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Hi from a long time lurker


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Hi Everyone,


While I am new to posting on Dragonmount, I have been an active lurker for a few years. I always enjoyed reading different people's post on the discussion boards. I regularly bounce between Dragonmount and Brandon Sanderson's web site to get news, read the blogs and follow the discussions. I am a long time Sci Fi / Fantasy reader. My first time through reading WOT, I finished reading Knife of Dreams within a week of Mr Jordan passing away. That was a big blow to me at the time since I did not know if the series would be completed. I was glad to know that another author was chosen to finish it but I was wary. I then checked out Brandon's web site and read some of his books which put me at ease that the series would be completed by a talented author who was up to the task. So I wanted to stop by and say hi. Oh yeah, in case you have not guessed it, I am also an avid supporter of Linux, Kubuntu being my current distro of choice, but I also have used Suse, Fedora, and Slackware.


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