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I Don't Think This is Legal

Nethran Thaimal

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Hi. :)  I did a search on google for "nine-string bittern" because I remember RJ writing them into a few inns and streetcorners throughout the series.  Anywho, upon realizing that they're probably fictional instruments, I only got one hit.  Someone has put books 1-10, the prequel, and the World of the Wheel of Time up on their personal website.


It seems like it wouldn't be legal to do that.  Am I wrong?


Redacted   <--- Link.  Click WoT on the left.

  • Moderator

Well, I'm one.


It's definitely NOT legal. I shall pass this along to Team Jordan and their team of terrifying lawyers.


Thanks. *Points to Kathana* She's your lady...:D

I don't know how he did it, but yea....I left a comment he probably won't approve to show on the website.



  • Moderator

I went ahead and removed the link, just so this poor person doesn't get hammered with nasty emails and comments. I know you all mean well, but it doesn't look like the site owner meant any harm by posting these novels. Let's let Bandersnatch take care of this, and not form some kind of internet lynch mob.


Oh, I wasn't mean...

"I just said hey, this is illegal, unless you have permission."


I didn't even have cuss words. ;D

I am not that dumb....:D

  • Moderator

Oh, I didn't think you in particular had done anything silly. This is just the sort of thing I can see getting out of hand.


No worries, Nethan. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. =)




but I do have to say..

A lynch mob can be fun. ;D


just kidding..that was horrible...

Thanks Nethran...even though I really didn't do anything. :D


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