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White Tower Weapon Score Changes


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*As taken from the WY Site with Modifications*


Any Accepted or Aes Sedai may train up to a Weapons Score of 5. Accepted may only train up to a 5 and no higher until reaching the rank of Aes Sedai. Accepted must train with someone of the Warders Yard as must Aes Sedai, though Aes Sedai may train with their Warder with permission. Full Rank Aes Sedai of any Ajah but the Red or Green may train to a Weapon Score of 7. Sisters of the Red and Green Ajah may train up to a 10, however they must be granted permission by their DL. A form must be completed and rp plans submitted before approval will be reviewed. Each requirement completed from WS 1 to WS 10 must be pmed to your DL with a link to said thread for recording purposes.


Before you begin training to WS5, you must follow these steps in order.


1. Permission from your Division Leader.

2. Email the Warder’s Division Leader at warders.staff@gmail.com with your information (bio, ws, div)

3. Wait for information from the Warders before you begin rping.


NOTE: If you are an Aes Sedai and have a Warder you must tell the Mistress of Trainees (warders.mot@gmail.com) who your Warder is when they are training you so that it can be recorded.


If these steps are not followed, your training will not be recognized at all and you will have to begin all over.


If there is a problem with your mentor, ie disappearing, around but not posting, or posting at a too slow pace, do NOT take it up with the WT DL nor the MoN nor your Ajah Head. They CANNOT do anything. The appropriate people to talk are the Division Leader or Mistress of Trainees.


You CANNOT request for a specific mentor. You are assigned a mentor, without discussion. In the past, you could but that is out the window now. No more can anyone training with the Warders request for a specific mentor, no matter what the story is. Your lover, your brother, your best friend, we will not grant requests for a specific mentor, period.


Aes Sedai Training in Warders Division


WS0-WS1: Meeting the mentor, Weapon Selection/Handling/Care of weapons


WS1-WS2: Basic Physical Fitness & Movement


WS2-WS3: Survival - Herbs, Weapons & Wilderness Survival without the One Power


* If the N/A or AS is interested in wilderness survival with the One Power, than it will need to go through the White Tower and does not contribute to their WS but as an OP Bonus.


WS3-WS4: Basic Weapon Handling - An introduction to the basic forms. A spar can be included in this lesson, main objective is to become acquinted with the forms as they can be found on the Gaidin website.


WS4-WS5: A choice of one of these options: (Min 10 Posts)


** A difficult assignment outside the WT given by their Mentor and is forbidden from using the OP.


** A spar with a trainee of WS 3-6, have the outcome be random and make sure to have a few rounds in the spar to cover all the basic forms and the things you have learnt. Can also be with Aes Sedai who has WS 4-6


** Create your own RP that will reflect all that you’ve learned. Needs Staff approval from MoT. (And MoN if Accepted)



To Advance


**  To Advance to the Second Tier a formal request will need to be made to the WT DL stating reasons why you wish to continue.

**  Must be of Aes Sedai Rank.

**  All WS6 - WS10 Req's are not Warder Yard based and will be recorded via the WT Staff. This means you must keep record of them in the requirements board.


**Please Note** To advance above a 5 to a 6, you must fill out the form listed at the bottom of this thread and send it to your DL for approval. Also options or reqs are listed in italics for your ease.



WS5-WS6: The Open Road - Aes Sedai organized an RP in a hostile (to AS) area. A conflict occurs to which the Aes Sedai must choose to battle either with OP (and reveal herself), with a weapon or try to find a more peaceful way out of the situation. How well does the Aes Sedai handle this situation?

** Must encounter 2 PCs from another division.

** Min 16 posts for the entire RP.

** [Watcher RP Participants PM Jaydena]


WS6-WS7: Quid Pro Quo - An Aes Sedai and/or Tower Guard (Warder is okay!) is sent on a mission. They are placed in a situation where they must rely solely on their WY training and the help of the other. (How well do they work together? If OP is used, what are the consequences? Do they still risk it?)

**  Must include 3 other PCs.

**  Min 18 posts for entire RP.


WS7-WS8:  Tactics & Defense - The Aes Sedai learns about tactics and how to defend 'home base' based on terrain and available resources and demonstrates some proficiency in both.

**  May be a field or research RP.

**  Min 18 posts for Entire RP.


WS8-WS9:  A choice of one of these options: (Min 20 Posts)

Borderland Assistance - The Aes Sedai will spend 1 year IC assisting Borderland defenses.

**  Must include Shadowspawn training & Borderland Survival.

**  Must include 3 PCs outside the White Tower Division (only 1 Warders Yard PC Allowed)

A Choice Made- The Aes Sedai encounters a situation where she is unable to use the OP and her warder/Tower Guard is injured, she must then use her skills to save her own Warder or the Tower guard.

**Must include 1 PC outside the White Tower Division


WS9-WS10:  Create your own RP that shows how your character is developing because of the training in the Warder Yard, weaponry, or the art of war in general.

**  Must be approved by the WT Staff before start of RP.

**  Must include 1 PC outside the WY and WT Divisions.

**  Min 30 posts for entire RP



---Please note---: Training above a 7 in WS is very rare. In order to do so, you must send in the below application to both the WT DL and the WY DL. Also please be aware, it will be very hard to attain permission to go above a WS7, unless you are a Red or Green and then your reasons must be well thought out. If you are from another ajah and you receive permission there will be consequences to pay, for every WS you go up, you will lose one OP skill point. You may earn these back by taking OP classes but be aware that these classes are hard and take quite some time to do. Also you may not bond anyone who dosen't have a higher WS than you, so this limits your bonding prospects. The application is below:


Character Name:


Reason for attaining Higher WS:

How does this benefit your character:

How this will play out in future rps:

Do you have or plan on having warders, and do you think this will effect them:

Email applications to dmwhitetowerstaff@gmail.com and to warders.mot@gmail.com



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