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Hello to my fellow WOT Fanatics!


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Hi all, finaly brought myself to register,  ;D


so a little about myself, well for one i'm not as big headed as my name suggests, would have had Lord_of_death, but someone beat me to it!  :(

i live in the UK, and have read the entire series, execpt new spring, (next purchase once i have money again)

i love the books and have tried endlessly to convert my friends and family to reading these masterpieces.

i'm not very good at asking question, but am willing to answer any put to me  :)

my favourite character is Mat, which i'm sure we can all relate to, and i loved KoD! tGS was awesome, but then again, the suspence of its arrival here was killing me!

i look forward to speaking to you all in the near future

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