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Nifty little freeware utility


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A while back, about a year ago actually, I heard about this nifty little program called TinySpell. It's a Windows program that runs in your system try as a real-time spell checker for any program you're typing in. It comes in really handy for me on places like here, as long as I remember to turn it on. :oops: Anyway, I know it helps keep me from looking as stupid as I could, and thought I'd pass it on to anyone else that might find it useful. Especially the RP people out there who tend to make huge posts. It's always easy for a spelling mistake to slip in when you're writing a couple hundred words at a time. :D Hopefully nobody thinks this is directed at them. I'm really not trying to imply anything about anyone, I'm just trying to share something I've found helpful. If you're interested, you can find it right here.


A while back, about a year ago actually, I heard about this nifty little program called TinySpell. It's a Windows program that runs in your system try as a real-time spell checker for any program you're typing in. It comes in really handy for me on places like here, as long as I remember to turn it on. :oops: Anyway, I know it helps keep me from looking as stupid as I could, and thought I'd pass it on to anyone else that might find it useful. Especially the RP people out there who tend to make huge posts. It's always easy for a spelling mistake to slip in when you're writing a couple hundred words at a time. :D Hopefully nobody thinks this is directed at them. I'm really not trying to imply anything about anyone, I'm just trying to share something I've found helpful. If you're interested, you can find it right here.


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