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HS Competition Winners- April 2008

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Howdy once again players, supporters, families and friends!


April brought us 1 competitive individual beating all the odds and gave all others a taste of her shower of dust.


First a reminder to the winners:


you can exchange your winnings according to the following formula:


1 ORG point = 3 Game Points = 5 Lottery Chips


The exchange can be done in either direction.



--> if you are happy with the prizes as they are, you don't need to do anything.

--> if you want to exchange them: send Myst a PM


the JoTS Competition has been finished and the winner will be announced in the next Edition of the Hornsounder, which will be published soon. 


The only competition that winner information was received for was the Word Search.  So, without further delay, here is the winner of that competition.


Let's check out the Word Search Competition:


This game went well and there was one victor in the challenge.  Lady Stef earned that prize this month with a score of 20/20 words found! AND, she got the Bonus correct too!! 


Congrats Stef!!!  Your winnings: 1 Org Point! and 2 Org Game Points


Congratulations to Stef!!


wooooohooooooooo!! Congratulations Stef!!


only one player..... *eyes the Banders* You outta' be ashamed of yourselves! Instead of stealing Footy's PLC you might try your hand at some 'honest' activities instead. Tsks!


*showers La Game Queen in confetti* Yay for Stef!!


wow DJ, that means of course that you are the undefeated Sudoku Master again. How does it feel to claim your title once more? Me thinks them Banders are too scared to try take it up against the Master. *nods* Don't make them as they used to anymore huh? Oh well...



As DJ is the Undefeated Sudoku Master this month, that means he claims the spoils and earns the Sudoku pin and 3 Org Game Points!


your pin: sudoku_1_v2_april.jpg



Congratulations Sudoku Master DJ!!


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