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This is the weather report on CNN


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So, what weather do you guys think separate parts of the world have. We know that the winters are tough in the Borderlands, and that on the coast to the Storm Seas there can be frequent storms where much rainfall comes pouring down.


I am not sure about the rest of the world, except of the Aiel waste of course  :D


Since the geography is similar, I imagine the weather in the Two Rivers being similar to Colorado's 'Front Range'--the plains and foothills just before the Rocky Mountains start. (The Denver area), or some of the larger valleys in the mountains themselves, like where I live. The Two Rivers sits on the east side of the Mountains of Mist, just like eastern Colorado sits right in the shadow of the mountains here. The winters are cold, windy, and come with plenty of snow.It can get to well below zero, but 20-30 degrees is about the average in the coldest parts of winter. Most of the really heavy snow like you see in the mountains misses it, because it is sheltered by the peaks. So you will rarely see more than two feet of snow at a time, and usually much less. The summers get into the 90s at most, but 75 is more average. Spring starts around April (or the Wheel of Time equivalent--Bel Tine would be early April here, since that's when the lambs are born), with mid-late summer being the hottest (That's late July through August for us) and fall begins in mid September. (I don't know what months are what in the books...)


So, the crop growing season is comparatively short, and livestock have to be pretty tough to survive the winter. The soil would probably be fairly rocky and not the greatest, as well. Although they do grow tabac (tobacco) in the Two Rivers, and I think that needs a warm climate with a long growing season, since it is primarily grown in the south in the United States, where they don't get snow at all really. We do know that the Two Rivers gets snow, though. Maybe it's a different plant in their world?


Thanks for the update man, but for all you guys, remmber that I don't know these locations likeColorado's Front Range, so don't compare places in this world with places in RJ's, please. Thanks you.


Thanks for the update man, but for all you guys, remmber that I don't know these locations likeColorado's Front Range, so don't compare places in this world with places in RJ's, please. Thanks you.


I don't know how you think anyone can compare if they can't use examples of places in the real world. ??? ::)

Myself, I don't know how the winters are in Colorado either, but I think Spirit did a good job of explaining.

I think it sounds pretty close to what the Two Rivers would be like weather-wise.


Anyways, I believe Tear and Illian and all the cities to the south have weather similar to what you'd find in the United States southern states like S. Carolina and Florida.

IIRC, the southern cities in WOT world never had snow in the winter, mild winters, and also had very muggy summers.





I don't know how you think anyone can compare if they can't use examples of places in the real world.

I agree. I don't know how else to go about it. If you've got an idea that would help you better understand, please enlighten us, and we can try to accomodate you. =)


I know that not everyone knows the climate in small parts of the world like that, especially those of you in different countries. I had no expectation that many of you would know, but I threw it in there for anyone who might have ever been here. That's why I also explained what it's like instead of just saying "I think it's like this place." Climate is highly dependant on geography, so I was thinking of places in the books that have similar geography to places I know in life. Which necessitates those  being places in this world, since I have never been to another lol. If I don't know about a place, I couldn't very well tell you what its weather is like and why, now could I? =)


The part of Colorado I am talking to is in the center of a large landmass (north america), away from large bodies of water, excepting rivers,(the little town I live in is actually in between two rivers lol) and sheltered by a high mountain range to the west. Much like the Two Rivers. In winter, it's like I said. Snowy, and cold, usually 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit most days. A very cool spring and fall, and a short summer with temperatures usually around 75 degrees F, but during the hottest part getting up to the 90s or maybe 100 on occasion. So, I imagine that's about what the Two Rivers is like.


I always imagine Ebou Dar to be much like Louisiana and that general area. So Tear and Illian, at least the southernmost parts, are probably about the same also. (My comparisons will all be to the United States, since that is the only part of the world I have any experience in. I don't have any idea what the weather is like in, say Africa...) Very hot summers, very humid all the time. Mildly cold in the winter, and no snow. Perhaps the occasional ice storm, in the northern parts of those countries. (Like in Texas, if any of you happen to live there)


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