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Do you have unwanted paperbacks?

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I found this site http://www.paperbackswap.com Its cool because you don't need a credit card or anything. You register and start off by posting 9 books from you collection that you don't want anymore. You also get 3 "chips." Each chip is worth a book. If someone requests a book from your collection, you send that off and get a chip in return. All you have to pay is the price of shipping which is about a $1.60 depending on the size of the book.


If you decide to use the site, say that I referred you because then I get a free chip :) My email is wrathysedai@hotmail.com Also if you use it, post your email and we can check out what books you have and swap! :D



Sorry, this only applies if you live in the US...


I've already shipped two books out that I won't ever be reading and three books are on the way! :D I was pretty stoked about it.


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