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Road Rules (attn Lyv and Shaneevae)


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It had been a tough day of training. Arturus was bruised and beaten from endless sparring with D'Ashan. Arturus did not understand exactly why the two of them did not see eye to eye but they both respected the work out the two of them got for it. Arturus gave it thought. He did not like D'Ashan, he saw him as a bully in a way who fought as if Arturus were the Dark One himself, but Arturus respected that D'Ashan took the training seriously. Arturus in return fought back just as hard and both trainees were advancing quickly because of it.


Today however Arturus took more than he was able to dish out. He grinned slightly as he walked away from D'Ashan. Arturus ended up with more welts than he could count but the few that he gave D'Ashan however were bleeding. A small thing, but enough to not make him feel like it was a total loss. Besides, they both had days were one would dominate the other. Arturus was just glad that today his mentor had other plans for him so the beating could not continue.


He didnt make it to where his mentor told him to meet him however. He stood in line waiting for a glass of cold water, possibly to be followed by a dive in the cold river, he hadnt decided yet, when a cold glass of water was pressed on the back of his neck. He almost didnt want to turn to see who was holding it. He enjoyed the feeling of the cold on his hot skin for a moment before turning to see Shaneevae Sedai was the one holding. He grinned then caught himself. He bowed respectfully and looked up to catch her with a strange... almost insane glint in her eyes and a sheepish grin on her face. (She wants something.) he thought.


With the trained words of a nobleman's son he asked "How may I serve you Aes Sedai?"

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Dismissing the novice, Shaneevae opened the message and grinned when she read its contents.  The darling undergarment she had commissioned Miss Lottie to make was complete and ready for pick up. Walking over to the window, she looked out upon the Yards and grinned. The corner of the missive placed thoughtfully against her lips, she contemplated on the best way to retrieve said garment. Should she go into town herself and surprise her friend or should she send him to pick it up and deliver it to her rooms?  Each held delightful possibilities, but the latter would build the anticipation and anticipation was a powerful aphrodisiac.


Checking her hair in the looking glass, she pushed stray tendrils behind her ears and smoothed the pale green of her skirts. Satisfied with her appearance, she headed towards the Yards. It didn’t take her long to find the young man she was looking for as he was headed off the practice field and on his way to the barrel of cool water at the corner of the Yards.


Looking appreciatively at his bare chest beaded with sweat, Shaneevae felt a tightening low in her stomach.  Scooping some of the icy water, she snuck around behind him and placed the frosted glass against the back of his neck. As he turned, she watched the flash of knowledge in his gray eyes being quickly replaced by reverence. Bowing, he asked, “How may I serve you Aes Sedai?"


Allowing a slow grin to spread across her face and a mischievous glint to light in her eyes; she handed him the water and spoke low, “I have a task I need you to complete, Arturus.” Biting her lower lip, she allowed her gaze to travel the length of him slowly, “I have an article of a personal nature that has been completed and I’m need of someone to pick it up for me.”  Dropping her chin and looking up from beneath heavy lashes, she breathed quietly, “I think you’ll rather enjoy it and if you’ll be so kind as to pick up this parcel for me at Miss Lottie's and deliver to my rooms I may feel inclined to let you watch me check the fit.”


Shaneevae smiled like a contented cat when she saw the flash of his pupils.  Before turning to go, she leaned in closer and whispered, “I may also be inclined to let you help me out of it.”




Bad Girl

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Arturus was stunned. Shaneevae was getting very open with her flirtations. Well there was no one within ear shot, but on the yard?! He quickly drank the cold water and regretted he did not have time for a couple more before he chased off after her. Catching up he said "Could I at least have directions to where this place is? Or for that matter do I need to bring a receipt or gold?"


Shaneevae continued until they were once again out of ear shot. She looked him over a smile on her face and he looked her over, curiosity on his. He didnt care about his lack of a shirt or the other Aes Sedai looking at the two of them from a distance. He would never say it out loud but he learned that Aes Sedai could be as bad as the tower servants when it came to gossip, but they usually had a hidden agenda with every sentence spoken.


