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The Nature of the Creator and His Intentions


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Maybe the Wheel IS the creator. It could have started out as some kind of supernatural sentient being and then as time went by and it began creating worlds people etc it somehow digressed into this...Machine I suppose. The wheel is responsible for spinning out peoples souls. Yeah it does hold on to the good guys so they can be brought back by the horn but it also spins out the badguys, the dark one can't be responsible for putting the Chosen ones souls into bodies every time they live. But the thread also spins out the good guys. So I think it's more like the wheel is the machine, it's neutral but it also is "Stronger" than the dark one. I don't where the dark one would have originally come from in this scenario but it's obvious that the wheel is stronger. The dark one can take souls of his followers and put them into new bodies if they are killed. But he doesn't have control of ALL souls. He can't go in and stop people from being reborn. If he could do that there would be no dragon to fight him. So in effect, the Wheel is the All powerful originally flawless machine and the DO is just a stick in it's spokes. IDK this will probaly get shot right the hell down by all the people with Honorable mentions and Majors in comparative theology.  ;D


Oh wait here is the DO nature. He's the quintessential bully who comes along and sees a bike (The wheel) it doesn't belong to him and for some reason he's unable to ride it, it just won't work for him, so his bullying nature compels him to eternally poke sticks in it's spokes to try and break it since  IF HE CAN'T RIDE IT NO ONE WILL!!!!!! MUAHAHAH..HA...HAHA..HA.


Just for the record I still think this is the best theory.....I might be biased though. ;)


That seems a valid theory... Perhaps the Creator is in fact, the Wheel itself? What if Man, not satisfied with having an all powerful circular object controlling their lives, they invented the Creator, to act as an antithesis for the Dark One, whom we know exists...


  • 9 months later...

If you are looking for the posts that were in this thread, they are now in a thread named Good and Evil. I split it because they were off topic, yet interesting.


Frankly, how do we really know the DO is as bad as everyone seems to think? How do we know the DO even HAS the power to destroy the wheel. I mean honestly there is a reason the DO is imprisoned and, as far as we know, the Creator isn't. Obviously the best deity won, and history was written accordingly. The fact is, other than the Chosen and a select few Friends of the Dark, we have no real idea what the DO is like. Sure everyone fears him, but what proof do we have that he is such an evil horrible being? It's entirely possible that the Chosen and all the Darkfriends completely misunderstood the "messages" given to them. Hell it's possible that the Chosen just used the power from the DO as an excuse to be who they always wanted to be. It seems to me that the "evil" of the DO could be in every human, just as the "good" of the Creator is, and which way they turn is totally up to their particular set of circumstances. It's just like in real life, I don't necessarily believe in "good" or "evil". Nature doesn't produce it, rather it's a purely human ideal.

I mean honestly there is a reason the DO is imprisoned and, as far as we know, the Creator isn't. Obviously the best deity won, and history was written accordingly.


Is that accurate though? I got into this into the initial post of these thread in much greater detail, but in short the reality is that we don't know how the Creator 'imprisoned' the Dark One. For one, by description what the Creator did was not imprison the Dark One at all, but rather create a wheel that excludes him. It's the difference between walling someone in and walling someone out. The first implies the strength to control him and contain him, the second implies at the least aversion, and at the worst fear--you don't build walls to hold out pupies.


But even if there was actually a direct confrontation (which pretty much everything stated about the Creator's personality contradicts) who is to say the 'best deity won'? Consider Lan's fight with Ryne. Lan states that Ryne was better, but that Lan won because Ryne made a mistake. He thought Lan defeated when his sword arm was hurt. Who is to say there wasn't a trick the Creator used, or a mistake that the Dark One mad--a pebble he slipped on, in the metaphorical sense.


But yeah, read the first post in this thread, i detail it much more clearly than i have here.


The fact is, other than the Chosen and a select few Friends of the Dark, we have no real idea what the DO is like. Sure everyone fears him, but what proof do we have that he is such an evil horrible being? It's entirely possible that the Chosen and all the Darkfriends completely misunderstood the "messages" given to them. Hell it's possible that the Chosen just used the power from the DO as an excuse to be who they always wanted to be. It seems to me that the "evil" of the DO could be in every human, just as the "good" of the Creator is, and which way they turn is totally up to their particular set of circumstances. It's just like in real life, I don't necessarily believe in "good" or "evil". Nature doesn't produce it, rather it's a purely human ideal.


This isn't a cat killing a mouse, as the old philosophers would say. We've seen him in person, and he does seem very meglomaniacal. But even if you dismiss that concept of evil as a human construct (which it is) it doesn't change the fact that he means ill to the human race, and that his existence is utterly inimical to nature as we know it--twisting and tainting things. Giving them an unnatural degree of viciousness, and filling them with the desire to hurt.


Even if evil doesn't actually exist he is still one bad mofo. Far worse than Hitler or Stalin... shouldn't that be enough?


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