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Show Me What You Know [ATTN: Moran]

Guest Estel

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Guest Estel

Eagerly, Carnhain awaited the arrival of the new Cavalry Private. Supposedly the new Bander was the brother of one of the Archers. The young Lieutenant had no idea what this man's skill was with horses, though he hoped he would not have to go over everything. Rumours flew over why the man had come, but Carnhain disregarded most of them. However, his deep curiousity sought to satisfy itself and answer a few questions.


As the man approached, Carnhain assesed him- tall, good muscle, obviously Saldaen by his features. 'Good, Borderlanders generally know enough about armies to fly through the basics.'


"Good morning, I am Lieutenant Carnhain Stromblade." The Cavalryman nodded and stuck out his hand in welcome. "Why don't you get your mount and show me how much you know about his general care?"

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Moran strode out into the morning air from the barraks. This day was the first of many days of long training. Of that he was sure. Though thankfully after all the training he had back at home none of it would be on horsemanship.


He knew his instructor was also one of his commanding officers. A Lieutenant Carnhain Stromblade. He didn't know who the man was or what he looked like. He only knew where he was supposed to meet him


When he got there he noticed a man standing at ease. As he walked towards him he could sense the man's assessing gaze.


"Good morning, I am Lieutenant Carnhain Stromblade." He held out his hand and Moran gripped him forearm to forearm. "Why don't you get your mount and show me how much you know about his general care?"


Moran just stood there for a moment. He had grown up his entire life around horses and now he had to complete training in it.


He saluted and went to get his horse. He demonstrated the proper ways to saddle and unsaddle a horse. Next step was shwon on how a horse could be controled by leg pressure alone. Next came general grooming. Then last but not least came actualy riding.


After demonstrating his skills with horses he saluted Carnhaim and awaited his descision.


Moran Bloodeye

Brother to Owan Bloodeye

Private, Calvary

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Guest Estel

Carnhain was about to tell him to mount up, when Ingtar approached him. Curious Carnhain stood, up leg in his stirrup, the other hanging a foot from the ground.


"Moran," he said addressing the man beside him "this is Sergeant Ingtar Jagad, also of the Cavalry. He's the head of your Platoon. What is it Ingtar?"

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Ingtar listened to th instructions and hurried to Carnhain, who was supposed to be training a new Cavalry Private. So he headed to the training fields, and sure enough, there was Carnhain with his new Private. Carnhain spotted Ingtar approaching and stopped halfway while mounting. Then Carnhain introduced Ingtar to Moran. He nodded his head at the private and turned to Carnhain who asked quickly,"What is it Ingtar?" Ingtar pulled Carnhain off to the side and reiterated the instructions he had received to the Lieutenant. "You're wanted by Amon. I'm not exactly sure why. But I suspect it involves battle plans. You are supposed to report immediately. I'll take over Pte. Moran here's training." Carnhain nodded and rode off.


Ingtar turned his attention to Moran. He wondered what training Carnhain had already covered, but it would probably be best if he asked him himself. "Alright. Lt. Carnhain has been called away, so I'll be taking over your training from here on in. First off, I'd like to know what you've done so far so we can move ahead. If you have any questions, just ask me. Alright, so what have you done?" Ingtar wondered how this soldier would turn out. He had bowed legs, so he probably had some degree of training in horsemanship, but weirder things had happened.

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As Moran sees all the action He wonders what could be happening. He has heard of rumors of wars. He thought for a moment if his brother was going to be going. Then he thought that if had wanted to go he better get his act together and get this training over and done with so that he could once again ride with his brother.


He watched the small exchange between the two men and waited as the other one approached him.

"Alright. Lt. Carnhain has been called away, so I'll be taking over your training from here on in. First off, I'd like to know what you've done so far so we can move ahead. If you have any questions, just ask me. Alright, so what have you done?"


He stepped from his half mount and introduced himself to his newly found trainer.


"You wish to know what I've done thus far. Well I just finished showing Carnhain my skills of riding as well as basic saddleing and feeding of my stud. I am looking forward to many hours of training with you sir. I also hope to know you not only as CO but also as friend and then maybe be like family."


With that said Moran stands at ease and patiently awaits further instructions.


