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Lost in the Tower (Attn: Vera and MoN!!!!)


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Moa patted her white mare, gently stroking its wet hide, thanking the fair creature through her hands for the swift and safe journey the mare had given her. Moa felt more comfortable around animals than she had ever felt with a human being in her life. Star, the pristine white mare, was one of Moa’s favorite horses, a horse that always lifted Moa’s spirit when days fell hard. Rubbing Star’s nose gently, Moa gave her a tiny kiss on the nose then gently handed the reins to the stable boy. Giving the boy a stern look over her shoulder, hoping he would understand that the creature meant more to Moa than anything in the world and that if anything happened to Star, Moa would more than likely hunt him down, she started of walking towards the gleaming white tower that could be seen from miles away.


Moa’s long light-brown skirts brushed the tops of her modest brown shoes as she walked towards the steps that lead to the tremendous building before her. Her hands were brushing the side of her skirts, her deep brown cloak draped over them. Moa walked as if in a trance. The Guild of the Illuminators was an extravagant and amazing scene, something she loved to watch every year and would watch every day if she could, but seeing the beautiful work pieces that stood for buildings around her made her faint of heart. This was exactly as she imagined her adventure of life being. She smiled to herself, looking around at the beautiful land marks, loving the picture she saw.


Thinking back to when she had left her home, her parents, her heart swelled a little at the thought that she would not get to see them for a very long time. But she knew her parents did not feel the same way. Even when Moa had packed her bag, had her dark brown cloak wrapped around her long body and walked into the common room to tell her parents she was leaving, they merely nodded, asking when she would be home. Not once did they ask where she was going or why. Moa’s eyes had weld up with tears, the Aes Sedai standing at her back. Moa had barely whispered, “The time limit is indiscernible.†Her mother nodded once more and then turned and went back to her studies. Moa’s eyes filled with tears once more remembering the display.


Blinking rapidly, Moa gathering her spirits back up and walked swiftly into the gleaming white tower in front of her. It was only seconds before she became lost, the Aes Sedai’s directions fuddled inside Moa’s mind.


OOC: Vera, wanna come and rescue her? ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spare time was a rare commodity for a White Tower initiate and there was nothing that Evaida loved more to fill that time than riding around Tar Valon. She had seen the sights a hundred times before, it was more the slight taste of freedom that made it so enjoyable. The gates to the Tower stables came into view as they trotted around the corner. The sight was enough to make Evie sigh, soon her brief taste of freedom would be over and it would be back to the books.


Akai pranced as they entered into the stable yard, the gray stallion tossing his head impatiently. He was getting old but he still had the spirit of a young colt and their short outings into the city were never enough to burn his energy. Evaida tried to take him out for a ride as often as possible but as studies and chores took up most of her days she had little enough time to rest let alone exercise her horse.


Handing the stable hand the reins she watched with regret as Akai was led away. Evie savoured every second of their outings and never looked forward to that moment when they went their separate ways. Turning back to the Tower Evaida noticed a young woman looking bewildered at the Tower entrance.


Wandering over she appeared the blonde woman’s side apparently unnoticed. It was not unusual for new comers to be overawed by the magnificence of the Tar Valon architecture and magnitude of the White Tower. "Can I help you?" she asked with a reassuring smile.

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Moa was startled out of her reverie when she heard a soft voice from behind say, “Can I help you?†Turning her head to confront who was talking to her, Moa noticed a small woman with dark curly hair. On the woman’s face was a very soft smile, the woman seeming to know what kind of bind Moa was in and did not want to startle her, as if Moa was a wild animal of such. Moa’s eyes search the woman’s, finding kindness in them. Moa was not akin to kindness. Most everyone in her home town was mean to her and laughed at her nearly every day. She kept to herself most of the time, her own parents not helping much with the picture.


Realizing she was looking the woman all over and blatantly searching for something, Moa realized she might be talking to an actual Aes Sedai. Moa quickly lowered her gaze and curtsied to the floor.


“I apologize. I am just looking for the Mistress of Novice’s room, Aes Sedai.†Thinking it better to mistake the woman for an Aes Sedai rather than mistaking the woman for someone lower, Moa bit her lip in wonder as to what the woman would say.

