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Fantasy genre computer games you recommend?


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We have an XBox 360, and I wondered if anyone could recommend any games in the Fantasy genre or related type of game that I might enjoy?


I have nearly finished Kameo, which I really like, and I just got Fable to play next.


Does anyone have any other suggestions?





Elder scrolls Oblivion and Morrowind.


Fable I and II.


Dragon age origins.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, you can get this through an emulator on your computer, also the coolest game known to man.


I think that covers it for 360. Unless your PC is steam-powered or something, it should be able to run older RPGs like Anachronox, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 and of course Planescape: Torment, the greatest computer roleplaying game ever made.


Well, if you have an open mind towards jrpgs (japanese rpgs) there are a few for the system, although I actually dont have a 360 so I havent played any besides Eternal Sonata, which is multi-console. but there are a few out there, including eternal sonata as i just mentioned, tales of vesperia (ive played tales of symphonia for gamecube and i could recommend the series; it also allows for multiplayer and since you said "we" that might be a good thing [each player controls a character in real time battle]). others are blue dragon (more traditional, turn-based). as well as lost odyssey, which is supposed to be decent it has

, so theres that, if youre a reader. maybe the system lets you download demos so you can try some of them? ps3 has that. im partial to shin megami tensei , dragon quest, and final fantasy series personally, which are more playstation/nintendo domain. if u are looking for PC games, thats another thing entirely. but for what its worth, that dragon age origins did just come out - ive heard its best on pc - but it is also on xbox 360, and ive heard its pretty good. if i didnt have a huge backlog of games id be all over that.


cozyquest is a fun rpg to waste time on iphone  8)


Dragon Age Origins is a good one..  Have been playing it on and off, and would deem it a very good fantasy action/rpg, with a good fighting system and play style..  Story is also well done imo..


I do not own a 360, so I cannot speak to games for that.. I am all PC..  I did always like the Zelda games, which are both fun to play, and decent with story, but you have to live with the out-dated graphics..  The Super Nintendo Zelda is perhaps my fav, because I was gaming when it first came out and was the shizzle, and even a low powered PC now adays can play it..  Just pick up a cheap usb controller from Wal-mart, download the emulation software and the zelda rom, and you are good to go..


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