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Full Name: Dashiva Somtaaw

Age: approx. 20

Height: 6'6

Weight: 130 pounds

Build: Slender

Eyes: Deep Brown, almost a Black

Hair: Black

Description: A tall, slim man sporting many scars especially on his



Bio: Dashiva enlisted in the Shienaran Army as a Scout when he was 17 years old, proud to serve his nation in keeping the Blight and Shadowspawn away from the southern nations. Dashiva did his training ruthlessly, never letting anything stop him, from being the best he could be. If he couldn't do something, Dashiva kept working at it, long past the time any other person would have stopped. Dashiva eventually became a scout, and led a small team of other Shienarans

in raids, and scouting missions. Dashiva seemed to have a curse though. On one raid, Dashiva's team got ambushed, and everyone except Dashiva died. Dashiva managed too light a fire, when he concentrated on a piece of wood and cooked the bodies of his dead team-mates so that he could survive. Dashiva made his way back to camp, and got some medical care.


When Dashiva lead a scouting team out, he was ambushed once more, and yet again everyone but Dashiva died. Dashiva managed to light more wood, by looking at it again and concentrating. This happened to Dashiva another 6 times, before on a raid, he was ambushed. Dashiva along with 4 others managed to live this time. Dashiva was thankful that others than just him managed to live. By concentrating on a piece of wood, Dashiva lit the wood and was abut to start cooking their dead team-mates like they had all been taught, when they muttered amongst themselves about male channelers. Dashiva turned around glaring, and all the men ran. Dashiva hunted them down ruthlessly, and killed them all to keep the dreadful secret. Dashiva made his way back to camp, and reported that everyone died in an ambush. Dashiva resigned saying that after so many missions where everyone else died, he couldn't continue. Dashiva collected his pay, and stayed in Fal Dara, and trained with his short-sword and his throwing knives. By the time he resigned, he was a few months from his 20th name day.


After resigning, Dashiva spent some time, deciding if he wanted to go to the Black Tower, and learn to use his abilties. After spending nearly four months thinking on it, he decided to.


Meeting some friends who he had kept, Dashiva quickly organised a 'hiking' trip to the south, visiting Cairhien and other southern nations. After working out the details, Dashiva went home to his bedroom.


Pulling out a large pack with a metal frame, Dashiva smiled and was thankful for having paid a blacksmith to make the frame for the pack. Into it went some clothing, weapons, food, and money. Stuffing the pack as full as he could, Dashiva left it on his bed, and pulled out a smaller bag. In the small bag, he tossed some mementos, a journal and writing charcoal, and more clothing. If things got bad he'd throw the small bag and keep the large one.


Letting his two brothers know he was leaving for a hiking trip, Dashiva belted on his sword belt, sheathed his katana and short sword, and hung a quiver from it. Slipping his arms through the large pack, he lifted the heavy pack easily. Picking up his horse bow, he lifted the small bag with his free hand and moved to the family stable. Quickly saddling his Shienaran stock charger warhorse, Dashiva met his few friends.


Riding out of the city, they headed south, and ran into trouble. A large storm appeared out of no where, and he quickly became seperated from his friends. Trying to make his way south, Dashiva headed for Cairhien like they had agreed.


On the way to Cairhien, Dashiva stopped to camp, and found a corpse. A closer examination revealed a Warder's color-changing cloak, and a pair of fine blades. Wondering what could kill a Warder so far south of the Blight, Dashiva took the cloak and packed it away, thinking it would be useful.


In Cairhien, Dashiva sat in a bar, and a man came up to him, trying to extort money out of him, using lies. Punching the man, Dashiva caused a bar fight, and in the resulting fight, he channeled and the bar turned into flames with most of the people. Staggering away, coughing, and trying to sick up, he was picked up by an Asha'man recruiting party, and was brought to the Black Tower, where he was told he would be trained to use his abilty.




After years of training, Dashiva had turned into a fully trained weapon, and had been given the rank of Tsorovan'm'hael; and was secretly the M'hael haran.


After a few mis-haps that could not entirely be blamed on him, the M'hael stripped Dashiva of his position as the M'hael haran and demoted him to baijan'm'hael.


After his shameful demotion, which Dashiva took badly, he was all but banished from the grounds, on what amounted to discrete spying. With a large wagon he used to supply the Inn, he disappeared in the middle of a night, without letting anyone know where he, or his wife Racelle, were going.


Spending his time as a trader, he built some contacts in one city after another, never knowing whether his reports were getting back to the M'hael, or if they were even being read.


Hearing some rumours of Shienar; he made his way there only to witness his fellow Asha'men losing. Vowing to find out what happened, he quickly left, and purchased a large quantity of supplies before turning his wagon south; planning to return to the Tower.


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