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New Forum suggestion


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Umm..., i'm not really sure where this should go, so if its not here, please move it to the correct forum mods


anyway, on to the actual purpose of making this thread. I think we should have a fanfiction forum here. This would be a place where people who read/write fanfiction could post links to stories they find and want to share with other people. We could also do a best-of-the-best subsection. Say someone posts a particularly good story, then that person could make a thread, possibly in yet another subsection, and include a pollfor people to rate the story. If it gets a certain score, it could be put in the Best-of-the-best section.


I know from personal experience that there are tons of really bad fiction out there, and this could help people find the good stuff.


Please let me know what you think. THanks  :)


PS: Thanks Majsju for moving this. I thought i was int he general forum. My bad.

Guest leebarr

Check out the Illuminators Org. You may find what you are looking for


The Illuminators Org board seems to be anyhting WoT-entertainment related, and i was thinking of a forum devoted solely to fanfiction, but it could prolly be stuck under the Illuminators Org boards


Hi Rahlian,


I am SamVimes and I am the Scribes Chapter House Leader.


Underneath the Illuminators Org is the Scribes Chapter House which is the home for Writers of all things fiction and poetry. We look at writing stories in worlds that we create on our own. We try to talk about writing topics and help each other out in order to improve our skills. While we could accept Fanfic, be prepared to look at it in a Positive Critique way.


There is another side of things in the Roleplay groups who write Wheel of Time fanfic only. They are less concerned with style, grammar, or syntax as with just general enjoyment.


So if you are looking to read/write serious fiction and would like to train your writing skills, the Scribes are the place to be.


If you just want to write an occasional Wheel of Time fanfic story and not worry about building skills, then the RP boards may be an option.




Ah, well, now i feel stupid for not checking the boards more thoroughly(sp?)

I am a fanfiction writer, im working on a Harry Potter/Naruto piece atm, but i want to branch out into WoT also.


Thanks SamVimes. Prolly never would have found you guys otherwise

  • Moderator

We do not and will not ever have a fanfiction section at Dragonmount. Robert Jordan was very opposed to other writers playing in his sandbox, to the point that he seriously threatened to destroy all his notes if he died with the series unfinished. Clearly, he relented on that to a degree before his death, but we still honor his wishes here.


The RP doesn't quite fall under the category of fanfic, though it is similar. Feel free to participate in it if you think it'll scratch your itch. =)


Seriously? I was completely unaware of this. I was under the impression that he was somewhat indifferent to fanfiction. Could you tell me when he said this, or at least point me in the right direction?

  • Moderator

Unfortunately, I don't recall which interview he said this in. However, it's been our policy since the site was founded ten years ago.  I suppose I could ask Tor for you, but as I said, it's long standing policy.


I was under the impression that fanfic was ok with RJ as long as it did not include characters in the books, which he considered to be his alone. Isn't that what the RP forums do, write fiction set in Randland without the Book characters?


I could be wrong I guess...  ???

  • Moderator

I don't pretend to know why the RP forums are okay, but actual fanfic is not. You can definitely argue that it's all just collaborative Mary Sue fanfic. I think this is a gray area we don't want to look to closely at. =)


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