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The choice of weapons (attention Eqwina)


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Elyan had been at the Tower for several months, using wooden lathes for practice. He had also seen some of the other trainees caring for their own weapons. He had not seen the need for having his own weapon, having little experience, when he arrived, he would be more likely to stab himself than an opponent. Now that he had some skill using practice weapons, he felt that it would be beneficial for him to have a weapon of his own. He did not expect to need the weapon before being raised, but he knew the meaning of being prepared.


Having the day off, Elyan walked across the yard towards the armory. He had never been inside of the building, but had seen men going in to examine the weapons or have maintenance on their own. Elyan knocked on the door to the building, bringing no response from inside. Waiting for several minutes, looking around the grounds, unsure if he should go inside the building, he knocked again, not receiving a response, turned the handle and opened the door.


The armory was dimmer than outside, but the glittering metal on weapons that lined the walls, reflecting the lamp light back at him, made the room seem brighter than it was. Elyan stood looking at the many shining arms surrounding him, the sparkling steel intrigued him, having a certain ironic beauty. He moved towards the nearest wall, examining the array of shields, daggers, swords, spears, and axes. He studied each weapon, trying to see the value of each item, the concealable daggers, the reaching spears, rending axes, and the versatile swords. Worried of damaging the weapons, he studied them by sight. A sword caught his eye on the opposite side of the rack. Moving around to get a closer look, the sword entranced him. Fully rapt by the blade, with gentle hands, he lifted it from the rack. One hand on the hilt, the other gripping the blade lightly, he raised it to eye-level. It was an expertly crafted double edge sword, made to be used with one or two hands. He was entranced with the sword, turning it and running a hand along the blade.


“Elyan!” A voice sounded behind him.


Nearly dropping the sword from surprise, the edge sliced into his hand. He quickly replaced the sword on the rack. Gripping the tail of his shirt with his hand, to hide the cut and apply pressure to the wound, he turned to face the person that had startled him. Thinking to himself how he had been so oblivious as to not notice them entering the room.


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Thera stood looking in her stand mirror turning from one side to the other, trying to see if the little baby was starting to show. It was too soon for that by weeks yet, but she couldn’t help but picture herself with a large belly. She’d even tried shoving one of her pillows up her shirt, the sight had scared her so much she ripped it out without a second glance.


She had yet to tell Jasine, though she’d already had a conversation with Mia and her temporary replacement. The right moment had just never come about, though she supposed it would have to one way or another. She buckled on her katana and adjusted it on her hip, making sure it was just so. Idly she wondered how hard it would be to unsheathe and sheath her blade with a large belly? It couldn’t be too hard; she’d seen men with a larger gut that she would ever get handle a blade with ease. Flipping her curls out of her eyes she tried to put the baby from her mind. The wheel weaves as it wills


Walking through the yards she paused to offer advice as she always did, and have another short conversation with Mia. The woman was anxious to know that Thera would indeed be back and for the hundredth time she assured her that she would. While still making her promises to Mia she saw one of her trainee’s duck into the armory. “Oh Light! He’ll probably cut his hand off if I don’t get in there and stop him. Excuse me Mia,”


Walking quickly across the yards she ducked in behind him to see him with a blade in his hands. Muttering she called out his name and just what she predicted would happen did. “Elyan! Are you completely daft!” Digging in her belt pouch she pulled out a kerchief and began dabbing at his hand. Thanks the light the cut wasn’t too deep. Still she would send him to a Sister when they were done. She wrapped his hand up using slightly more force than was necessary. “If you act like such a twit again you will be scrubbing the privy until you are my age”


“Now, do you care to tell me what you are doing here getting blood on the weapons?”

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Elyan turned around to meet the gaze of the Mistress of Arms, a woman that he had only seen from a distance, never having the privilege, or misfortune, depending on the circumstances, of meeting her. Seeing her face, Elyan knew that he was going to regret ever laying eyes on the armory.


