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Take Two


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As Aran looked into the mirror, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu. Once again dressed in fine clothes, the ones he'd worn before infact. He was rather proud of his needlework as well, it wasn't obvious that his pant leg or his arm had been convincingly run through by Ginae during his last blademaster ceremony. That had been fun, so much fun, especially the bleeding. And now he'd get to do the same thing again today, because he just loved to have a good bleed every now and then.


Shaking his head of his sarcastic thoughts, he set his shoulders and studied his face, putting himself in the right mindset. He wanted to win, he wanted to be a blademaster, he was excited at the new opportunity he'd been given. Jumping up and down a few times and shaking his arms as he did so, he loosened himself up, fitting himself in the new persona. Keen. Enthusiastic. Confident. Aran.


Walking out the door, he made his way down to the bottom floor of the barracks and out the door. Looking up as he heard people yelling, he looked up to the window and waved at his mates cheering him on. They were keen for him to win, though he'd told them he doubted he'd get the heron. Either way, it would be an excuse to have some drinks, whether it be a festive or commiseratory reason.


Waving to others as he walked by, people already knew that he'd been invited to try again, and only a week after the first ceremony. Vasya's doing, and Aran had to wonder why. Part of him supposed it was because Vasya would like to see him take another beating, mainly because Vasya felt that some humility would do Aran some good. The more practical side of him had other suspicions though.


Some of them were good, like Vasya wanting to shield Rosheen's choice to support Aran by doing the same. He had tested Rosheen himself, so he had faith in her and wouldn't want to see others have any less. Maybe Vasya felt that he deserved a second chance of some sort, as hard as he was he was also fair.


Yet there was the fear that Vasya suspected Aran, a well founded suspicion. Some questioned how Aran had fallen to Ginae so quickly, and he knew that it didn't help his cause at all. Today, he would have to be more convincing. His defeat would have to be far less obvious, a single fatal mistake in an otherwise good performance. Yet not too good to make them think he was ready despite anything that happened. But what happened happened, and Aran knew that one way or another, he was not taking that heron.




Tower Guard

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Llugh looked in the mirror and shook his head and looked at himself. He had been away on extended missions that he didn't even recognize himself in uniform anymore. He belted on his sword and adjusted his cloak. He looked like a overdressed peacock considering what he had been wearing lately. However he had been recalled to the Tower to take back up his duties as a Trainer. He would have a lot of new trainees soon and it was his job to get them prepared for whatever was to come.


He smiled remembering his training when he had first come to the Tower. Matalina had been hard..but that had only been a small part of what was in store for him. He had come to find out what true training and hard work was under Akira during his initial training in the Path of the Blade. Cuts, bruises, broken bones..these were day to day things in his discipline. You simply lived through it and learned.


It was partially why most gave him a rather large berth. It wasn't that he was violent, but he didn't back down either. It was also probably why he hadn't been bonded yet.


He made sure his sword was at the right angle across his back and nodded heading out the door. It was good to be back.


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ceremony was familiar in its ritual now. Not that Aran would be any less impudent than before, he wanted to be trounced and if someone felt it was their duty to make sure he didn't succeed, all the better. Drawing his blades, he spun them about a couple of times in a rather flashy manner. He was pretty sure at least one person rolled their eyes as he did so, but that only made the lurid grin on his face wider.


"I am Aran, the prettiest man here and a duel away from blademaster, who would challenge my claim!?" At the last he'd adopted a rather exaggerated form of Lion on the Hill. Blademasters tended to be a prickly lot, someone would step forward soon enough.


Rosheen wouldn't, neither would Lyv. Borac most likely wouldn't because he was a judge. Ginae had already challenged him before so she wouldn't be the one to do it. Vasya was the one that had summoned Aran, so he wouldn't do it. There were only a few left, whoever it was would be an adversary. Not to beat, but rather to fool.




Tower Guard

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Llugh walked through the Yards nodding to the other Guards as he walked by. Many were unfamiliar. A lot had changed while he was away.


"I am Aran, the prettiest man here and a duel away from blademaster, who would challenge my claim!?"


Llugh looked up ahead where he heard the voice comming from and shook his head. The impetiousness of youth. The man was dressed like a bloody peacock. A duel was a test of skills..not a fashion show. However Llugh noticed that none of the bladesmasters that were currently there had stepped up to the challenge. Llugh shook his head and checked his blade. It was time for someone to teach this impudent Guard a lesson in humility.


He stepped up to the edge of the circle and saluted with his sword.


"I Llugh of the Strong Arm, Blademaster of the Tower challenge your claim to the right and rank of blademaster."


It was time to roll the dice...

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Turning towards the man who called out his challenge, Aran looked the man up and down with a smirk. He recognised the man, though he was newly returned to the yards. Some had told him the man's name already, Llugh, of the strong arm they called him. Aran didn't really see why the man had gained such a moniker, perhaps the man had had a mentor who never gave him the attention he craved. Now there was an image and a half.


