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Soo . . . it's just come to my attention that some RPers I was planning to RP with are going to be absent for a little while. Which means, I'm a tad bored now. This means, I'm free to start new RPs! ;D


Um. Any requirements you may still have to RP out. If I could help I will definitely try. Please post what your character needs: lessons, chores, advice and we can have a little chat. Hoping to see some responses.


Guest dragonsworn1991

How about a prank?

Guest dragonsworn1991

Well Devrion is a darkfriend and likes to push the limits and find people's weaknesses and breaking points.


I was thinking mice in someone's bed, ice on someone while they sleep, or something with snakes.


I am also up for suggestions


Hmm mice in beds can be an issue since WT has wards regarding vermin such as rats and I'm not sure sure if mice can get in . . . but there is always the illusion of mice in bed you can weave (as an Accepted I once did rats in a Red's room and she freaked), would probably need to get that approved IIRC.


The others are simpler such as ice, chickens, itchweed although I am intrigued what you'd do with snakes. Also think of a reason you'd find Saline (my AS, a red)'s weaknesses and breaking pts. Maybe I've assigned you a chore to carry my bags whereas you don't have time for your assignments or other backstory. Or maybe I dunno, my sister's just (un)lucky! Looking forward to more ideas, this is coming along great! :D

Guest dragonsworn1991

I like the chore idea, and Devrion can search through her bags and maybe find something, or put something in there.


She just likes to find people's weakness so she will have an advantage


Sounds good to me. Saline's cooking has become a source of pride to herso her bags will reflect this. If something you've put in tampers with her cooking spices or pans she would turn nuts.


Who wants to start? ;D

Guest dragonsworn1991

It doesn't matter, maybe you could start and see Devrion walking down a corridor and then we can commence from there?

Guest dragonsworn1991

I think something might go missing  ::)


If that is ok with you

Guest dragonsworn1991

Sounds like a plan, the payback will only serve as a spur against all aes sedai, and make her more dark.


What kind of souvenier is it, and what is the name of the book.

Thread is up. Let me know what you want to call it and I'll edit. The name of the book is Seven in one Blow! and it is illustrated colorfully with juniper trees, silver arrows, witches and giants as you flip through. Seeing how precious books be in WoT, you can see it'd be a concern. Although I think once she figures it out Saline may let you keep it for now and not get into trouble for the prank, as my AS is on a short leash timewise and leaving soon. ;)
Guest dragonsworn1991

I like the tittle a wolf in sheep's clothing



Okay so I'm thinking we get the bags up and Saline asks you to unpack all her stuff for her then you can discover all the goodies as she goes to brew a nice cuppa tea for us giving you a chance with various items to browse through, jeer at, and secure inside your sleeves. Whatever catches your fancy

Guest dragonsworn1991

This is going to be amazing

Guest dragonsworn1991

I am really enjoying this rp, you are an excellent writer.


Oh crap, Jade you're right! Bad, bad me. I'll get right on that and pm Elgee (I think is who I should contact?)


Edit: Done, sent prank idea to Elgee and claireducky



Dude, thanks very much. I appreciate that. I am enjoying our RP immensely as well. Am pleasantly surprised at the speed with which we're powering through. Yay!


Also, Devrion is open to 'fessing up or keeping it a secret by having the book just "turn up" somewhere, or keeping the book (as it's supposed to go to Devrion anyway) as she watches the Aes Sedai struggle, which will be the decisive factor as to whether this is just a chore or chore and prank. Umm, if Saline can't "find" the book she'll bake you scones or help you with a difficult assignment or something. Totally depends on where you take it!

Guest dragonsworn1991

She can help Devrion with her intro assignment. I will have Devrion bring it up after your next post.  :)


Righto. You've got enough for the chore or prank thread so after your next post I'll start a new thread (this one probably takes place in the library or in your room, your choice) for helping Devrion with her intro assignment which IIRC was about female channelers who went too far and burnt themselves out, right? :)


I saw One Power Weaving & Application as another novice req, so if you want we could easily transition/extrapolate the assignment into Saline showing you a few tricks with Saidar. She will be tutoring you and letting you practice intermediate weaves style so it doesn't interfere with your intro but perhaps will give Devrion an edge in her classes, I can see Devrion jumping on that. What say you?


Edit: um I was just informed while novices could do intermediate if you do it as a novice you won't get credit as accepted. So that's your choice if you want to do it (Saline did intermediate as a novice). Also intermediate isn't one power weaving and application. So I've asked Elgee what one power weaving and application (which I assumed was inter) was about aaaaand she'll get back to me on that. :)


Thanks, Jade. Finally done something right, huzzah! Lyssa wouldn't want to RP with her old student would she like a spar or chat *pushes luck* :P


Also Devrion could make the RP centered around herself rather than the assignment as a character development option as well since she is struggling with hm, being treated nicely by somebody she should not befriend (or learn she could take more advantage of people by being nice. There were *so* many gray/blacks around at one point on DM). Unless she's convinced all witches are like DFs like the ignorant whitecloaks are ;)


Edit: We're gold! Elgee approved the RP.  ;D

Guest dragonsworn1991

Awesome, I like the few tricks idea, so we can start talking about a novice that was burnt out in the library and you can bring up that you will show me some new tricks.  ;)

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