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For ASOIAF Fans...What Were THESE Characters BIGGEST Mistake Do You Think?

The Fisher King

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If you had to pick just one (Among each of their many) - Here's Mine!


Her Royal Majesty, The Queen Regent, Cesei Lannister...Uhhh, do the two words FAITH MILITANT ring a bell Your Majesty??? ... How in her right mind could she allow the New High Septon to gain so much Military Control - IN HER OWN CITY???!!! ... She is NOT as stupid and clueless as she oftenappeared in AFFC...In fact, her instincts are usually right on about the money...but...her METHODS were usually nothing short of disasterous...There had always been a CHECK to her reckless rashness, not to be redundant, which that probably was...Tywin, Ser Jaime, Littlefinger, The Spider...even, in ACOK, Tyrion, whom she hated...once AFFC came along, she was Flying Solo and we saw what a Horror-Show she really was...Her instincts were typically very acute, once she went about ''handling'' things, she invariably fell apart...


Lord Eddard Stark...No question...HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN RENLY BARETHON'S ADVICE!!!...Say what you will, but Renly Baerethon WAS a pretty good player of the GOH...I used to think Ned's downfall was not keeping a HUGE Bodyguard around him at all times, but if he would have listened to Renly, the poor guy definitely would NOT have had his dome lopped off :( ... Now, did this show that Ned was not the most flexible man in the world? Probably. Do I think he was ''Too'' Honorable or that his ''Honor'' saw him to his doom? ...Of course not. Thats absurd. ... He was a good man, and a smart man in a pit of snakes...he had no chance...well, excaept for following Renly's Advice.


The King In The North, Robb Stark...Two Words: Jeyne Westerling...Enough Said. ... If not for giving in to teenage hormones this man would CONTROL The North right now and be on his way to smashing the South/Lannisters/Tyrells etc...Ohhh, of course, to be fair, if you wanted to have an HONORABLE MENTION for King Robb's Single Biggest Mistake: NEVER say ''OK'' When a Frey Invites You Over To Dinner :(


Prince Oberyn Martell - The Red Viper...ARROGANCE!!! ... You had the fight WON, dude!!!...Everyone KNEW that Mountain Man's weakness was his LACK of a Long-Reach...he was UNbeatable if you were fool enough to get close within his range...Oh, Oberyn, you played it just right and had him Down and Doomed then you got your Big Ideas instead of just finishing him OFF!!!...I'll never understand The Red Viper's Thinking then...:(


Well, those are MY opinions about it! :)






Oh. I wanted to add about Ser Jamie Lannister.


His biggest mistake was his ARROGANT ASSUMPTION that when he encountered Vargo Hoat that the man would still unquestioningly be under his father's (Lord Tywin) thumb...


Bad things usually happen when you assume and Jamie sadly learned that he was no exception.


The man would still have both hands if he had been sharper when he first encountered Hoat.


The man was a SELLSword for crying out loud!


One of the very few moments we see Ser Jaime come off as Truly Naive.





Oh. I wanted to add about Ser Jamie Lannister.


His biggest mistake was his ARROGANT ASSUMPTION that when he encountered Vargo Hoat that the man would still unquestioningly be under his father's (Lord Tywin) thumb...


Bad things usually happen when you assume and Jamie sadly learned that he was no exception.


The man would still have both hands if he had been sharper when he first encountered Hoat.


The man was a SELLSword for crying out loud!


One of the very few moments we see Ser Jaime come off as Truly Naive.





Then again, you gotta love the poetic justice he gets. One of the few scenes that really made me all warm and fuzzy inside in Asoiaf.


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