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Over a week on the road with his men, Dagan was starting to feel the pressure of leadership. He had been used to leading several dozen men at once... but under the command of other men. 200 soldiers, most of which were older that he was, all by himself... and to top it off, many were Friends of the Dark. At least one was Sammael's spy, he assumed. He was under the utmost pressure. As often as not, Dagan looked towards the shadows. Myrrdraal could travel through the shadows. He had seen enough of the Eyeless in the last week as any man would ever want and more. Just the thought of them following him made his skin crawl.


Just at the end of the day, the first village came to view. It was almost symbolic to what was about to happen to the kingdom of Kandor. Losing a war, with armed soldiers fighting for their country was one thing... what Dagan was about to do could only be described as legalized murder. The Shadow had indeed entered the boundries of Kandor.


The village was almost empty, save for the few men that stood on the road with whatever weapon they could gather. He assumed most of the rest of the population was hiding in their homes, or fleeing as fast as possible. 200 soldiers could mean only one thing... battle.


Dagan didn't even move his head to talk to the Cavalry Squadron leader, "Run them all over and don't stop. Send one file north, one south, and you personally take two west. Everyone you see... man, woman or child; kill or bring to me. Word of us cannot spread through Kandor. Do not linger here, the infantry will destroy whatever men you leave."


Without a word, the Squad Sergeant moved back to his men. No more than a minute later, more than 40 men on horseback thrundered towards the village. The village men, brave as they were, instinctively fled from the onslaught. The infantry squadrons ran forward to meet the remainder, as the cavalry split up. The archer squadron easily picked off those who escaped the infantry and fled north or south.


Dagan, his Underlieutenant, his First Sergeant, and the special commando units trotted slowly towards where the infantry was already wrangling the remainder of the villagers. He sent out is special units to search all buildings. He knew they, at least, would be able to do their duties to the fullest extent. No matter how immoral they may seem.


"Lieutenant," one of the infantry Squad Sergeants took Dagan's horse's reigns as he dismounted. "what should we do with the rest of them?" obviously this one had not been listening at the briefing. That or he was either a lightfool, or a Friend of the Dark that didn't quite realize his obligations.


"Kill them." Dagan said. "Kill them all."


"But sir..."


Angrily, Dagan unsheathed his sword and walked towards a crying child. His stomach was turning, but he couldn't seem weak in front of his men. If they were to respect him, this was the time to start. Boar rushes down the Hill The child became silent as his head rolled to the ground. Screaming women and children were heard in the background, but Dagan only heard a muffled buzz as he turned to talk back to his horse. He felt as if he needed to bring up every meal he had ever eaten. "Give them arms if you wish to make yourselves feel better about it... but it will be done. Its your lives or theirs... but either way they die." And if they didn't, it would be his life.


Dagan al'Kar

Lieutenant of Shienar

Dark Initiate

  • 6 months later...

The smell of fire and blood and burning flesh had once made Dagan sick to his stomach. Over a dozen towns and villages burned to the ground had changed that. There was no longer remorse in his actions. He did what he did because he had to, it was as simple as that. Sammael had made it quite clear that it was their lives or his. There was no more fear, or anger, or hate. If any emotions were involved at all, there was no way he would be able to fulfil his grisley duties. The only thing that still put the fear of the Great Lord into him (besides Sammael) was the constant threat of a Fade dropping in... and that had happened all too often.


Day was coming quickly, and he needed rest. After he had fulfilled his command duties, he found a house that wasn't on fire and set his guards out so he could sleep for a few hours.


* * *


Peaten al'Kar had come to the Tower of the Black Dawn at the tender age of sixteen. After learning of his heritage in Malkier, he had come into the Blight and was trapped. He was trained under the elite group of assassins called the Shar Mahdi, the Blood Seekers. He was one of the few to ever reach the Tower without a guide, though it was assumed that he was aided and protected by the Chosen Demandred for reasons of his own.


Peaten, even as a teenager, was a tower of a man. He stood head and shoulders over most men, and was half again as wide; a very unlikey candidate to be a stealthy assassin.