“Elyan! Are you completely daft!” She said approaching him while reaching her hand into her belt pouch. Elyan started to back away from the woman, then stopped himself. He knew that whatever happened, he brought upon himself. She pulled a piece of fabric out of her pouch and grabbed his hand. Turning his hand palm up, she began cleaning the cut with the cloth.  She tied it around his hand forcefully, then let Elyan pull it back.

“If you act like such a twit again you will be scrubbing the privy until you are my age”


Not a job Elyan was excited to be assigned, but the real punishment would be not able to train on the grounds during the day. He would do anything if it meant he would still be allowed to join the Guard.


“Now, do you care to tell me what you are doing here getting blood on the weapons?”


Elyan attempted a stiff bow, a gesture he still was not comfortable with. Then tried to relate his story to the woman, even knowing he would be punished, it still filled him with excitement at holding a conversation with Mistress of Arms.


“I didn’t mean to get blood on the sword Mistress,” he said with another small bow, “I do not have a sword of my own, and thought that maybe I could borrow one until I could afford it.” He paused for a moment, “I just felt that I might need one, and came in here to look around.” Lowing his gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly.


When she didn’t respond immediately, Elyan looked back up at her, fear welling up within him. “Mistress,” he said moisture welling in his eyes. “Am I going to be thrown out of the tower?”

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Perhaps it was only the hormones, but Thera found herself growing less angry with the young man and feeling sympathy. It had to be that because in the past she never would have cared whose feelings she hurt. Laying a rough hand on his shoulder she shook her head and gave him a reassuring squeeze.


“Now Elyan, don’t be a dolt. If I put every trainee out of the Tower who made the smallest mistake there would be none left; myself included.” Why she added that last bit she could not be sure, maybe she was growing soft? “I have been watching your training. I see no reason why you cannot go ahead and choose a weapon. Is there any that you have an interest in? or already know about?”


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The anger drained from her face as Elyan waited for a response, which surprised him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him with a friendly squeeze accompanied by a shake of her head.


“Now Elyan, don’t be a dolt. If I put every trainee out of the Tower who made the smallest mistake there would be none left; myself included.” She said in a soothing voice, “I have been watching your training. I see no reason why you cannot go ahead and choose a weapon. Is there any that you have an interest in? or already know about?”


Relief flooded through Elyan, relaxing the tenseness from his body. “Thank you,” he said quietly. He turned back towards the weapon racks, motioning towards the blade he had picked recently replaced. “I had been thinking about maybe using a hand and a half sword.” He said reaching towards the sword, letting his hand drop short. “It is close to reach of it’s larger brother, but can be wielded with one hand like the short sword. Which can leave one hand free for other things, such as using another weapon, which is an attractive notion.” He said turning back towards the Mistress of Arms. “I’ve always thought that since a person has two hands, not making use of them both is foolish.” Glancing at her eyes, then looking past her, embarrassed that he sounded irrational.


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A smile played on Thera’s lips and she was hard pressed not to laugh. “I considered the Bastard sword when I first learned how to wield my weapons. It’s a fine choice and roughly the same weight as my Katana. I also think that its hacking nature is a fit to your fighting style.”


Walking over to the rack she choose out a bastard sword and examined the blade, it was well made but a few small flaws in the steel made her put it back and choose out another. This one was slightly tapered, and the grip was a good leather and a few inches more than the other, all in all it was much the same as the original he’d picked up, only far more suited to the boy. “Try this one” She presented it to him grip first, careful to keep her fingers clear in case he took it from her too fast. “This one should feel a little better in your hands. What do you think?”


Watching him hold the sword she took a step back so he could try a form. “Try The falcon swoops, see how the blade feels in motion.”

He was a bit clumsy in his movement, but the weapon looked flowed in his hands. “If that is the sword for you we can talk about a second weapon. Since you wish to have a hand free what else do you mean to fight with?”


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Trying the quick over hand thrust, the weight of the sword making the movement clumsy, he felt slightly embarrassed in front of the Mistress of Arms. He had wanted to impress her.


Lowering his arms from the guard position, he moved the sword a bit trying to get a feel for the weight of the blade. “If that is the sword for you we can talk about a second weapon. Since you wish to have a hand free what else do you mean to fight with?”, he held the blade out for a moment more, then dropped his hands. “I think the weight feels right, I don’t have much experience with swords.”


