupying space in front of them. There was no backing out now, he was committed to what the wheel willed in it's weaving as he stepped forward and through the gateway. He could feel the black eyes of Drenn burrowing into him as he passed but refuse to acknowledge him. His focus was on the hard packed dirt beneath his feet from all the traffic that passed over these grounds. The familiar markings still roping off the area to keep fools from wandering to close in curiosity. The gateway cared not whether tree, rock, or soft flesh. When it opened it cut through everything in it's way.


Drawing a deep breath he relished in the scent; closed his eyes and pictured home once more. He was back, now he needed to know if he was accepted. Opening them he noted Isha's progression past him and began to follow. He felt the gateway close and dissipate behind him as Drenn followed closely behind. But things had changed now, Isha seemed to be standing taller, stiffer. From a distance there would be little doubt the man between Drenn and Isha was being escorted, escorted and watched carefully. He could still feel Drenn's studying gaze on his back once more. Now was not the time for him to make a foolish emotional mistake.

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OOC: My sincerest appologies for my lateness. Time has been hectic and fleeting... I will do my best to keep up from now on though.



“Drenn, check to see that no one’s around to cause trouble.†Drenn looked at him for a second before realizing what Isha was doing. He knew aswell as Drenn that there was no one in the area. He could probably have used Saidin to quickly feel around the area with a ward to try and detect someone but that was not the purpose. Drenn realized that Isha wanted some time to talk with his old student and he guessed his slight hostility was probably not helping. With a nod to the man he set out to scout ahead.


he made his way about fifty paces ahead of them and then turned off the path into the woods. Their travelling site had been off into the woods a bit to avoid any unecessary injuries upon their arival though that meant that it was somewhat difficult to find again. He knew though that they weren't far enough to have reached it yet and had decided to enter the forest simply becasue he prefered it to walking out in the open. He guessed they were probably no more then a mile away but since he couldn't be sure, it would be best to travel through the woods to avoid missing it. It had been seventy-eight paces from the road, he had counted to be certain, and near a large oak with a large knothole at nearly eye level.


He moved as quietly as possible but with enough speed to keep himself ahead of where Isha and Linten must have been on the road. He didn't want to let them get ahead him. As he moved the moon slid out from behind the clouds that had been concealing it and revealed its full self. With the light playing across the branches in the canopy, shadows danced around like demons waiting to pounce. He moved as one of those shadows.


As he was moving through the trees he suddenly felt the tingling sensation of Saidin back by the road. He could feel that both men had taken hold of the power and he worried at what would come next. Rushing back he suddenly felt one of the sources of Saidin disapear and he hoped that he wasn't too late. As he reached the forest's edge he saw Isha and Linten with swords drawn though Isha held Linten in a shield. He sighed with relief as he saw that the larger man was in control of the situation. It was Lintens tone afterward though that surprised him the most.


The man was completely calm and acted like nothing had happened seemingly completely ignoring the fact that the larger man held him with a shield. Had Linten truely gone mad during the time he had been gone? Had the rest of them? With everything that had happened, were any of them truely sane? He understood well what Isha had been through. He still had scars from the burns he'd recieved at the hands of Aginor. The thought of that name itself made the flames of fury burn heatedly within him. The forsaken had merely toyed with him! Could he ever gain more control over Saidin to be his match? That thought brought him out of his internal wanderings and as he raised his head he saw something even more surprising to him. Linten was holding his sword out for Isha to take. Maybe he hadn't gone mad... He suddenly found himself finding a little bit more respect for Linten. He was taking responsibility for his actions. This was something Drenn hadn't seem before.


Isha handed Linten back his sword and spoke a few words before calling out,

"Drenn!" He waited a few moments while he collected his thoughts. Maybe Linten had changed. Maybe... Only time would truely tell. Linten hadn't shown him much since He'd shown up in the inn and as his memories of the man's behaviour there came back he found his newfound sense of hope for the man diminish.


Drenn stepped out of the forest and due Isha & Linten having stopped he was now slightly further ahead of them then the fifty paces he had originally put between them so he waited while they caught up to him. They had covered some ground since he'd left but they still had a fair ways to go so, though he wasn't sure how much he like the idea, he turned his back to them and lead the way.


As he walked he thought about Linten and the things he'd seen. He was torn on what he thought about the man since his actions tonight had been so sporadic. One minute he shows respect, then he's as belligerent as ever. One minute he's calm and calculating the next he attacks and goes back to being calm. He nearly took hold of Saidin then and there and put up the shield that Isha had foolishly let drop. If it came down to it would Isha side with him or his old mentee? Drenn wondered and found himself concerned when he found himself truely uncertain. Surounded in the void he walked on in silence.


Finally they reached the location where they'd originally left the woods. Drenn knew as he had maked it with an array of sticks he'd picked up as they had made their way through the woods. It wasn't the kind of thing anyone would look at as strange but since he was looking for it he knew its meaning.

"This way." he said while indicating with a finger.


As he stepped into the woods he started counting his steps. Seventy-eight. As he drew closer he saw the large tree through the brush and once they reached it he could see where their gateway had cut several branches clean. focusing he took hold of Saidin and waded into it's blasting torrents constantly threatening to carry the unweary away with them. The euphoria he felt as everything around him became clearer and louder. He could almost hear the heartbeats of his companions. Then came to taint. he nearly gagged as always when it took hold of him. It's vile corruption seeking to drive him mad. But he was in control. Several beads of sweat formed on his brow as he worked the weaves of the gateway. It was excedingly difficult for him as the complexity was nearly beyond him. Thoughts of Aginor threatened to enter his mind but he pushed them aside and focused on what he was doing. With a final touch of spirit tghe weave snapped into place and the gateway rotated into place before them. He made a resonably large one as while it was a difficult weave, his strength with the power made its size less of a problem then it was for others.


stepping aside He let Isha pass through first and then waited as Linten passed. He didn't take his deathly black eyes off the man as he passed. He still wasn't sure about where he stood with him.


Once the two men had passed through the gateway Drenn followed and let it close behind him. Isha now stood infront of Linten while Drenn brought up the rear. the question was now what? Would Isha go straight to Dalinar or would he wait? Linten would be marked as a traitor for leaving and there was a tree not too far off that blatantly showed what happened to traitors. Would Isha be willing to subject his old mentee to that possibility? Would he be able to let that happen? What had happened to Linten?


"Well Isha? What now?[i/]

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As the big man stepped through the Gateway to what had become him home, he stiffened. A number of emotions coursed through him; nervousness, apprehension, fear, anger. What happened now? Linten was a deserter, deserters were hanged. Light, what happened if they decided to hang him? Who would he support? Would he actually betray his home to free Linten? What if he was just bring the boy to his death? Would Linten hate him? Would he curse him with his last words as the put the noose around his neck? Would he be strong enough to stand watching his mentee die?


However, not all his fear was for Linten. What if Dalinar found out about what he had done? He hadn’t told anyone that he had opened a Gateway while still only a Dedicated or that he had left Linten in the Borderlands. What would they do to him? What could they do to him. ‘Whatever they do, it can’t be worse than...’ The big man shook his head, he didn’t want to think on that right now.


"Well Isha? What now?


“Now we face Dalinar.†He hoped none of the nerves he felt were reflected in his voice.


The rest of the walk passed in silence, Isha was busy arguing with the Voice on how he would react if Linten was given the noose. He hesitated before knocking on the M’Hael’s office door. What would happen now?

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