The training he had gone through had killed more grown men than had survivors, yet Peaten had survived, if only barely. Weeks of intense physical training had made his body like that of a marble statue. He was taught the history of the Shadow, and of the Shar Mahdi, and of arms and combat. The lessons were harsh, and punishments came more often than rewards, most likely in the form of a beating.


The Master of Combat had him broken, in order to re-mold him into a weapon of the Shadow. He was taught to put all of his emotions into a tight ball. There they would be converted and released by what was called ayende, or release. Weak emotions such as fear and sorrow and compasion were released into strong emotions: hate and rage.


* * *


Dagan woke up, not really remembering where he was. Those memories were not his. Xander had told him of his father and Tar Machin Rahien, but he had never described any of the training, nor what it looked like. Peaten al'Kar was long dead, killed by Ben Gaidin over ten years ago. And his father was not Malkieri, he was Andoran, or so his mother had told him. In all, it was an odd dream to have... but it did help him somewhat. He had taken the dreams advise and bunched all of his emotions into a ball instead of totally ignoring them, which was quite difficult. It mad it a little easier to put his mind at ease.


Dagan al'Kar

Lieutenant of Sheinar

Dark Initiate


Casualties so far had been avoided. Villagers were no real match for any trained soldier. His cavalry had quite literally pounded most opposition into the ground. Maybe there was no real honor in the fact that he was chosen for this mission. Any competent soldier could lead 200 men to slaughter bakers and innkeepers. This was possibly a test just to see how ruthless he could be. He would pass that test with flying colors, Sammael would see that, and he would be in his good graces.


The real challenge was keeping his men focused and interested. Time was of the utmost importance, but so was morale. He left an hour or so out of each day where they could find some sport, whether with captured farmgirls or with some sort of competitave game. Of course, being officers, he and his Underlieutenant could not enjoy the same pleasures, at least not with the common soldiers. A good leader was not chummy with his followers, they needed to respect both he and his rank.


Dagan passed his time with the young daughter of an innkeeper. He doubted she was even fully blossomed into womanhood, but he didn't really care. Her ample bosom and pretty face were enough to make her a woman in his eyes.


* * *


It was Peaten's second trip to Fal Dara. Three and a half years now he had been in Tar Machin Rahien. It was his first solo mission without his mentor, Memnoch. Though still an apprentice, he had shown the promise of a future blademaster with both the sword and the ashanderei, an ancient weapon from the armory of the Tower.


His target was a traitor who had sworn the oaths of a Friend of the Dark long ago, but was now an informant, turning against his bretheren by working with the soldiers of Fal Dara. He owned an inn near the keep, where Peaten must stay for a few days.


The mission would be tricky, due to his ties with the Fal Daran soldiers. His own room was at the top of the five story inn, with a window facing the keep itself. Sneaking in and out through there, while quite easily done, would alert unwanted attention. As good with the sword as Peaten was, he couldn't fight the entire guard of Fal Dara. There was no fear in him, though, if it came to that. He was ready to die for the Great Lord if thats what was necisary, as long as he had completed the mission first.


He was there for two days before he had gathered enough information to complete the task. He had gotten it from the innkeeper's youngest daughter, Shari. He had tickled and charmed his way into her good graces and into her room, next door to his target's.


A lone guard stood in front of the door. Obviously someone had tried this before. But this someone wasn't a Blood Seeker. Even an apprentice was a match for any foot soldier, Peaten was no ordinary apprentice. While Shari was asleep, Peaten exited into the hallway, much to the suprise of the guard. Before he could recover and take out his sword, Peaten's extra large fist caught him in the throat. He took the man's own sword and sunk it into his chest. It was done in seconds, without a sound.


Seconds later and he had unlocked the door and was inside. The innkeeper and his wife slept silently. He picked up the guard and held him in one arm. Taking the sword out of the guard's chest, he used it to skewer them both from the sides. They let out screams before they died. In almost the same motion, he pulled the sword back out and stuck it through the guard in the same spot. As he did, Shari was in the room screaming.


"I heard noises, then I caught him before he could turn on me." Peaten gasped, feining fear and being out of breath. "I'm sorry Shari... I was too late." Soon others were in the room. Peaten dropped the dead guard onto the ground. "I've never killed anyone before." He sobbed and shrunk to the ground. "Light forgive me."