"You're challenging my claim? The only thing you could challenge is an Andoran to an ugly contest."


Shifting about, dancing from foot to foot as he watched the man advance in response, Aran kept the easy grin on his face. The creeper embraces the oak in the manner Aran shifted around Llugh, twining about as he looked for any weakness. At the same time, Aran moved in response to the man, not allowing the man to come close with his slower steps. If Llugh wanted to close the distance, he'd have to throw his caution to the wind.


Not that Aran was going to win, but he had to look like he was trying. Drawing his opponent to make the first move was important, and it would allow Aran to get a measure of him. From there he could plan how he was going to fall.




Tower Guard

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Llugh held his sword ready watching his opponent. The remarks had angered Llugh..but he drew up the void and allowed it to flow away. This was a test of skill...of all the knowledge and training that a Guard had assumed and learned throughout years of experience. The rank of Blademaster was the epitome of a swordsman. The one thing that all serious warriors strove to achieve.


He watched Aran closely...to his credit his opening move was The Creeper Embraces the Oak. Which was a solid opening to feel out one's opponent. However..not all battles were won with caution. The cautious approach was a good approach but not always the best approach.


Llugh had learned to many times that suprise as well as caution was the best approach. He didnt' know if Aran had any true fighting experience other then training...it was time to see just what this man was made of.


Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwhind was the opening followed by Cat Dances on the Wall. And the game was afoot. Let the dice land where they fall.


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade

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Sliding around the blows, Aran moved backward and side to side as he blocked only the blows he had to. Llugh kept pace, but seemed to be waiting for Aran to commit himself first. Not likely, Aran planned to frustrate the man until he was pressed. Of course, Aran hadn't counted on Llugh having experience in boxing in an opponent. Not that he was caught, but it was making it harder to slide about with Llugh anticipating his movements. More and more he was having to use his blades to defend himself.




The Falling Leaf turned into Twisting in Wind as Aran followed the spin through and kept moving forward. While it was normally a defensive manouvre for many opponents, with two blade in particular it allowed one to build up momentum in their attack. Suffocating Llugh's attacks with his own, after a number of rotations his attack shifted as The Swallow Takes Flight. Even as The Swallow Rides the Air, Wind and Rain struck it aside and drove Aran back.


Countering Llugh's larger blade with both of his own to absorb the power of the blows, Aran's blades were soon Parting the Silk and dancing like a Ribbon in the Air to try and rob Llugh's attacks of momentum. Despite having the larger blade, he pressed closer with his longer strides and taking advantage of Llugh's determination to press him close, Aran caught the man's attack even as he stepped forward and leveled a vicious kick into the man's shin.


Laughing as the man stumbled back, Aran took a couple of steps back himself. "They let you be a blademaster? Not only is your face as blighted as an Andoran's, you're twice as worthless." Leaping forward at that to press the attack, it was all a matter of time now. Attack and attack until Llugh picked a weakness in his technique and finished it.




Tower Guard


OOC: Rightio, up to you to carry and finish the fight Rich :D

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"They let you be a blademaster? Not only is your face as blighted as an Andoran's, you're twice as worthless."


Llugh heard the words and let them slide off the void. Aran was not the first to use insults in a fight to rile him and certianly would not be the last. However he would learn like the rest that they had no effect.


Boar Rushes Down the Mountain was paired with Tower of the Morning to drive him back then came The Kingfisher takes a Silverback making a light score on Aran's upper thigh Moon Rises over Water adding a new slash to ventilate his shirt being to slow. But Llugh had to give him gruding credit he blocked more then he took. To his credit he was holding up well. However it was time to show the lad why he had the name "of the Strong Arm". Years spent as a blacksmith's apprentice had given him the strength and the power to batter almost any opponent.


Bundling Straw was followed by Stones Falling from a Cliff. Then the next set Low Wind Rising followed by Striking the Spark. Llugh hammered at his blades time and time again using all the strength at his command. This was a Master's duel there was no holding back. This was to test the student at ever limit and beyond. He saw Aran's arms begin to droop and become sluggish under the hammering avalanche.


He came down on Aran like a hammer to an anvil.

Leaf Floating in the Breeze was followed by Lightning of Three Prongs. He pushed the man back taking him to his limits. Water Flows Downhill quickly went into Parting the Silk followed by Wind and Rain. It was time to end this.


Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose. He let Aran block it bringing his arms up to block. The River Undercuts the Bank...He turned his blade sideways not to hit him with the edge and watched as Aran double over and fall to the ground. He walked over and kicked Aran's swords away from him looking down at him and shook his head.


Llugh sheathed his sword and knelt down to check the man and motioned for a couple of other Guards to take him to the infirmary.


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of the Path of the Blade[/i]

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