Moran Bloodeye

Brother of Owan

Private, Calvary

Band of the Red Hand[/i]

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Ingtar listened to Moran explain what he had done thus far, and his desire for friendship with him. There was nothing wrong with that, and it looked like Ingtar would have a good soldier on his hands once he began training. Ingtar responded cheerfully to Moran. "Excellent. It is good that you wish to be friends. It means you have a soul, and sould are good to have. I wish to make sure everyone in my platoon are strong friends. It makes for a more cohesive unit, one that relies on everybody's strengths to support their weaknesses. I try to get to know my troops, so I understand how they tick, and to keep them at a razor's edge. I will be friends with you, just as long as, when I give orders you obey them. Understand?" Moran nodded and Ingtar continued.


"Ok. Since you know how to ride your horse, we will see how well you can do it. There is a course, around here, which you will ride, as fast as you can. It is filled with several obstacles that you will have to maneuver through, around, or possible even over. There is also a plain riding course designed to see how fast you are. Which would you like to do first?" Ingtar saw Moran smile, and he wondered which he would pick.

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Moran smiled briefly...this was what he knew..the horse and the field. Just like the horsemasters back home. He looked Intgar in the eye considering the choices. "The speed course if you will."


He reined shadar'faile over and followed Intgar to the field. He sat and looked over the course and grinned. He had done the same thing back home in Saldea training with his father's horsemen.


He sat and waited for Intgar to give the order to begin.


Moran Bloodeye

Private, Calvary


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ooc:Does shadar'faile mean Shadow Falcon? And is he/she a warhorse? It's nothing important but I just like knowing things.


ic:Ingtar nodded at Moran's choice. Ingtar had always liked the obstacle course better then the speed course, mainly because he was a very skilled rider, and obstacles were the funnest thing for him. And the fact that Dragon wasn't the fastest horse in the world. Dragon was big, bred for running through enemies, not for speed. Ingtar pushed the thoughts away, remembering that he was training somebody else, not himself. He pointed to a line drawn across the ground and spoke to his trainee. "All right. Start there. The course is a mile long in an ovular shape. You start here and you will finish over there." Ingtar spun to point out an opening about a quarter mile down the line. "If you can beat my time, you're doing good, and after we're finished today, I'll buy you a drink. Now mount up." He watched Moran move quickly into the saddle, and Ingtar raised his hand, signalling that he was about to begin the run. "On my mark, set, GO!" Ingtar's hand dropped and Moran started to go. Ingtar started walking to the finish line, counting off the seconds for Moran's time. The way the man was moving at the moment, he was going to beat Ingtar's time. But two minutes would tell.


ooc:Don't worry about what the time is. You should beat it as long as your horse is smaller then mine.

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OOC: Yes it does and yes..he is a medium war horse by standard.


IC: Moran listened intenly to Intgar's words and nodded with a small grin. He knew these kind of races. He had rode in a few himself. He saw Intgar raise his hand and he leaned forward in the saddle standing up slightly in the stirrups. As Intgar's hand dropped Moran kicked his horse into motion shooting off like an arrow from the line.


He grinned feeling the wind in his hair as he fell into syncronized movement with Shadar'faile. This is what he knew well...the horse and the rider. In this world all his cares melted away..there was only one thing on his mind..the ride.


He slowed his mount to a stop as he crossed the finish line reining it around looking at Intgar waiting the final judgement.


Moran Bloodeye

Private, Calvary


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Ingtar watched Moran ride. The guy had some skill on his horse, there was a lot of potential in this trainee it seemed. Moran raced across the finish line, head low down over the horse, for better speed. Ingtar stopped his mental stopwatch, and compared the man's time compared to his in the past. Moran beat him.


Smiling, Ingtar approached Moran, and gave a shake-down of Moran's performance. "Good, good. You beat my time, so it looks like I owe you a beer." Moran smiled at that and Ingtar continued. "You have a good horse, with plenty of stamina, so you were able to make that race at almost full speed the entire way. But I did notice that your mount here, started slowing down near the last quarter mile stretch. In battle the last quarter mile is the most important. You shouldn't just blast out of the starting line, but save some energy for the end. For when you're charging in on an enemy, the more speed you have at the moment of impact, the more damage you can do. Got that?" Moran nodded and Ingtar went on. "So basically move fast at the beginning, just not super fast. That's for the end. But other then that, you did really well. You're positioning on your horse was fantastic, and you have good control with your horse. So good job. Alright, we'll take an hour long break for lunch, and to rest Shadar'Faile, and then we'll meet back here for the obstacle course. Any questions?"


Ingtar turned away from Moran and headed towards the town to have a good meal for the afternoon. He was going to make Moran work hard, and he decided that he hadn't been on the course in a while, so he would do it as well. Ingtar heard his belly growl, and he smiled. Lunch called.

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