He took a moment to think about the second part of her question. “I do not want a shield, which might be good for a member of the Guard, but I feel a Warder’s attention should be more on keeping the Aes Sedai safe, in a way he is the shield.” He paused for a moment, “I would want the second hand weapon to be able to hit the enemy at the same range as my primary weapon.” He said examining the sword in his hands, “If my opponent can step out of range of one of the weapons, it would be easy to determine which hand the next attack would be coming from. Therefore, I think the second weapon should be of the same size, it would be cumbersome and tiring to wield, but if mastered I think it would be more effective.” He looked up at Thera, “But I might be mistaken, I know little about the use of two blades.”


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So he wanted to be a Warder did he? Well that thought danced in most heads in these yards. She’d only known a few who could escape the pull of a life bonded to an Aes Sedai. Men and Women like Rosheen and Aran had always been as mystery to her, even after she’d been able to call them friends. Now, having experienced the life she wasn’t sure if she could bring herself to bond another. It was too personal and too painful, plus what Sister would want a woman with a husband and child to watch her back?


Making a slow circuit of the room Thera examined the weapons, every few moments looking back to the trainee. “You could try a Viking sword, though I am not sure you would enjoy two weapons so large. Then I have never been one to fight with two weapons myself. I might also suggest the main gauche. I know you may wish me to tell you which to choose, but that chose comes from a very personal place for each warrior. I think that you will know which is right when you hold it.” She pointed out the weapons on the rack and motioned him to try a few.


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“You could try a Viking sword, though I am not sure you would enjoy two weapons so large. Then I have never been one to fight with two weapons myself. I might also suggest the main gauche. I know you may wish me to tell you which to choose, but that chose comes from a very personal place for each warrior. I think that you will know which is right when you hold it.” She said motioning to the weapons rack.


Elyan moved around the racks looking at the weapons that she motioned towards. He picked up a few, but they didn’t feel right. Then she gestured to a sword that caught his interest, the sword was a pace in length, with a handle slightly longer than that of a one handed sword and was capable of being held with two hands. It was shorter than the sword, being about the size of the larger swords blade, which he still held in is other hand and also had a slight taper towards the end.


He picked up the sword, holding it in his weaker hand, rotating it around his palm so that the blade went down alongside his arm, and spun it back again. Then holding both the blades, he tried a few test swings. The falcon stoops with his weak hand, strong hand arc of the moon, finishing with hummingbird kisses the honey rose with his weak hand. He stood out of his guard stance and lowered his hands looking at Thera. “It feels right…. I think, What do you think?”


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Thera arched her eyebrow and shook her head slightly. “I can only guide you in your decisions, I cannot make them for you. Try and feel the weapon, feel its weight and they way it feels in your hand. Try another form…” walking over to another rack in the corner she pulled out a scabbard and passed it his way. “Try them on your body; all of these ways will help you to know if your weapons choice is correct”


She watched as he practiced and tried to hang them on his body. “I would suggest that your last weapon be something long range.”

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Elyan nodded, doing as she bid, practicing more forms and then strapping the sheaths to his back, so that the hilts stuck out evenly over his shoulders. He nodded, they did feel right. He tried drawing them and sheathing them, to test the positioning on his back. The placement of the swords on his back felt more comfortable than on his hip, more secure and not swinging when he moved to snag furniture or underbrush.


“I would suggest that your last weapon be something long range.”


Elyan nodded, a projectile weapon would be handy in a variety of situations. He looked around the room questionably, not seeing what he desired he turned back towards Thera.


"I was thinking perhaps a longbow, something with a bit of power to it. I've never shot one before, but it will be something else to occupy my daylight hours practicing."


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Elyan seemed to be more full of surprises every time he spoke. Most trainees would give their right hand for more free hours in the day and Elyan was looking for more to fill his. He really was an exceptional boy.