Later that night, after being questioned and putting Shari to bed. Peaten left Fal Dara, with his mission accomplished.


* * *


Dagan stared at the girl in his bed. His mother's name was Shari. She had told him of his father's heroics, but again, never in much detail. He thought maybe it was the stress of the mission that had him dreaming of his dead father. It was just all to vivid though.


Dagan al'Kar


Dagan stood overlooking the empty land of Kandor. There was no sun, but there was light everywhere. This was quite odd.


Off in the distance he saw a man, at least it was the shape of a man. He took a step forward, and the land blurred around him. He was closer now, he could see it was indeed a man, dressed in all black. He couldn't see his face though. Another step. He was right next to the man, who hadn't moved at all. Over his face he wore a black leather mask.


The masked face looked him up and down. Where had he seen the mask before? "How is it that you are here? I was just heading to you."


"I... I don't know. Who are you?"


"Who I am is not important right now. Sammael sent me to guide you to your next mission."


"Sam... but how... and where am I?"


"You are in the World of Dreams, how you got here is a more interesting question. Perhaps you are in an extreamly deep sleep, that is how most enter here. If so, I must be quick, because you won't stay long. When you are finished in Kandor, you are to go north, into the Blight, past the mountains. Your destination will be Tar Machin Rahien. More than this, I cannot yet tell you. Once you finish in Kandor, more will be revealed. Until then, remember well your dreams. There may be useful information in them.


Dagan went searching for his Cavalry Squadman. He was one of the few who had revealed himself as a Friend of the Dark. He was a grizzled old veteran of many wars. Lain Pernan had fought years back in the Aeil War back in '78 for the Grand Coallition when Dagan was only four years old. He had been a Friend of the Dark for more than thirty years.


He found him caring for his horse, with several other calvalrymen "Squadman Pernan."


Lain looked over and quickly saluted the much younger officer. "Ten-hut!"


"At ease, men." Dagan said. That did get annoying after a while. "Squadman, I need to speak with you when you're finished."


"Aye, sir. I can come now if you like." He quickly put his brush down and followed Dagan back to the command tent, which was far from all the others. They entered and sat. "This better be quick, boy. I have a lot of work that needs do get done."


"I understand and appologize, Master Pernan." Dagan said respectfully. He had to be the one that was Sammael's informant. "What do you know of Tar Machin Rahien... the Tower of the Black Dawn?"


The old Darkfriend gave him a puzzled look. "How do you know that name?"


"My father trained there, so did the man that I swore the oaths to. Do you know where it is?"


"No one knows... except them Shar Mahdi, and they don't talk much. Last I heard it was abandoned. No one lives there, overrun by Trollocs maybe." He looked at him closely. "Your father. I thought I recognized the name. He... he is here with us?" The man was obviously shaken.


Dagan smiled inside. He didn't even have to say the name to invoke fear. This would work to his advantage. No more bowing and scraping behind closed doors. "No. He will come when Sammael decides to bring him."


"Sa... I..."


"Get a hold of yourself, man." maybe he wasn't Sammael's informant. "So abandoned you say? I thank you Lain, you are dismissed."


Lain left, still pale in the face, without a word. "You throw names as if you have a position of power." That voice could only belong to one sort of creature. The Halfman moved in front of Dagan, who was frozen solid. "I should kill you where you sit, worm. You have no idea the power of the names you use so freely. The Great Master will hear of this insolence." Dagan couldn't even swallow. "What else have you to report?"


It was an effort to move his mouth. "Everything is going perfectly. All towns and villages have been burned to the ground, there are no survivors besides those we keep for sport. When they have outlived their usefulness, they are killed as well."


"Excellent. Keep your idle thoughts to yourself, human scum. How you know of the Tower is not important, for there is only one way." Then even the Myrddraal, whose very gaze was fear, seemed taken aback. "The Great Master will deal with that. "But no one else will know. The other that you told must be killed before he tells anyone else. Do it yourself, do it now." And it was gone into the shadows.

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