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Resistance 2: Multi-player Beta First Impressions


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If you've ever played Resistance: Fall of Man, while the main story was up there with the top fps campiegns, everyone knows when it comes to FPS's like Resistance, and Halo, its all about the multi-player.


Personally I didn't like Resistance's multi-player. It was basically your run of the mill team death match, and regular death match...

Sure its fun a few rounds but after-a-while it starts to have no real substance...

That is until you try out Resistance 2's Multi-player.


First of all, Resistance 2's Multi-player 'is' missing the 'lobby' that Resistance: Fall of Man had, (though honestly I don't remember one!) Its possible that this lobby just isn't in the beta, but its really a non issue for me.



There are several game types,

8 Player Class Based Co-Op - Escentially you can play with up to 8 other people, in a mission based co-op, you can choose between 3 classes, Soldier, Medic, and Special Ops. Escentially the Soldier has a gatling gun, and a 'Shield'. The Medic has a gun that converts energy that they 'steal' from there enemies, and heal there party with, via there alternate fire (Similar to the soldiers shield).

The Spec Ops, are escentially the re-supply unit and the Damage guy. They can't shoot non-stop as much as the Soldier, but they most definately can deal alot of damage.

In this 8-player co-op, you and up to 7 other people are escentially tossed into a map, and have to fight your way through various objectives, kill these guys, capture that point, ect. (pretty standard as far as FPS's go. And this is just the Beginning maps!)

Co-Op doesn't end there either. As you play, you gain EXP, and thusly levels. As you level up, you unlock new weapons. And as you complete co-op games, you get certain artifact points, that allow you to unlock various 'specials'. (Is this at all similar to CoD4/GoW?)

Death Match - If you don't know what free-for-all death match is, you should be shot.

Team Death Match - Same as the above, only in teams instead of free-for-all... REally you didn't know that?

Capture the Flag - You capture a flag, and if you catch say 2 out of 3 flags, you win. Its really is a fairly easy concept... Really.

Skirmish - Think of Co-Op, minus the classes, and your teams split up into squads with various objectives you need to accomplish to win. That is a 30vs30 game. (or is it 32vs32?). The only real difference between this, and Co-Op, is there are no NPC's, No EXP, and no Levels (aside from rank), So it's not nearly as fun as Co-Op.


More about Co-Op.

Probably one of the funnest things about co-op, you can technically play co-op 'off-line' with two people. (Have yet to figure out how to get a second player, I'm guessing htey disabled that in the beta)

You can gain lvls and exp, that you can use in the online co-op.

At lvl 1 you come with Your regular weapon. (Gatling gun for Soldier, Medic healing gun thingy, that only works on enemies, and the Special-Ops burst fire assault rifle.) Which have alternate fire modes that do very fun things. (Soldiers alt fire = Shield, Medics = healing aura on ground, Spec-Ops = electromagnetic burst fire).

Other things they can do, from what I've found is that the Soldier can toss gernades (when supplied by the special-ops), the Medic... I have no idea what else they can do. I'm not a medic dammit! The special ops version of the gernade, is a supply kit. This gives the Soldier more 'ammo' for his shield, and the Medic more healing aura things to plant on the ground...


At level 2, you unlock 1 new weapon. As a soldier you obtain a Shotgun, as a spec-op, you obtain a bullseye... Still no idea what the medic gets.


At various levels, you can 'buy' upgrades, like belts/gloves with various effects. Some give you an ammo belt, or increased dmg/healing, ect.


I found the co-op to be highly entertaining, and had me yelling 'F***ING RETARDS!'


Why would I yell such obscenities?

Well its simple, if your a soldier, the best tactic is to REMAIN THE F***ING STILL, so the medic can heal your arse, and the Spec-Op can give you ammo for your shield!

What do 9 out of 10 soldiers do?

Bunny hop all over the place dodging enemy attacks, and not even letting there supplier, supply them!


Then you have Spec-Ops who also go commando, and run out into the middle of the battlefield, only to die, leaving there soldier(tank) to die for not being resupplied!


Then of course the medic. They don't really do damage with there gun, instead they steal energy that allows there healing aura thing to heal their allies. Of course, its hard to go commando with these guys, but what happens 9 out of 10 times is that because of the above, they end up dead, or no use because people are running around with there heads cut off. ;)



If you hadn't realized, I choose to focus primarilly on being a spec op... But after a few co-ops no one wanted to be a Soldier, so I ended up taking that role, and was to damned good at it!


So all in All, I'll most likely buy R2 when it comes out, and when I do, I may actually play the multi-player obsessively because of co-op. ;)



Now if only Fall-out 3 had multiplayer co-op... :P


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