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It was hard to hold back a giggle with the newcomer mistaking her for a Sister, but Evaida took it as a compliment, it would not be long until she was truly worthy of the title "Oh dear do not let any Sisters hear you say that" she said with a wink "I am only an Accepted" Evie tugged at the banded dress she wore, it was cut in such a way that it would be unflattering on any woman, she could not wait to be rid of it and wear some proper dresses. "The mistress of novices? I think I can help you with that follow me" Evaida led the way into the Tower and the maze of stairs and corridors.


"My name is Evaida by the way. Best pay close attention so that you can find your way around. The halls and corridors can look very similar when you first arrive and it is easy to get yourself lost." she kept leisurely pace to allow the other young woman to take in her surroundings, it could be quite daunting finding yourself in such a large place especially if you were not from a city. "So ahh... sorry I did not catch your name" she waited for the newcomer to give her name before continuing "That is fine looking mare that you brought, any Tairen blood in her?" Evie always had an eye for horses and could talk about them for hours, never passing on an opportunity to introduce the topic.

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The girl said something about being an Accepted, but Moa was still unsure as to how things worked here at the Tower. Everything was very new, since Moa had never barely left her parent’s Inn back in Tanchico. She had not even seen an Aes Sedai before the actual one who said she could channel. The woman who saved her and brought her here. Thinking back on it, Moa had mixed emotions and feelings; happy to be able to be here at the Tower yet sad because her parents just let her go without a flutter of an eyelash.


Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Moa listened to girl continue, “My name is Evaida, by the way. Best pay close attention so that you can find your way around. The halls and corridors can look very similar when you first arrive and it is easy to get yourself lost.†Moa looked around at the hallway they were walking down now, and had, in fact, no idea how she had gotten there. Worry laced itself through Moa’s face as she worried that perhaps she was way in over her head than she had originally thought. Not even here at the Tower for five minutes and already she seemed to be getting lost left and right. Looking back at Evaida, the girl continued.


“So ahh... sorry I did not catch your name.†Moa opened her mouth to talk, but her foot skidded against the ground at the fast pace they were walking, and Moa barely recovered from falling. Fixing herself, she said, “My name is Moa Nachiman. As you can tell, I am coming here to become a novice.†The girl merely nodded at Moa’s words as if they were expected.


After a moment or two, Evaida said, “That is fine looking mare that you brought, any Tairen blood in her?" Looking up at the girl, Moa started blankly, not really understanding what the girl was saying. With realization, Moa said, “Oh, Star? To tel you the truth, I am really not sure what type of blood she is. She was the only gift that my parents ever got me.†Thinking back on her parents again, Moa’s eyes welded up with tears. Blinking her eyes rapidly, the tears disappeared just as fast as they were there, but the pain lingered. The pain was always there.


OOC: Sorry for the later reply :p. I am trying my best! :D

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ooc: Eek sorry for the late reply, busy busy busy :D



Nodding at Moa's reply Evaida continued down the hall, it was not far now, the Mistress of Novices office was just around the corner a few doors down. She noticed the new girl's eyes well up, the poor thing was probably overwhelmed as many girls were on arrival. "It is not all that bad here, they keep you busy and you will not have alot of spare time. The classes are interesting and the chores can be back breaking but it is all worth it in the end. Not to worry, you will be navigating these halls like you have lived here all your life, just give it a few days."


Slowing on approach to Faerzyne Sedai's door Evaida turned to Moa "Now remember this is the Mistress of Novices, you do not want to be spending all your days as a novice in here so best be respectful and you will be fine" she said with a reassuring smile, before knocking and entering.


She met Faerzyne's steady gaze, the woman had to know when Evie was going to be tested for the shawl but she gave away nothing. Announcing Moa's arrival Evaida curtsied and waited outside, she would not leave a new girl to navigate her way to the novice quarters by herself...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Moa looked at Evaida with a little fear in her eyes, but she held her help up high, her bright blonde hair gleaming surely in the light and confronted the Mistress of Novices with as much bravado as she could possibly muster.


OOC: I know it's short, but I'm ready to get on with this :D. Thanks for staying Evaida - do I need to tell the MoN?

