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Going Home...Erractic Access...


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For about the next week, I am unsure how often I will be able to get online as I am going back home after my first year at university. There will be lots of catching up to do with family and friends, so I may not be around as much as I wish.


For all you Raw Recruits, I will do my best to assign you as best as possible, but if I can't, RLOs, please make a thread and just tell where people go. I know you will be up for the job! :D


Also, when I go home, I have slooooooooooooooooooooooow dial up connection, which means what I can do in a few hours here in halls will take me all day at home. So please give me time to do things as a result.


Plus I have work as well, and that will also affect my online time. I find out my work hours over the weekend.


This disruption shouldn't be for too long, as I get used to the system again.


So, behave....or else!!!!!


Well, I am back...for now!!!


I played cricket all weekend, and we won both games! yay! Scored 23 and 57, and took 3 catches as keeper in the 2 games, so it was also a good weekend for me overall!


Unfortunately, where I usually work has put a ban on taking on staff, whether they are new or old, so I am without a job. So, I am currently job hunting, and I'll keep you updated.


I will remind you I am on slooooooooooooow dial up, so what takes me a couple of hours may take all day. Please be patient. Thanks! :D


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