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Time flys when you're having...fun? (Open chore)


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It hadn’t been Evaida’s fault arriving to breakfast just a few moments too late, that brown sister had kept her up into the early hours scribing. It was not Evie’s fault that she struggled to drag herself out of bed in the mornings particularly when she had very little sleep, and it certainly was not her fault that Mistress Laras was in a bad mood today. Either way she was stuck with organising novices for this evening’s dinner service in the Aes Sedai dining room. It could have been worse, a lot worse in fact, at least she would not be scrubbing pots or turning the spit, how hard could it be to keep a group of novices in line?


It was not hard to tell those that were new to the Tower, it usually only took a few weeks to realise that you should never get caught looking like you have nothing to do, that was just an invitation for someone to fill that ‘spare time’ for you. Often you would see novices go scurrying in the wake of an Aes Sedai and occasionally an Accepted, at least if you appeared like you were going somewhere you were less likely to get singled out for a chore. Rounding the corner into the main hall Evaida spotted two novices chatting in the corner, just what she needed “You two follow me†she did not bother to check that they following she knew that they would be if they knew what was best for them. Dawdling was frowned upon in the Tower but shirking a chore was even worse, that was a lesson usually learnt in the first week as a Novice.


Evaida had already picked out a few novices during the day with strict instructions to be at the kitchen well before dinner service started. She hoped they were already there, if they weren’t it was Evaida that would get the blame from Mistress Laras. Pushing through the doors into the kitchen Evie gave a sigh of relief, as far as she could tell all the novices were there lined up and waiting to get started. Handing them each an apron she checked they were all presentable and neat, but at second count Evaida realised there was someone missing. She tried to remember who it was, she could remember the face but the name escaped her. Mistress Laras was doing her rounds of the kitchen, checking that everyone was pulling their weight and all the food was being prepared correctly, she was slowly but surely getting closer to Evaida and the Novices. Laras had been clear that she wanted no less than six novices for the service and there stood only five. If that last novice did not arrive soon, she and Evie would be spending the rest of the night scrubbing the scullery pots.


Mistress Laras was only a few feet away testing a pot of soup when the last novice came bursting through the door. Evaida threw the apron at her and turned to address Mistress Laras. The woman merely glanced at the girls, gave a nod of approval and moved on. Letting out the breath she didn’t realise she was holding Evie turned back to the novices “I should not have to remind you that you are serving Aes Sedai tonight and the utmost care must be taken. I do not want to see any dawdling, chatting, giggling or eavesdropping. Do not speak unless you are spoken to and do not forget your manners.†It was not in Evaida’s nature to lecture but the near miss with Laras had her on edge. “Now I want three of you to take those trays and begin serving the soup†she directed them to the silver trays that were already being laden with bowls. “The other three I would like serving the wine†she handed three large pitchers of hot spiced wine to the girls. “Any special requests from the sisters are to come to me first. Alright, lets get started†she said with a brief smile before leading the girls into the dining room.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Daraniea felt her feet drag as she made her way to the Kitchens. An Accepted had found her yesterday, with instructions that she was to report to the kitchens for chores. The Accepted actually looked suprised when Daraniea asked her why. Indeed! As if Daraniea had ever done anything like that before in her life. But after her long talk with the Mistress of Novices, and that blasted piece of wood she kept with her, Daraniea had made sure she was on time.


How miserable this was. She had managed thus far to avoid kitchen duty. There was so much within the Tower to help with, it had been really easy at first, since her education prior to the Tower had made her an asset to Aes Sedai, but alas, she had not escaped the sharp Accepted's eye. Taking the apron handed to her, she awkwardly put it on, and smoothed it over her white dress. Light, but she hated the color. For about the hundredth time since she arrived at the Tower, she silently vowed never to wear white once she was Aes Sedai.


Glancing about the kitchen, Daraniea could not control the brief curling of disdain on her lip. The place had too many smells wafting around the room at once, and that Laras was a beast to be sure. The woman strode about with a spoon, which she used to not only taste the food, but to use as a disciplinary device when a Novice or Accepted was not performing to her expectations. Hmph.


“I should not have to remind you that you are serving Aes Sedai tonight and the utmost care must be taken. I do not want to see any dawdling, chatting, giggling or eavesdropping. Do not speak unless you are spoken to and do not forget your manners.â€


At Evaida's clipped words Daraniea felt herself stiffen. While she understood Accepted's were ones to also be respected, and it would really do to get on the good side of one or two, Daraniea could not help but remember that many of them were not too long ago Novices like herself. Suppressing the urge to fix Evaida with a withering stare, she kept her mouth shut, and just looked ahead.


“Now I want three of you to take those trays and begin serving the soup†she directed them to the silver trays that were already being laden with bowls. “The other three I would like serving the wine†she handed three large pitchers of hot spiced wine to the girls. “Any special requests from the sisters are to come to me first. Alright, lets get startedâ€


Grabbing a large pitcher of wine, Daraniea followed the Accepted to the Dining Room where the Aes Sedai ate their supper.

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