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Lost (Here be spoilers)


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Guest Majsju

Just to make Empy boy happy, I'm starting up this. Both about the season finale, and the show in general.

Anyone got any funny theories?


I'm very curious about the broken stsue, and what kind of "people" that made it. 4 toes?


And will Michael and Walt actually be able to leave, or will they find themselves back on the island after a while, just like Desmond? Or maybe what Henry calls "safety" will not be what Michael expects...

Guest Emperor

Ok first, the Lost ARG... I am all over it. I am checking sites and really want to know all the details of the ARG. Yeah they sucked me in and its genius!


I am also interested in reading Bad Twin as I here it has many clues to Widmore and the Hanso group. Of course after the season finale I need something to do until the new season starts up.


My theory:


Widmore is key to the next season. Widmore is the connection between all the losties. Maybe through Desmond... he already bumped into 3 of them. Is this show all in Desmond's mind? Is he infected?

Guest Majsju

In Desmond's head? Lol, sounds inspired by Dallas, when Pam had a very long dream about Bobby being dead :lol:


Widmore definitly appears to be one of the keys. But I think there are more than one. Several of the other characters have been connected one way or the other without any apparent connection to Widmore.

Guest Majsju

And a funny detail about Desmond and his book. Just that he never read the book hints strongly at him not being dead. But also, in the book (Our Mutual Friend by Dickens), a man is thought to be dead, just to show up alive later...


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