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Handle: Serey


Character Count: 1


Contact: reidvalerie[at]yahoo[dot]com





Name: Serey Dorrin (Pronounced: Sir-ray Door-in)


Age: 18


Nationality: Amadician





Hair: Shoulder length, thick, curly, dark brown hair. She also has bangs that cover her forehead.


Eyes: Brown, with thick eyelashes


Skin: fair skinned with a heavy splattering of freckles


Height: 5'3” (160cm)


Voice: Alto in range, she tends to be soft spoken


Other: She has a long neck and a heart shaped face with high cheekbones, a long straight nose, and a small chin that all together give her a cat-like appearance. If one were to brush her bangs aside, they would find her forehead branded with the letter “T”. Serey is strong and agile, with the muscles of someone use to hard labor.





Special skill: She is a survivor, who doesn't take the time to feel sorry for herself.


Knowledge weakness: She knows little of history. She also has a poor sense of direction, and is unable to make much sense of maps.


Physical weakness: She has never been much of a runner and no good on horseback.


Personality weakness: She can be stubborn, and hates being wrong. While she is slow to anger, she tends to internalize her feelings until they burst out- most often as a scream of frustration. She has a hard time forgetting her mistakes, is often frightened to try new things- fearful she will only make new mistakes.



PERSONALITY: Serey is a quite girl, who tries her best to stay out of trouble and do what is right. She is shy around people she does not know, but around those she does, she can talk incessantly. Serey is a hard worker, but also tends to be hard on herself- far more forgiving of the faults of others than of her own.





Serey Dorrin was born the only daughter, and eldest of the four children of Tai Dorrin, a soldier for the Children of the Light. She was her father's favorite, as she was the spitting image of his mother and much alike to the woman in character. While her father was out campaigning, Serey, her mother, and her brothers lived on her grandfather's farm located on the outskirts of Amador.



Her happy childhood ended when, at the age of 13, her father took Serey and her 9 year old brother, Caden, to Amador for a week long visit. After settling into an inn, her father gave them each a silver penny and sent them off to the nearby market to buy sweets. Caden, eager for adventure, rushed ahead and the two were separated. After twenty minutes of searching, Serey was relieved to find him sitting on a doorstep, eating sweets and looking very proud of himself.



“Look what I found,” he said and pulled a belt purse out from behind his back.



Serey snatched it away from him. “Where'd you find this?” Peering inside, she found it full of gold coins.



Caden tried to snatch it back. “It's mine now, give it over!”



Spinning on her heels she ran back towards the inn, and her father. She would give the purse to him, he'd know what to do with it.



“Stop that girl!” someone yelled, and Serey found her arms pinned behind her back.



A crowd gathered, and a man stepped forward. “What do we have here?” A man said, grabbing the purse. His white cloak gleamed in the sun, and he wore a satisfied smile.



Serey, unable to meet his eyes, mumbled, “I found it on the ground. My father--”



The whitecloak gripped her arm. “Come with me,” he said, and steered her into a nearby building. “I think I've found your stolen purse, Pieter.”



Pieter, another whitecloak, accepted the purse, and nodded. His eyes shifted to focus on Serey. “You know the penalty for theft, girl.”



It was not a question, but Serey nodded anyway.



Pieter's eyes grew cold. “Get her out of my sight.”



Serey found herself in a small jail cell. She waited and waited for her father to come. When he did, she would explain what had happened- that surely Caden had found the purse on the ground, that all of this was a misunderstanding, and then her father would make everything alright. But her father never came. A week later, Serey was tried, found guilty and released, the letter “T” branded on her forehead.



Not knowing where else to go, she made her way back to the inn, but the inn keeper would not let her past the door. “Tai Dorrin is gone, girl, and if you are not by the count of three, I'll call for the guards. One... Two...”



Serey ran. She spent the next year running, making her way from Amador to her grandfather's farm (where she was chased off- her father announcing he had no daughter), down the river Eldar, across the Sea of Storms to Tear, and then up the river Erinin to Tar Valon. During her travels she took odd jobs, usually in inns, saving up her wages for when she would have to flee to another town, another city.



Not everyone knew what the brand meant, and she had cut her hair into bangs and took to wearing a head band to hide it. But, even so, someone eventually caught a glance of it, someone who did not buy her story that it was a birthmark. Then, she would move on.



When she first came to Tar Valon, Serey did not intend to stay long. But, the city grew on her. Crime was so low that those who saw her brand and knew it's meaning just shook their head, rather than chasing her off. Even the Aes Sedai, who were the monsters of bedtime tales, became something else in Tar Valon: respected, powerful women who's grace and poise Serey desperately wanted to emulate.



After four years in the city, Serey made her way up the Tower steps and wrote her name down in the Novice Book. After five years of running and hiding, she had given up on her father ever rescuing her. Bitterness and a desperate need to feel like she belonged, made the Tower seem like a great fit. After all, if she were no daughter of Tai Dorrin, he would not care that a girl named Serey wanted to become a witch.


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