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Dare You To Dance (OPEN RP)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: so... Caima is uptight sober, and a flirt fiend when drunk... way to go.. ;)



The sheer warmth, mixed with the slight taste or ale from Aran's lips caught her more unaware than her being caught in his lap and in his arms. She liked it. Although she felt a little awkeward nearly falling off of him, it didn't seem to matter as the feeling of being with him made her feel. Feel what, she wasn't sure. But she wasn't given any time to figure it out as Aran pulled away from the kiss, leaving her a little speechless.


Smiling as he pulled away, she seemed a little out of it. Leaning forward quickly and pecking her nose, he chuckled as he spoke. "Well? How was your wish? I'd almost think you could get used to it."


She smiles, lightly touching her lips with a loose hand.. "I could almost agree with you.... that was rather.. nice.. " Her thoughts were rather fluttered, and slurred from both the kiss and ale. This was very new territory for her, and she didn't know what to say next.. or do..


Grinning, he took his hand from her face and poked her in the ribs before slipping it around as he spoke. "Well, why don't you give it a try then? When you're ready." Puckering his lips at her for a moment, it broke into an easy smile as he waited to see what she would do.


She put a thoughtful look on her face, regarding him with analysing eyes. Giving in to her own enjoyment, she leaned forward and kissed him again. At first it was very hesitant, and chaste, but she didn't pull away.


Gentleness was in everything that Aran did, he knew how wary she was, and how vulnerable. To mishandle that, even for a moment, that would risk wrecking everything. Not just the moment, everything. So, he let her lead, and responded to what she did.


But even his responce enough for her to feel more comfortable, and she put a little more pressure in her kisses, finding herself growing a little more confident in her touch. But something else played with her mind, something that was either warning bells, or something that would pull her even deeper. Could she 'really' be falling for him? But with the Ale, this knowledge was very far from mind, and a different feeling was growing. A hunger that she had never knwn, one that wanted to feed.


Brainsnap. That was the only way Aran could describe it. One of the problems with trying to be a good person was that you were saddled with a conscience, and through the haze of ale it was screaming at him right about halfway through a rather heated kiss that he was doing exactly what he'd told himself he would not do. It took him till the end of the kiss to disengage himself, through which his conscience was being thoroughly pummeled by his not conscience. Unfortunately his conscience was still bleating.


"Before this can go any further, you need to know something." The smart thing would have been to not say anything, at the same time the smart thing was to say something. Not conscience put a vicious boot into conscience before Aran continued. "You know what I'm like. I don't, and I can't, settle on one woman. It doesn't mean that I have no care, because I do care for you. But I won't have you believe I'm something that I'm not either, and be hurt by it. That is the last thing I would wish to do to you."


"So, this is what I'm saying." The grins, smirks and smiles that were his stock and trade were all absent now, only a look that couldn't be mistaken for anything other than care. "Either you have to take me the way I am, or we have to stop here, because anything else will end up with you hurt. That, I won't do."


His admittance caught Cairma completely unaware. He cared enough to say as much.. He cared for her. ... Someone cared for her. It almost made her want to cry, but she took a deep breath instead and thought hard, as must as the heat would allow her to, on his words. Smiling softly up at him, she leaned up and left a chaste kiss, soft, but no more than a friendly kiss. "I accept who you are. And much to my surprise, i like you. I like you a lot Aran. You've pulled me further out of my shell than anyone."


She paused for a moment as rational thoughts flowed through her head. "I don't know what could happen that would hurt me. or you.. " .. "But i don't think it would be worth the risk.. " She smiled with a bit of a heated look in here eyes. "At least not yet?"


Not conscience was rather displeased about how things had turned out. In fact, not conscience would be bleating like his conscience had been if there had been any point. In stark contrast, Aran's conscience had a rather smug grin. Himself, he had a small smile on his face. "When you're ready you'll know. I doubt I'll be going anywhere anytime soon, not until Vasya finds another excuse anyway."


Grinning at the last, Aran pulled her close but rather than kiss her let her lean on him as he continued. "But when you do decide, best be sure. If you hadn't noticed, you're rather good looking, especially drenched in ale. I don't think I'll be able to stop myself twice." Frowning at the thought, he nodded again. "Definitely not twice."


She chuckled at his tease and grew silent for an odd moment. "Must be hard to do the 'right' thing."


"Especially after that many mugs. How many did we have? I don't even know!" The ale was quickly asserting itself again despite his moment of almost sort of soberness, something made clear by the grin on his face. "But if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth it right? Thats what I'm told, and oddly enough its right."


Cairma tried to do a quick cont in her hea,d but failed. "I'm not sure on the Ale.. It didn't hit me as hard.. maybe i'm learning to tolerate is as much as i am tolerant of you." She teased, poking his chest lightly. "And your not all that hard to deny either. After all, your Aran.


"Yes, I am. I think... wait." Running a hand over his head, he nodded to himself "No mohawk so I'm not Rosheen, not bald enough to be Vasya." Running a hand over his face, he nodded again. "Not pretty enough to be Cairma, must be Aran." Grinning, he poked her back. "You're not so bad yourself. In fact." He leaned to her and deliberately licked her face from jaw to ear. "You don't taste too bad either!"


She laughed, thinking to push him away and onto the ground but she was laughing too hard and didnt' want to end up on the ground as well. "Careful, in some places that's considered foreplay." She poked him in the chest, "I thought you weren't going to take advantage of me."


Aran sighed dramatically. "Now there you had to go reminding me." Grinning, he freed his left hand and patted her leg. "I do think its probably time we got some sleep though. Up, I'll help you to your room, then I'm going to have to find mine, or one thats open."



She smiled warmly at him with a softer thought that was merely fleeting and it turned to one of teasing. "I'm sure there is a door open, and mine isn't it. It's bad enough that i'm in the same room as Llugh." She stopped and gave a slight shrugs. "Not that i've seen much of him at all.. " She picked the daggers from the wall and passed them to him with a smirk. "And i beat you fair and square. maybe next time i'll think of a more 'fair' wager."


"Never know, me and Llugh this time had a wonderful spar. I'm sure he probably wouldn't scream if he woke up tomorrow with me next to him." Grinning as he stood, he took the daggers. "Fair? I guess we'll have to wait and see no?" Smiling, he gestured for her to lead the way out. "After you my lady."


She laughed and walked to the door. "You and Llugh. Now i'd pay to see that!" She smiled, kissing his cheek for a finial time as she walked by. "Almost enough to let you into my room." She chuckled and just kept walking to her room. ".. Almost."





Tower Guard



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