“The Long Bow? Not a bad choice, as long as you now the proper way to choose the bow and what you are getting yourself in to. It’s a weapon that can take years to master, much longer than other bows, but it is more powerful as well. Knowing that do you still wish to use it?” When he nodded Thera motioned him to follow her to a back room. Lining the walls were unstrung long bows in as many colors and sizes as there were swords. Walking slowly around the room Thera stopped in front several bows and eyed Elyan and the rack before moving on. Finally she choose out two bows and carried them out into the main room.


“Watch me carefully, and don’t feel bad if you do not get it the first time.” In one fluid motion she had the bow she’d chosen for herself strung. She demonstrated several times while explaining the basics.


“You want the bow to be a few hands taller than you are, and while they are made of a flexible wood they can still be hard to string. You need to use your foot to put pressure in the proper spot. It will make it easier for you.  Now you try.”

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Elyan’s hands moved clumsily as he tried to bend the bow as Thera had. His attempt was not as graceful as hers had been, but after a few tries he was able to muscle the bow into position and loop the string around it. Picking up the strung bow and smiling at it with a look of satisfaction.


He had seen Guards around the yards practicing with bows, he now tried to imitate them, pulling back on the string and testing the weight of the bow. It was surprisingly difficult to pull the string back to his ear and he struggled to hold it there, before slowly letting bow bend back to it’s usual position. Rubbing his brow, he examined the bow, then looking back at Thera, who still held her bow, which seemed to be slightly thinner than Elyan’s, strung and watched him with interest, “Do all bows require this much strength to use, I have seen weaker men than I use one with ease, is there some trick to making it bend with less effort?” He looked back at the bow rubbing his hand along the smooth wood, simple in its design but still a masterwork.


Thinking for a moment he posed another question to Thera, who he hoped would not be annoyed with his string of queries. “How long does it take to craft a bow, would someone here be able to teach me? More importantly, can I learn to make my own arrows.”

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Setting her own long bow down Thera walked over and helped Elyan place his grip. “If you hold it just here, when you raised your arms make sure they are straight. When you grab at the bow string make sure it’s the exact center; that will make it easier. The Long Bow does take a fair amount of arm strength to draw, but practice will make it easier.”


“As for the rest, yes I can teach you the making of a bow, but for the arrows you will need to see our Fletcher; I have never had the patience for that task. Tell him I sent you and that you want to learn and I am sure he will oblige.” The old man likely would, but if he was feeling cranky that day any number of Warders possessed the skill. 


“It seems your weapons have been chosen. How do you feel? It isn’t too late to make changes.”

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He followed Thera's instruction, placing his hand where she had told him and tried to pull back the string again. It was easier this time, but still took a significant amount of effort.


He nodded as she told him about learning to make his own bow and arrows. When she had finished, he said quietly, "Yes, I would like that."


When she asked if he wanted to make any changes to his weapon. He thought about it for a moment, gazing over his shoulder where the pole arms lay on the racks. There was a longing in his eyes as he studied them for a moment, rotating the bow between his fingers before placing the point on the ground. Then, turning back to Thera, he drew the shorter sword out of his sheath, looking at it for a moment.


"The only thing that I’m unsure of, is the length of this one," He said still looking at it, "I feel that I might want it longer, but I don't want it to become unwieldy in my weak hand."


He spun it a few times before replacing it in the sheath on his back, then shrugged saying, "I suppose that is something I will know with more experience, and I’m thrilled with everything else" he said with a smile, "So, I would say that I feel pretty good."


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Thera nodded. "I think you made fine selections Elyan. Remember to, as your skills develope you will learn the art of many more weapons."


"Is there anything else you need from me?" STanding on her feet for so long made Thera start to ache and she longed to find a hot bath.

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"Probably, but i could keep you here answering my questions until dawn if you let me." Elyan said, smiling and shaking his head. "No, i'm sure you have more important things to be taking care of, but i thank you for your wisdom and guidance." Elyan said looking up at her. "It was a pleasure to have spoken with you," Finishing his statement with a deep bow, which he held for more time than was necessary. Finally straitening, he smiled before heading towards the door, bow held in hand. He pushed the door open, holding it for Thera then letting it swing shut. He stood with a smile outside the armory, wondering if he had been dismissed, he did not want to appear rude to his superior.

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