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Name: Rhulad

Div: Freelanders

Guild: Aiel

Clan: Dragonmount

Age: 19

Height: 6'5

Eyes: Gray

Weight: 176 lbs





Average height for an aiel man, Rhulad is almost wiry and stronger than he looks.  Rhulad is dedicated to Ji'e'toh like every Aiel is, but also has a tendency to get very very attached to people or items in his life, resulting in something of a clingy nature. These two things often come into conflict for Rhulad, leaving him with difficult decisions to make. This results in him dawdling over decisions overlong too often, causing others much grief sometimes. Rhulad is a very nice Aielman who just wants to fit in with everyone else, he has no aspirations to ever lead, and is content so long as he is accepted.





Born of a maiden, Rhulad grew up under the care of a weaver and a member of the Far Aldazar Din. He grew up following his friends about, and doing nothing of any real note. At home his mother doted on him and his father pushed him hard, largely with the idea of making Rhulad a warrior after the mans own footsteps.


Rhulad spent much time as a boy learning to fight with his father, and the rest of it out playing with his friends. Amongst them he hung back and let others take the lead, never really distinguishing himself from the crowd. He had a couple of friends he was close to, but for the most part was just another part of the crowd.


As Rhulad got older he found more and more pressure from his father to start thinking about a warrior society, and spent much time going between them learning what each was like, as well as watching to see where all the boys he grew up with went; he kept putting off making a decision though, due to no real desire to move on from his childhood life. Finally the pressure grew too much to bear and he started seriously considering one to join, just to escape his fathers grasp.

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