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Miks Warp i; I Drag on Forlorn – “Lifting the Veil” (intro)


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Greetings and salutations Wheel-freaks all over the globe,


Let me start with a big “Thank You”, to the regular (theory-)posters out here.

Thanks for all the inspiring insights, the debates you’ve had among yourselves and your countless words that motivated me to dig ever deeper into the Fabric of the Wheel.

It’s a lot of fun to have spend my spare (and sometimes not so spare) time here over all the years. It is your words & your threads out here –together of course with the Wheel that RJ created- that has gotten me so fascinated in all sorts of religions I hardly ever heard of before, in ancient history, mythology  & philosophy.


I realize this is not the right place for an introduction and therefore I’ll not waste breath on the fact that my name is Michiel and that I’m a happily married 32 year old dad-to-a-5-day-old-daughter- building engineer hailing from the Lands of the Nether; “a small idyllic land next to a cool sea”. (that was so Third-Age Aes Sedai!) ;)


I must admit; I’m not exactly new to this smoldering site. I love how it is almost reverberating with never-ceasing activity beneath its surface. Ever since I first visited, it felt like this place will lay down a red carpet in warm, warm welcome –one might say- for me one day. Seeing the familiar reds, browns & grays of the surroundings, is as close to a homecoming I can wish for on the Web (of Destiny).

I’ve roamed its paths, high and low. Wandering from here to nowhere.

For years (and years) I’ve been lurking from the gloom; a veiled traveler skulking your Threads.

Watching. Studying. Analyzing.

Weighing the Patterns forming in my mind…

The Patterns within the Pattern.


Ever since my first re-read of the first 6 books, I’ve had a different view then what appears the ‘general consensus’ out on the Web.

I’m not sure why I’ve kept it under my hat for so long. Maybe it was because I didn’t want to spoil RJ’s plot surprises. These theories started as only a 4 page long letter to RJ -back in 2002- that was just never “good enough to send” in my opinion. I kept tweaking, expanding and finding more quotes and the letter grew into a database of over 60 pages. Writing it was a “stop & run” kinda thing throughout the years, but the whole writing suddenly ground to a halt when RJ passed away; his death hit me square in the face. Somehow I imagined the man would live forever. I was so disgusted with myself that I never got the balls to share my thoughts with him, always finding some excuse why it wasn’t finished enough, that I let it all gather dust in the back of my head. It still pains me a lot that I never wrote him, got to shake his hand or let him know somehow how much I enjoy his World. Hence the title “I Drag on Forlorn”; even while I’m writing this right now, it feels as if I will never finish these to my satisfaction…


I’v also never shared these thoughts because deep down I’m just scared they are wrong and you guys prove them wrong. I dunno why that scares me, but I guess I just like the books more the way I interpret them... meh…

I dropped some hints here and there on the Web, hoping someone else would pick up the axe & chop that tree for me.


Anway, starting about a year ago, with Tarmon Gai’don still far off, I felt a slight tingle. A tingling that has grown into an irresistible urge now that the Last Battle dawns just beyond the horizon. An urge to share my own view with you on matters of the Wheel.


Before I start, I feel I must warn you though;

First and foremost; these theories are just my take on things. Just another way of looking at things, if you will. I’m not saying this take is the One-And-Only-Truth. I think RJ wrote his saga in a way to have as many angles as he could possibly fit in it. Mine is just one more angle to consider among the many angles already out there. I just like to think it’s the angle he’s going to use to end the series with…


Second, if some of what I’ve conjured up appears to be right after AMoL has come out, it might seriously ruin some major surprises RJ has carefully set-up over the years.

Some 10 years ago, I went to the movie with a bunch of friends; ‘The Sixth Sense’. During the first break –not even halfway through the movie- one of my friends said “I think he’s a ghost himself” and thereby spoiling the end.

I recall me standing there, baffled, while all the pieces fell into place. The rest of the movie was still well worth watching, but the “Gasp!! Wow!!” that I would otherwise have surely felt at the end of the movie when the plot was revealed was totally gone.

It was still a grand movie, but the shock & awe moment was gone and the need to re-watch the movie (to fully understand the movie) was smaller then if I hadn’t known the crux before the movie revealed it. In hindsight, I’m still torn if I would rather not have been told the plot during the break….

That’s the reason why –up until now-, I’ve only thrown out an occasional hint here and there;

It’s more fun to find out on your own then having been led by the hand… I think.


So, as I lift the veil on my thoughts and if they appear right, then some pretty basic & important elements could be revealed that RJ might have tried to keep up his sleeve for Tarmon Gai’don. They might have been hidden in plain sight so that it would all fall into place after you read AMoL.

Hence this silly movie example; continue reading this theory at your own peril.


In what I think is good ol’ RJ style, I’ve dubbed this series ‘Miks Warp’;


Warp – noun;

…1; The state of being twisted or bent out of shape.

…2; A distortion or twist.

…3; A mental or moral twist, aberration, or deviation.

…4; The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric, crossed at right angles to the woof.

…5; Warp and woof.


Am I warping the Pattern out of shape, deviating it from the course it will actually run?

Or is this the Warp around which the Woof of the Pattern will actually be woven?

Or maybe –like in RJ’s own prophecies & writing- it’s actually a bit of both?


I guess you guys & girls get to pick and choose for yourselves which of the above it is…


This time, your mind is my canvas, instead of the other way around *muhaha*

Still with me so far…?

You have been warned!

Now enjoy the ride… :)


(Deathmaster) Mik

*hits the post button*



Death is the veil which those who live call life; They sleep, and it is lifted

-- Percy Bysshe Shelley




Miks Warp  i; I Drag on Forlorn – “Lifting the Veil” (intro) (100%)

Miks Warp   1; Cord of Chaos – “Unraveling Threads” (90%)

Miks Warp   2; Strife of Dreams – “A Twisted Ring straightened out” (90%)

Miks Warp   3; A Memory of Blight – “Grasping the Mind-trap” (90%)

Miks Warp   4; The Sires of Heaven – “The Lord & the Prince” (80%)

Miks Warp   5; The Path of Dawning – “There can be only One” (80%)

Miks Warp   6; The Shadow Spying – “Eyeing the Eyeless” (80%)

Miks Warp   7; Gross-oaths of Twilight – “tis but Half a step” (60%)

Miks Warp   8; New Spring-trap – “The Serpent in the Bosom” (80%)

Miks Warp   9; A Crowd of Words – “The True ‘BladeMaster’” (90%)

Miks Warp 10; Winters Bard – “You? No!” (Oh gawd.. no more!!) (70%)

Miks Warp 11; The Tie to the World – “Heartsbane’s Ball & Chain” (80%)

Miks Warp 12; The Great End – “At last, Mind over Matter” (60%)


(this post will be edited to change the above chapters into links to the threads)


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