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Who is going to be at a Brandon Sanderson book signing event?


I'm going to try to be at the BYU Bookstore one at Midnight - his first signing, as it is.  I like living in the same area as one of my favorite authors.

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I'm supposed to be staying with Barm and Nae in Chicago for the Chicago Borders book signing event.


We're going to split the cost of the hotel room, for just one night.


I don't know if I'll be able to go; as I'm pretty sure by now that they didn't pick me as a Storm Leader I won't be in trouble if I stay home.


If I go, I'll miss one of my classes, and I'll be spending a good part of the little money I have left, but on the other hand, if I stay, I won't get a signed book, won't even get to see Brandon in person, and won't get to meet Barm and Nae.  It's a bummer choice.




:P You're lucky you live so close to him! :D


Well, it's not like I can just walk up to his house, but yeah. :P


Sounds like a sticky spot you're in.  I don't know what to tell you.  But there's always a chance to meet BS another time, perhaps even in Iowa.  You never know.


Good luck with that.




Yeah, like they'll ever manage an actual Midwest tour and come to Iowa. :P


I probably, at this point, am going to stay home, because it'll just work out better all around, and HOPEFULLY I can make it to DCon 2010, because Barm and Nae are going to be there.


Exactly, Brandon lives there. :D


Believe me, no one big ever comes to Iowa.  Okay, that's a lie, no one HUGE comes to Iowa, so Brandon may get to do a Midwest tour later on and stop somewhere in Iowa.  But I bet you it'll be in Des Moines or somewhere equally far.  Or farther.



Well, partly.  Chicago's only maybe 2 hours farther away.  And if it was in Iowa, I'd probably have to have someone drive me there instead of taking a bus, and that would be a hassle to arrange.


Although Cody would want to come, so I guess my mom or dad would be willing to drive.


It's still a pain in the arse though.  Either way.


My mom took me, my brother, his girlfriend, and his good friend to Des Moines to see a Relient K concert; it was worth it but the drive just about killed my mom. :D



I know, I'm just making excuses. >.<


Well they're always picked up again, though.  So it's not like they're lacking in attention.  Which can't really be positive, for by their very nature they are aiding in a selfish cause, which is not a good thing.


Ah, I'm too tired to adequately phrase my response.  I just can't format it in my head. :D


So I think I'm going to bed soon.  It's been a long day.  I was awakened at one point this morning, and trying to go back to sleep, and then your text woke me up a bit more and I couldn't sleep after that so I got up.  I did get 6 hours, but I'm exhausted still.


No, you should text me whenever you want, which apparently isn't often.  :P


I wouldn't have heard it except my brother had come in my room about 2 minutes earlier and THAT woke me up.


Also, I couldn't get back to sleep, really, because I was grinning ear to ear.  :D




That is pure awesome.  OMG.  HA! :D  And his shirt's not even tight enough for that. *shakes head*



His face kinda reminds me of that friend I had, who I had to block on MSN... >.>  The facial expression, anyway.


Both of my 2 oldest brothers have had hair longer than that.  The oldest one goes with short hair now.  He prefers it.  He looks better too.


The younger one just got ANOTHER really really crappy haircut.  I mean CRAPPY.  He has my mom cut his hair so he'll have a certain "hairstyle" whether it's emo or wtf-ever.  The last time he did that the hair on the back of his head and one side was completely shaved off, and then the back half of the other side of his head was buzzed too.  So he had emo bangs, and some hair on one side of his head.  He looked AWFUL.  OMG.  And now he looks like he's from the 1800's with his haircut, but he feels "stylish" with it.




Just a phase, actually.  No one else in his/her right mind would get a haircut like that.  If not for the fact that some of my brother's friends have sillier (and very different) hairdos, I bet he'd be made fun of.


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