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DM Handle:  Asfaloth

Email:  green625@gmail.com

Division:  Black Tower


Character Name:  Nakor Zorander


Age:  16

Height:  5’4”


Build:  Small

Eyes:  Blue

Hair:  Black; clean shaven

Other features:  Has a line of white hair running diagonally across his head from the right side in front to the left side in the back that was caused by a head wound when he was younger.

Place of birth:  Mayene coast


Personality:  Quiet and reserved most of the time but he has a short fuse on his temper.  Between his short stature and his slight frame he is wont to prove himself and often sees insult where none was meant.  Aside from that he is an introspective soul who seldom speaks and is a bit of a loner.  Also due to his small size, he has spent most of his time developing his mental abilities, and was considered to be the most intelligent young man not just of his age but in his generation that his nation had.


History:  Nakor was raised in a noble family with much power and influence, or as much as could be had in the small nation of Mayene.  He was the second son and as such had a little more freedom than his brother.  He and his brother were trained from in early age in the ways of Daes Dae'mar so that they could better serve the First, who their family was very loyal to.  Sometime around the age of sixteen he started getting debilitating headaches that he noticed coincided with the occasions that rainstorms became monsoons and lightning came out of a nearly cloudless sky.  He began to suspect these things were caused by him and might be connected to the headaches.  When the Dragon Reborn announced amnesty for all male channellers he decided to go to Tear and see if that really was the cause of his headaches or not.


Nakor progressed rapidly through his training, attaining the silver sword of a Dedicated sooner than most.  He then threw himself wholly into training Soldiers and learning all he could from the Ashaman.  When the M’Hael Dalinar was killed by Brent, Nakor was singled out as a troublemaker and sent to serve at the Stone of Tear.  Brent knew that even if he was only a Dedicated, Nakor had a certain innate leadership that caused others to follow and so he saw the boy as a threat.  Now, six months later Nakor has heard of Brent’s death and is ready to return to the Black Tower and resume his training.


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