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Punishment (Zygorn)


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It was early morning, and the sun had only just dawned on the Fortress of the Light. The few windows threw squares of light against the walls of the corridor, which almost gleamed white in the sunshine. Guelamin walked down the corridor, passing from light to shadow and back again. Several Children walked the halls already; many had duties early. As did he.


He turned from the corridor into the trainee's barracks. There had, he was given to understand, been a fight between three of the new recruits yesterday, and he had been given instructions to punish them for it. Normally, such a thing would have been a province of the Drillmaster. The fact that Guelamin had been instructed to do it instead was a clear sign that the Drillmaster was busy. Still, Guelamin felt some small measure of resentment, for being placed in this position. Not that he questioned the judgement of his superiors, but he had better things to do.


He came to the first door, opening it without warning. He had been told, "If they are not on their knees in prayer when you enter, strap them doubly hard." The first recruit, he saw, was kneeling on the bed, back to Guelamin. He looked back over his shoulder as Guelamin entered. So, he had not been asleep.


"I trust you have been in prayer all night?" Guelamin said disapprovingly, unlooping the coilded strap from his belt.

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It was early morning, and the sun had only just dawned on the Fortress of the Light. The few windows threw squares of light against the walls of the corridor, which almost gleamed white in the sunshine. Guelamin walked down the corridor, passing from light to shadow and back again. Several Children walked the halls already; many had duties early. As did he.


He turned from the corridor into the trainee's barracks. There had, he was given to understand, been a fight between three of the new recruits yesterday, and he had been given instructions to punish them for it. Normally, such a thing would have been a province of the Drillmaster. The fact that Guelamin had been instructed to do it instead was a clear sign that the Drillmaster was busy. Still, Guelamin felt some small measure of resentment, for being placed in this position. Not that he questioned the judgement of his superiors, but he had better things to do.


He came to the first door, opening it without warning. He had been told, "If they are not on their knees in prayer when you enter, strap them doubly hard." The first recruit, he saw, was kneeling on the bed, back to Guelamin. He looked back over his shoulder as Guelamin entered. So, he had not been asleep.


"I trust you have been in prayer all night?" Guelamin said disapprovingly, unlooping the coilded strap from his belt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ezekiel was kneeling besides his head as Guelamin arrived, he turned to face his punishment giver. he did not particularly feel a strapping was necessary, but he knew better than to question orders, especially after stepping out of line.


"Yes... I pray everynight. And moreso still tonight... I do not wish to be cast out of the light so soon in my career." He said solemnly. He did not move save this.


Light... what if I still get cast out? Then where would I go... was this really worth proving myself to one other new recruit? He thought to himself, trying to hide this new fear from his face and posture. He was arrogant! He looked down on me, he deserved it! This did not assuage his fears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guelamin only nodded at the recruit's statement. Perhaps it was the truth, or perhaps the boy was simply a good liar, but either way, the way he carried himself was submissive. He was ready to submit to the will of the Light.


"Remove your shirt, then, that you may be punished." He waited, twitching the leather strap in his hands as he did so. He wished to be done with this, but it would be done properly.


He stepped behind the boy, flicking him with the belt as he did so to see if the recruit would flinch. He raised his arm and spoke as the first blow came down. "You know what you are being punished for."

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"You know what you are being punished for."


"Yes, I do... for fighting my fellow Recruits..." Ezekiel said, removing his shirt, not responding to the touch of the leather. He'd been beaten before, not by a strap, but by fists and other things. He'd be beaten again, most likely, and he'd take that beaten all the better for this one.

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Guelamin puntuated his every sentence with a stroke of the strap. The recruit took the blows unlfinchingly- as well he might. Weakness of that sort had to be purged, and the best way was through pain. Guelamin would likely have gone harder if he had flinched at all.


"You know why this is a misdeed, so that you may avoid it in future."




"You are sorry for your crime, and will try to atone in the Light."






"Answer." Crack. His statements had not been questions, but he wanted a response from the boy anyway.

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"Indeed I am..." Each blow was yet another trial for Ezekiel, but he, as previously mentioned, was well adjusted to pain. He had learned that each bout of pain was a challenge, and through this, he would get stronger. And so, taking a beating only made him better at taking the next one.

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Guelamin restrained a grimace at the boy's answer. Incomplete- he hadn't fully answered the question, and he increased the speed of the blows. Crack. Crack.


He said in a deceptively mild tone of voice, "Child of the Light, can you tell me why what you did merits punishment? What was it that you did wrongly? Why is that wrong? Tell me if you can."

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"I turned my aggressions onto another Child, and so weakened the resolve and necessary unity to combat the shadow. In so doing, I have shamed myself, and must atone." His voice sounded mildly pained as the strap fell, but he embraced the opportunity to grow stronger. He had a strong will, and was used to beatings, he complied because he wished to, not because of the strap.

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Geulamin shook his head. "Your infringement was indeed one of discipline, Child of the Light. Discipline is a virtue essential to one of the Children, and without it we would be lost. But you do not atone because of shame." The blows slowed as he spoke.


"A Child of the Light does not seek glory. Pride in one's own accomplishments is acceptable, and you must be proud of your service to the Light, but we seek only to further the Light, not ourselves." As he finished, he lashed the boy's back once more, harder and harder and then suddenly stopping. "Do you understand?"

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"I do." Ezekiel said simply, anticipating further blows. "I seek no Glory save the Light." Ezekiel replied, solemnly. He was tempted to turn, but that was not what he had been told, and so he did not. his back was sore, and likely he'd be forced to sleep upon his stomach tonight, but at least he was permitted to remain.


"I will not fail again." Ezekiel vowed, staring at his cot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guelamin nodded curtly at the boy's response, and decided he was finished here. The Drillmaster would not let him off training today because of this, and Guelamin had to leave him able to perform those duties. Already, the day would be a painful one, enough to drive today's lesson home.


"Good," he said, striding for the door. "See that you do not."

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