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Approved WT Bio - Nenen Kailadel - CC'd by Father of Lies

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Character Information 2


Handle : Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai


Contact : nathanaelwongzhixin@gmail.com

Basic Information


Name: Nenen Kailadel


Age: 17


Nationality: Saldaean-Andoran



Hair: Gold as a corn tassel


Eyes: Blue-Green of the Seea


Skin: Pale


Height: 5’5


Voice: Low Alto


Other: Hawklike eyebrows


Nenen is tall like Wilemi, a legacy of her Saldaean heritage. She has much more build to her due to training with weapons, especially the staff, and can often be seen wearing breaches, rather than the normal skirts and dresses, which hinder her movements during practice.


Her hair is colour of the corn tassel, though it is not as well kept as Wilemi, and thus her hair, when looked at more closely, has a slightly brownish sheen to it, and it is more tangled. Her eyes are the blue-green of the sea, direct and hard most of the time, though it does soften, rarely. Her face has the distinctive Saldaean nose, a legacy of her Saldaean heritage. Her face is oval shaped, and her skin is pale.


Her beauty is far greater than her sister’s due to the fact that she does keep herself in good shape and form, but her muscular tone has also damaged it somewhat.



Nenen has an abrupt personality, unlike her twin sister Wilemi Yoshan. She likes to interact with the common people. But when she explodes, she could utter words that would make a wagon driver turn red with embarrassment.


Nenen does not lie down whenever she is beaten. In stead, when she loses, she uses that defeat to spur her on to ever greater heights. Her will is stronger than Estean, and it shows. She does not really care who her tongue explodes on, even if Estean gives her a heavy lecture as a result..


Nenen also is sometimes revengeful. She has been known to pay back grudges in full and more. However, it is possible to make her concede that she was in the wrong in the first place, though making her apologize is on the far side of impossible.



Special Skills: Nenen can wield a staff pretty well (WS 4), but she’d probably injure herself trying to use something else.



In 850 NE, a daughter of a minor noble in Saldaea, Estean Aravell, whom had great potential for channeling was accepted into the Tower to become Aes Sedai.  However, she broke down during her testing to become Aes Sedai, and was thus put out of the Tower with enough silver to last her for 2 years.  She then settled down in a tiny village in Kandor.


50 years later, the village was attacked by Trollocs in the remainder of a large borderland raid that somehow managed to get past the border defenses.  One of the few survivors, she fled again, southwards this time into Andor, where channellers were honoured.


Strange though it was, Estean fell in love with Namell Yoshan in the city of Caemlyn.  They married, and bought a cosy house near the capital of Andor, where they lived happily for a long time, and had many children.   


Nenen was the twin sister of Wilemi, and was always secretly looking out for her, since the day she could take care of herself.  The daughter of the blacksmith, she was always sneaking into the forges and would, wide-eyed, look at the blacksmith and his apprentice work the fires and the metal.  Nenen always wanted to know how to work a bellows, or shape a horseshoe, basically, she wanted to know blacksmithing.


One day, her father, resigned to Nenen’s fate, decided to teach her how to blacksmith in his free time or while his apprentice was not around.  She pestered her father for information, and drank in all he taught her, though she often did make slips which resulted in a mess which her father somehow managed to conjured up something new and innovative, and always complemented her for giving him new ideas, which made Nenen smile.


Nenen too, like to practice the quarterstaff with her grandmother, Estean and her father.  She once disarmed him by accident, but when he got over the shock, laughed and allowed her to continue training.


Her life changed forever when Namell attacked her and the family due to the fact that Estean had revealed him to be a darkfriend and a dreadlord to boot.  They fled to the palace, where there was Aes Sedai help, and managed to stop him once and for all.


Nenen was tested for the ability to channel, which she had.  She left for Tar Valon with Wilemi, Nesyer, Estean and Seyneru a day after.  They were ambushed on the way to Tar Valon, Nenen delt with several bandits from behind, while Estean picked off the rest and chased them away.  Nenen did not want Estean to teach her to channel however, preferring to rely on her physical abilities to help.  At least until the city of Tar Valon came, where she would have no choice, but to leave her weapon skills of the staff behind, until she became Aes Sedai.

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