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Because they are on TV and I want to talk about them DAMNIT!


Game 4 is tonight! LA is up 2-1.


There better be SOMEONE ELSE that watches sports here.


I hope Orlando wins tonight. I want a Game 7 and good basketball!

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I want to discuss:

-Derek Fisher and his awesome 3s

- Orlando sucking after an awesome first half

- The Laker comeback

-The awesomeness of Trevor Ariza

-Dwight Howard and his epicness at blocking shots

-Hedo and his shooting abilities

-WTF was that technical on Phil Jackon for because I want to know

-Why wasn't there a fight becaue there was TOTALLY ALMOST A FIGHT between Gasol and Pietrus


anddddd .....


-How amusing it is that corporate America is upset because there isn't a Kobe-LeBron finals match up. IT AMUSES MEEEEEEEEEEEE

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You forgot something:


-we've finally found somebody who sucks at free throws more than Shaq.....cause if Howard hits ONE of those, the game is over.


That is why he will never be a true go-to player....he can't close out games.



The big thing I'm wondering is will the Kobe-Fish 3 in OT to ice the game be the turning point for Kobe.  Back in the 90's, the Jordan-Paxson 3 was the turning point for MJ truly making his teammates better and trusting them completely.

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Verb, I have a co-worker who keeps talking about the Shaq-Howard comparison and ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME. Because I picked Shaq over Dwight and so said co-worker was like OH WELL I GOOGLED IT (he loves to google things) and that google told him that Dwight had better percentages than Shaq in his first five years. Dwight is obviously better because he "led" his team to a finals (which was not in my opinion because of Dwight, but more because they have a well rounded team and a deep bench and players like Hedo).


OF COURSE, this neglects the fact that in Shaq's first five years, there was this pesky guy called MICHAEL JORDAN playing for the Chicago Bulls, who happens to be the greatest player of all time, and won. Then when MJ wasn't around Shaq was playing against my Rockets with Olaijawon who was at the top of his game (Dwight hasn't had to face any centers like that .. it would be interesting to see a Dwight-Yao match up although i think that Dwight would probably out muscle Yao).



But yeah, ANYWAYS, end of rant against idiots who would rather prove themselves right than have an intelligent discussion.


You're absolutely right. If Howard had hit any of those freethrows, or hell maybe not made more turnovers than the entire Lakers team combined (I think), different game.


I think that if Howard can maybe develop a jumper, get some variety into his game, and work on those free throws that he could become a go-to player. Right now though, definitely not.



About Kobe-Fish, do you think this is different though? Fish has already proven to be a clutch player, but that was when Shaq was with the Lakers. Fisher himself admitted that he was going through a bad playing slump and that may have contributed to why he wasn't getting the ball and Kobe wasn't trusting him. I'd also think with players like Ariza, Gasol, and Walton stepping up to the plate to give Kobe some other options. If they can play like that more often then they are unstoppable.

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Dwight is obviously better because he "led" his team to a finals


Well, Shaq did that as well, with Orlando.  But I think that Howard is better than Shaq.  Actually, I hate Shaq, but that's another discussion.


And the Kobe-Fish thing:  I think it is similar to MJ-Paxson.  Phil Jackson used to yell at Michael all the time that he wouldn't win consistantly until he started trusting his teammates more and helping to make them better.  He then started doing this, and elevated his teammates, and rattled off championships.  I think that Kobe is in a similar position.  He has the same type of skill set as Michael, but he can't quite make his teammates better......yet.  If he turns the corner here, the rest of the league had better take notice.


For comparison, here's my own little breakdown of Michael and Kobe.  (I'm quite possibly the biggest MJ fan in the world.  Fun fact:  I have the Jumpman logo tattooed on my right shoulder.  Yes, I'm a dork.)


Ball Handling







Edge:  MJ - he just had more hops than even Kobe...incredible


Outside Shooting

Edge:  Kobe - he is streakier than MJ, but that makes him more dangerous as an outside shooter with the right team around him



Edge:  MJ - All-team defense and Defensive POY....Kobe's close, but not quite there



Edge:  MJ...for now.  This is the key to Kobe being the dominant player than keeps winning rings.  We'll see how this plays out.


Killer Instinct

Even - they both want it more than the other team....more than anybody.  MJ famously wouldn't even let his kids beat him in card/video games.  He's THAT competitive.



Edge:  MJ - sorry, nobody is as clutch as MJ.  I had a poster with this quote hanging in my room for years - it sums up Michael perfectly and why he's so damn clutch:


"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.  I've lost almost 300 games.  Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.  I've failed over and over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed."

~Michael Jordan

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At this point I'd take Shaq over Howard, but we'll see how Howard develops. Maybe if Ewing is as good a mentor as a player (although I hated him when he was played) then he'll drill some essential skills into him.


I can see what you mean about the comparison. But I think in this case, Kobe has always had Fisher there. But you are starting to see players like Ariza and Gasol really step up and earn their place as starters and earn the trust of their teammates.

Agree on the MJ/Kobe breakdown completely.



And Jumpman logo as a tattoo - how freaking awesome! (I'm a dork too, I can't help it!)



On another note, Rashard Lewis has completely disappeared, another strike against Orlando.

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At this point I'd take Shaq over Howard, but we'll see how Howard develops. Maybe if Ewing is as good a mentor as a player (although I hated him when he was played) then he'll drill some essential skills into him. let's just hope Ewing doesn't teach him how to take 9 steps in the lane.  My God...watch tape of Ewing....he travels on almost EVERY friggin' drive he's ever done....as you can see, I'm not a fan, lol


I can see what you mean about the comparison. But I think in this case, Kobe has always had Fisher there. But you are starting to see players like Ariza and Gasol really step up and earn their place as starters and earn the trust of their teammates.  well, Gasol has always earned his place as a starter, since Memphis, but you're totally right about Ariza - he's stepped up for sure

Agree on the MJ/Kobe breakdown completely.  thanks!



And Jumpman logo as a tattoo - how freaking awesome! (I'm a dork too, I can't help it!) you might be the first person who hasn't made fun of me for it...thanks again!



On another note, Rashard Lewis has completely disappeared, another strike against Orlando.  totally agreed - and on another side note, he has the coolest goatee in sports.

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LA won.


I really stopped paying attention when Orlando lost the lead and then looked like lost puppies, but yeah go LA.


Actually, LA had an awesome team that worked for it - hard. They brought the energy, learned from their mistakes, and had players (starters and bench players) really step up at times.


In all, I'm happy - my Rockets were the only ones that could take the Lakers to Game 7, so YEAH! GO HOUSTON! *cough*

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