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"There, there, child. It will be alright. I promise, your roommate will come back from the farm soon enough, and you need not worry about her while she is gone." Faerzyne sighed, comforting a poor novice that had just learned her roommate had tried to run away, had gotten caught, and was now at the farm. At least she had taken it like a real woman, and it was her roommate that was sobbing. "Why dont you go down to the kitchens, with this note," Faerzyne scrawled a quick note to the Mistress of the Kitchens and handed it to the girl, "and ask for your meal to be sent to your room. You are excused from classes for the rest of your day to try to study and compose yourself." The girl nodded and took the note, rising from her chair. "Now get along with you, young one." The girl left the room, and Faerzyne went to sit back behind her desk. Settling down, she heard a knock on the door.


Rising from her chair, the door opened and Evaida walked in, followed by a young girl dressed in modest brown. What right did this accepted have to just walk into her office? Yes, she was being raised soon, but she had no right to act as if she was a sister. They held a stare, and Faerzyne settled back in her chair, nodding to the new girl. Moa was what she had called her. Ah, well, a prospective novice. Evaida left and Faerzyne beckoned to a chair. "Sit, child. Welcome to the White Tower. As I am certain Evaida told you, I am Faerzyne Sedai, Mistress of Novices. How can I help you?"



-Faerzyne, MoN-

~NSW Writer~

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Evaida left nearly as soon as she had entered, leaving Moa standing nervously in the Sister’s stare. It seemed there had been a moment of dissatisfaction between the Accepted and the Sister, and Moa hoped that would not put Moa in the spotlight for the Sister’s anger.


Keeping her dark blue eyes on the Sister’s, Moa would not let the Sister see her fear. Moa had been through a lot in her life, and she could handle talking to an older woman, even if she seemed to command the room just with a look. Moa look directly into her eyes, hoping the Sister saw it for what it was: a sign of determination and not a defensive attack.


Sitting back into her chair with more grace than anyone Moa had ever seen, the Sister nodded to her placidly, and Moa was grateful that the sister did not take offense to the stare. "Sit, child. Welcome to the White Tower. As I am certain Evaida told you, I am Faerzyne Sedai, Mistress of Novices. How can I help you?"


Moa looked at the chair positioned in front of her, and wished the Sister had not said to sit at all. Moa did not want to make herself anymore comfortable as she was now, and she very much wanted to leave the room to find her own.


Giving up on her thoughts, Moa took the seat with slowness, hoping the Sister yet again did not take offense to Moa’s weird behavior. It’s just as well. Everyone else thinks I am weird.


After settling herself down, Moa decided to finally speak up. Clearly her throat, she rose her hand to her throat, mindlessly rubbing her skin, “My name is Moa Nachiman. I have come from Tarabon, and a woman,†Moa stopped, quickly correcting her mistake, “Uh, a Sister, brought me here. She told me to see you first thing after stabling my horse.†Losing some of the confidence she had when she arrived, Moa looked uneasily at the Sister, not really sure what was in store for her.

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Faerzyne settled back and glanced over her papers as the girl struggled into her seat. She seemed to be uneasy and almost defensive against the Mistress of Novices, and Faerzyne decided to just overlook it. Most new girls didnt understand that an Aes Sedai deserved respect, and she didnt want to waste her time punishing a girl that would probably not get it for a few months anyways. Silly girls... they should realise that Aes Sedai were obviously older and wiser, and that the respect should go along with the position from all.


After a few more moments, the girl spoke again. First clearing her throat, she recieved Faerzyne's slow attention as she looked up from her notes, as if to say 'ready to talk?' This girl had to be a noblewoman, the way that she rubbed her throat and tried to appear deep in thought. Silly child. “My name is Moa Nachiman. I have come from Tarabon, and a woman,†The girl stopped on her words and Faerzyne raised an eyebrow. “Uh, a Sister, brought me here. She told me to see you first thing after stabling my horse.†Faerzyne stared at ther and linked her fingers on her desk, watching the girl for a moment before speaking. "You will call the Sister that brough you here an Aes Sedai. She earned respect, and you will give her such. Have you been tested yet? Or is there some other reason you are in my office?"

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