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The Unholy Book of Recorded Rantings of the Evil Ones Vol.2 (inprogress)


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In the Beginning there was the Word and the Word multiplied.


There was a man wandering around with AMI.  However, he quite enjoyed making daisy chains with his toes.  He rather liked eating shampoo, as it sent a slight tingle to his belly.  Except for Pert as that just hurt.  Of course he didn't like to go anywhere near showers.  The water made him burn his clothes.  The funny thing was he wasn't wearing any blue pants.  What he was wearing was a lovely, bright yellow bunny suit.  He wiggled his butt to show the skin tight suit covering his ass. 


Suddenly it felt a little breezy he thought to himself, 'Not in school!  So I better put another log on the fire.'  He did this, but could not contain himself any longer and jumped up and down. 


Things rapidly started to explode in wide dimly lit corridors, filled with the strangest creatures.  Such as extremely blue, striped kiwis and sparkily orangutans, who were really ugly.  They did nothing but argue, just like a certain sized member of the ape family.


The member jumped and landed clumsily atop a pile of sharpened pencil crayons!  He cried out in pain, picked up an apple and yelled, "Why the Hell are there pink lacy bras in the soup?" 


Why, it's because we are strange, as five Demented Toasters!


(page 6 so far)

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