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Approved WT Bio - Wilemi Kailadel - CC'd by the Great Lord

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Character Information 1


Handle : Arani Lepenque Aes Sedai


Contact : nathanaelwongzhixin@gmail.com

Basic Information


Name: Wilemi Kailadel


Age: 17


Nationality: Saldaean-Andoran



Hair: Gold


Eyes: Blue like the sky


Skin: Pale


Height: 5'5


Voice: Alto


Other: Strong nose


Wilemi is tall and rail thin. However, she is shorter than her grandmother Estean because she has Andoran heritage, and thus shorter parents. Her thinness is due to the fact that she prefers to stay indoors and read, never exercising. Even with Nenen's constant badgering.


Her hair is colour of the corn tassel, and shines like gold in the rays of the full sunlight. Her eyes are the blue of the sky, sharp most of the time, but sometimes vague, and her face has the distinctive Saldaean nose from her grandmother. Her face is oval shaped, and her skin is pale.


She looks young and with some remnants of beauty that has been somewhat wasted away due to that fact that she neglected her body to nurture the mind.  However, she is now learning to her cost that neglecting the body too much means that the mind would be affected adversely too.



Wilemi is an introvert, prefering to keep to her rooms most of the time to read books. She however, prefers reliable and proven facts to hearsay and stories.  Thus, there is much she has missed out on due to the fact that she does not realized that there may be truth hidden in lies


Wilemi is also very sharp and quick intellectually. In the city, not many are as clever as she, for her powers of logical deduction and reasoning are potentially unmatched, well, as long as judgement does not cloud it anyway.


As a commoner, Wilemi's will is weaker than most. Her backbone has strengthened throughout the years, but still she needs prompting and help by Nenen to cope with the stress. She is known to be clam kind and sympathetic, and always keeps an open mind while making judgements, well, most of the time.



Physical Weaknesses: She is so thin that her skill with the staff is limited, eve with training.


Knowledge Weaknesses:  She is overly cautious on information that is hearsay.




In 850 NE, a daughter of a minor noble in Saldaea, Estean Aravell, whom had great potential for channeling was accepted into the Tower to become Aes Sedai.  However, she broke down during her testing to become Aes Sedai, and was thus put out of the Tower with enough silver to last her for 2 years.  She then settled down in a tiny village in Kandor.


50 years later, the village was attacked by Trollocs in the remainder of a large borderland raid that somehow managed to get past the border defenses.  One of the few survivors, she fled again, southwards this time into Andor, where channellers were honoured.


Strange though it was, Estean fell in love with Namell Yoshan in the city of Caemlyn.  They married, and bought a cosy house near the capital of Andor, where they lived happily for a long time, and had many children.   


Wilemi was born to a family of 4, the twin sister of Nenen.  She was the daughter of the blacksmith in the city, and was known to all as being one of the quietest and most well mannered of all the girls in the whole district.  More amazing was her intellect.  From the age of 4, she had started to learn the words, where most children were learning alphabets.  Before the age of 10, she had read most of the books in the house, and was thirsting for more.  Her grandmother, Estean, bemused and gratified, taught her secretly the Old Tongue of humans, which she learnt like the desert drinking in water.


But Wilemi was such a quiet and shy girl, that she was usually pushed around in the city, by boys and girls, children and adults alike, and she accepted it, for usually she was having her nose in her books and would do anything for anybody, if only to find a scrap of knowledge that seemed lost to all.  Her sister, Nenen, usually had to stiffen her back time and again to remind her that she was a person, not a thing to be ordered around, for she sensed that Wilemi actually had a deep sense of independence, it was just that it was hidden beneath soft feathers of gentleness.


Then one day, Estean fell sick.  Wilemi was devastated, for she was closer to Estean than any of her siblings.  She sat by Estean’s side from dawn to dusk, tending her, but even Nesyer, her cousin, knowledgeable as she was at herbs, could do nothing to tamper down the fever.  They had to wait for an agonizing few days before Estean’s temperature came down sufficiently.


When Namell attacked the whole family after he was revealed by Estean to be a dreadlord and high in the ranks of the shadow, Wilemi was gathered up by Estean along with her surviving relatives, her twin sister, and Nesyer and Seyneru, and fled to the palace of Caemlyn, where they received the help of the Aes Sedai advisor, and managed to subdue and still him on the spot.


Wilemi was tested for the ability, which she had.  She left for Tar Valon with Nenen, Nesyer, Estean and Seyneru a day after.  Wilemi and her siblings were ambushed on their way to Tar Valon by several bandits.  Estean chased them away after teaching them a good lesson with the One Power.  Intrigued, Wilemi asked Estean to start teaching her.  At first Estean disagreed, but finally gave in at Wilemi’s disappointed look.


Estean taught Wilemi on the way to Tar Valon how to surrender to Saidar.  Wilemi could not touch to source at first, requiring one out of every few dozen tries to be able to do it, and she could not do it every day.  But as days progressed, she could embrace the True Source more easily, and with a higher probability at every passing day, until the group arrived at Tar Valon.


CC'd, again. When I get home I get the feeling I'm going to be checking shadowhall for a new DL bio...

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