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Entertainment Gone Wild - Entertainment Commentary by Yours Truly


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Hollywood ... The Glitz ... The Glam ... The Stars ... The Screw-Ups...


wait ... The Screw-Ups?


Of course! What does such a collection of Awesome such as the Chan need with the "Hollywood Elite" if not to make fun of these overpaid, shallow, brain-dead entertainers and possibly drool over the hot ones and contribute to their paycheck. The reason we contribute to that paycheck is simple: ENTERTAINMENT.


And in this Editorial, I show you what not do to based on the example of the Hollywood Elite. I will also make fun of them.


Now, not all of these people are morons, we know that. You can't judge a group of people based on some bad apples - if everyone based their opinion of Chan on Emp then we'd be despised and ridiculed.

However, some of these idiots just take the cake. And these losers are the basis of:


[shadow=red,left]Entertainment Gone Wild[/shadow]



First Issue: Forthcoming

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OKay, this was incredibly difficult because I had to get over my revulsion of pop culture stuff to actually go look this up (never mind that I used to hear a lot of it on the radio and such).


Today's subject of Entertainment Gone Wild is .... Jon and Kate.


Yes, I'm sure you are tired of hearing about them! Here are the lovely couple:




OH RIGHT! They have 8 kids. Shocking with all the affair talk and hot bodies and vacations and what not these fools seem to be taking you'd kinda forget they have kids. Everything about them now is about Jon's women or how he's hanging out with another loser - Michael Lohan (hint: he's related to someone famous, they share a last name).



Now then, while perusing the internet (and occasionally stopping to purge my brain from this crap) I found this rather amusing conspiracy theory article, basically stating that they could have done it all for the money:



I was totally amused. Granted, they are probably a pair of people that got seduced by fame and then effed everything up (including sadly their children). But you know what, their show got really high ratings this year so they are raking in the cash!


Thankfully, there isn't a thread in 'Chan about this show (or so I hope)!

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