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Approved BT Bio for Rian Tareth - CC'd by WT

Arath Faringal

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DM Handle: stp0128

Contact Info: stp0128[at]gmail[dot]com (ScottPalmer65 on AIM occasionally)

Character Count: 0 (First one!)


Character Name: Rian Tareth

Nationality: Cairhienin

Age: 21

Physical Characteristics: Dark brown shoulder-length hair, green eyes


Description: Rian is tall for a Cairhienin, standing at 5' 10”. His brown hair has a wavy nature to it, and Rian is usually brushing it out of his eyes when it isn't pulled back. Generally laid back, he's shaken about the recent events that have brought him to the Black Tower, and wants to understand what he can do before it drives him mad. The weight of the innocent dead in his past hangs on him like iron chains. He hears the screams of the women he accidentally killed when he involuntarily does something with saidin.


Personal History:


Another year passed, another to come, Rian thought idly to himself as he wiped down the length of the bar inside The Dawn's Pride, an inn inside the city. As patrons occasionally wandered in for a mid-afternoon drink, Rian could hear excitement steadily building in the city outside, and rightly so. Tonight was the last night of the year, tomorrow the first of the next, and that meant the Feast of Lights. Rian was sure that in a few hours' time The Dawn's Pride would be packed with locals enjoying the Feast in various states of shamelessness.


Passing a patron a mug of ale over the bar, Rian chuckled to himself remembering last year's celebration, where a man in not but a necklace from the waist up snatched the gleeman's harp right out of his hands and began to play a different tune much to the delight of all of his fellow Cairhienin in the place, and much to the gleeman's discontent.

Well, I suppose “play” is the kinder word for what that racket was...


At 21, Rian felt he must be one of the youngest innkeepers in Cairhien if not all the world. At least, it certainly felt that way sometimes the way patrons would ask to see the innkeeper not the stablehand or the cleaning boy, and continue to disbelieve him when he insisted he was the innkeeper they sought. Though not easy to temper, the few times he had been truly angry it had felt as though there were another in his head, a presence telling him to let go, hand his anger over and the other would take care of the situation for him. It had never been terribly difficult to ignore that question of submission and calm down, but the fact that it was there in the first place was a point Rian liked to keep quiet about.


The door to The Dawn's Pride opened and a youthful man, no older than Rian, yet in a stunningly well-woven coat and a manner of carrying himself that all but screamed of nobility, entered and approached him.


“Afternoon m'lord,” Rian greeted, airing on the side of caution by adding the title. This seemed to please the youth greatly, as he nearly beamed back at Rian before reining it in.


“Yes, hello. I had planned to bring a good number of friends into the city tonight for the Feast, and was just having a look around at all the inns, fetch the innkeeper for me will you?” Rian's jaw twitched slightly in dread of the conversation he was surely about to have, but luckily the youth did not notice, and Rian went on as warmly as possible.


“Well it should be quite the short walk for me m'lord, seeing as you're speaking with him already!” Rian added a forced grin and, as he suspected, the youth did not detect the forced nature. Much to Rian's surprise however, he was pleasantly surprised to have met such a young innkeeper, and after awhile of conversation told Rian to expect a large party tonight, slipped him a few gold crowns to keep a few tables in the corner reserved, and took his leave. Excited about the potential income he could make that night, the rest of the day seemed to fly by as Rian prepared for the Feast of Lights.


As the feast began, the noble and his friends entered, three men and two women, already halfway into their mugs as far as Rian could tell.


“Evening m'lords and ladies!” Rian greeted them jovially.


“I am Valryck,” slurred the noble who had come in before. He looked a bit less pristine with his coat in disarray and his undershirt buttoned incorrectly Rian noted with a chuckle. “And for the next two days I'll not hear a 'lord' from anyone!” Laughing agreement, Rian led the group of them to their table, and held out a chair for an exceptionally beautiful woman who seemed to be on Valryck's arm, whenever he wasn't wildly swinging it in merriment, that is. She gave him a look of thanks that lasted a bit longer than necessary, and he returned to have one of the serving girls see to their drinks. The evening progressed, becoming louder and louder as was to be expected, and when Alise, one of the serving girls told Rian they needed more ale from the cellar, he happily obliged to get some for her.


Thinking happily about the unexpected happenings of the Feast of Lights, Rian descended the stairs and grabbed some more ale from the cellar. Entering the hallway after climbing the stairs, he nearly ran over the beautiful woman from before. After apologizing to her, she thanked him for the wonderful time they are all having by kissing him. Thinking of how a great night has gotten even better, and how this is most certainly allowed as per the customs of the Feast of Lights, Rian enjoyed the moment, until a loud shout from the common room grabbed his attention. Setting down the barrel of ale, Rian looked up just in time to avoid the punch coming at him from an even drunker than before Valryck.


Leaping back, Rian backed hastily out the stable door of the inn, and into an alley that ran alongside the building. Looking around behind him, Rian saw Valryck's friends and the two women coming from behind him. Seeing no other alternative, Rian struggled to get a good position in which to stop the noble's assault, but as his friends reached the pair of them, it seemed in vain.


Rian felt the first punch that connected square in his gut, knocking the wind out of him. Every subsequent blow helped send him to his knees, where he felt a dagger go to his throat.


“Rian?” It was a small voice from back by the stables. Alise had noticed the back door open and come to check on him. As she rounded the corner, Valryck grabbed her and threw her to the ground beside Rian.


Anger welled in Rian, and that presence nearly demanded that he give over control. For the first time in his life, he allowed himself to take fury and run with it. His head spun, and he heard a scream. Looking up, Rian saw the knife was no longer at his throat, because its wielder's hand was aflame. Small patches of fire began to spring to life around he and Alise, under the feet of Valryck and the two other women. They stepped back, clearly frightened, and Rian attempted to gain control of himself.


Alright, they're scared, and I don't know what in the Dark One's name is happening, so its time to stop now! He thought desperately to himself, but it had no effect. His head continued to spin like a top as flames leaped onto Valryck, the two other men, and eventually the women. Hearing their screams, tears rolled down Rian's face as he struggled to control what he knew he could not.


Suddenly, Rian's attention was snatched away. Alise was screaming too. As his gaze snapped to her, he saw flames dancing about her figure as her screams quickly died with her.


“No!!” Rian cried, but there was nothing he could do to control it. Dizzy from the constant spinning of his head chorused with the screams of the dying, Rian stood and ran as fast as he could out of the alley and into the street. Careening into people as he clutched his head while running, Rian made it out of town and sped off into the forest, trying to distance himself from the atrocity he had just committed.


- - - - - - -


Rian has been hiding and wandering since that night, avoiding all major cities except for a few moments to glean information about the outside world. He constantly relives that night in his head, and finally comes to the conclusion that he has to figure out a way to control this power. Several attempts at self-teaching end in blacking out, waking up hours later, vomiting, and a spinning head so bad it makes him wish he were dead so it would end. After hearing news of The Dragon Reborn's amnesty for male channelers, Rian heads hesitantly for Tear.

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