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Handle: Muirenn

Character Name: Dairn

Email Address: muirenn@gmail.com

Division: Freelanders (Aiel)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Place of Birth/Raising: Aiel Waste/Threefold Land

Clan: Dragonmount

Height: 5'10"


Physical Description: Dairn is average height for an Aiel woman and has sun bleached blonde hair and grey-blue eyes.  She is solidly built and in good athletic condition, like most Aiel, but she does not have the physical bearing of a warrior (not more than most Aiel :P).


Character History:


Dairn never knew her mother.  She knew that the woman had been a Maiden, and for that reason she would never know her.  She had been passed from hand to hand until even the Wise Ones of her clan likely did not know whose child she was.  The closest she would ever be able to find out would be that this or that Maiden had a child around the time she was born.  For the same reason, she would never know her father.  She hated them both.


From a young age, Dairn decided that she would never, never, take up the spear.  She learned the rudiments of the bow as well as the use of a sling and a knife along with the others her age.  But she refused to learn anything of the spear.  She would never be a Maiden.  Her foster parents were as loving as she could have expected, and so proud to be raising the child of a Maiden – a fact she was reminded of often, as though it should bring her some pride as well.  It did not.  She was shamed that she meant so little to her parents that they would give her up without hesitation.  To choose a length of wood and metal over a living child.


Instead, she worked hard to learn a craft, and eventually discovered that she made a good hand at weaving.  She became an apprentice at fourteen, and a few years later had her own looms.  Her work sells for a decent price, and she is able to support herself.  She has thoughts of taking a husband, and has looked at several young men while in the sweat tents.  Her regard is for fellow craftsmen only, for while the life of all Aiel is hard, she has no wish to abandon her children to the same fate of living without parents that she had to endure.  All children, even those born in the Threefold Land, deserve at least that much.  She desperately wants to have a family of her own, to finally belong somewhere.  And despite her feelings of resentment, Dairn is a kindly and well spoken girl.  A hard negotiator, but fair.  She would make a good mother.


Unfortunately, it seemed that that was not to be her path—at least, not for a while.  At nineteen she was taken by the Wise Ones of her clan and told that she would be trained to follow their craft.  Ji and Toh required that she serve her clan when called to do so, and reluctantly, she agreed.  She was told that she has some ability to channel, which surprised her, and that after she returns from Rhuidean she will begin her training in the path of a Wise One.


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