Shaneevae appeared to be very pleased that he chased after her. He was not sure why, many chased after her. He was pleased to see that she was becoming braver with herself. He glanced only a moment at the gold chain with the claw of a lion hanging between her breasts and she noticed him looking. "Otherwise I might be out all night to gather this garment."

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Not looking back, Shaneevae grinned knowing he would follow, adding an extra sway to her step, her skirts swishing to the rhythm, she made her way to the gate.  No more than a few yards were covered before he was at her side and asking, “Could I at least have directions to where this place is? Or for that matter do I need to bring a receipt or gold?"


Without stopping, she allowed her peripheral vision to caress the masculinity of his naked torso and lower lingering only briefly before coming back to his face and catching his eyes delving deeply into her cleavage. She knew what he was looking at. The lion’s claw that hung between her breasts had been a gift from him and men always wanted to know you appreciated their gifts enough to wear them.  That or he was doing what most men did, peruse her bosom. With his attention back to her eyes he added, “Otherwise I might be out all night to gather this garment."


“You bring up a valid point.”  Shaneevae said hurrying out the gate.  Once outside, she looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. “You must arrive back to my rooms before sunset with the package or there will be no reward.”


Continuing on, they passed into the gardens and when she was sure no one was around, Shaneevae stepped in behind a thick copse of trees.  Hands on her hips, she studied him thoughtfully before running her finger down the center of his chest and down to the waistband of his breeches. Forefinger wet with his sweat, she slipped it between her lips and grinned.


“Miss Lottie’s is located behind The Siren’s Call.  No gold will be needed, but you must tell her this.” She said slipping her hand into her corset and pulling out a small note offering it to him. “…in order to secure the purchase.”


Watching his eyes grow large as he read the note, Shaneevae giggled and turned to leave. “Don’t forget, Arturus. Before sunset,” she called out over her shoulder.



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Lyv found the stack of papers she had to fill in as dreadful as trying to drink a barrel of stale grape juice in less than a minute. She preferred the vile taste of stale drink, perhaps the hint of alchohol lessening the pain to this work. It was the reason she had quit as Mistress of Trainees, well that and she found herself not very good at the job. But that was beside the point now, she was behind on filling in reports about her trainees and thus keeping them back in their training. She knew that this would take all afternoon and just as she put her quill in the ink bottle to start on a new report, the tip of her quill broke and landed in the jar. She cursed under her breath and tried to salvage the quill but it was useless. She would have to get herself a new one as she was out of them and started to rise from her desk when she thought of someone to run the errand for her!


Trainees often did chores and fetched items, Lyv could ask Arturus to help her with this and she could finish her paperwork later. Realizing that she also had to supervise a chore in the stables later in the afternoon, Lyv sighed and rubbed her eyelids as if she had been studying like a novice for half a day when only she had sat down but an hour ago. She found Arturus near one of the Aes Sedai and waited respectfully until they finished their conversation. When Arturus passed his mentor, apparently with something urgent on his mind as he did not greet her immediately, Lyv stopped him and told him she had an urgent errand for him to run. “Arturus, I need you to go down to the city for me please, I don’t think you have any classes this afternoon and it should take you no more than an hour or so,” she smiled and handed him some coins. “Please get me a pair of quills and an ink bottle from Sir Richard Writing’s, it’s a small shop near the harbor in the east of town.”


Lyv waited for her mentee to accept the chore and smiled at the thought of prolonging her paper work for a few hours more. Yet, she had to finish today or her other mentees might find the Mistress of Trainees to help them solve their mentor’s problem and Lyv had no desire to step on Thera’s boots. The woman was busy enough without having to worry about Lyv Tylin not helping her mentees in time. Yes, after the horse stables were cleaned, she had best get back to work and without telling Arturus why, she told him shortly that he did need to rush. “No stops on the way, straight to the shop and back to me, I am counting on you to do this for me,” she added. The look in her eyes showed no mercy if he was to be later than the two hours she just gave him, it was not just his hide on the line today.


Lyv Tylin

Evil mentor ;)


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Arturus set off at a dead run. It was way too much to do, in two areas that could not be more farther apart in all of Tar Valon. As Arturus passed one Inn he felt like he could go for a glass of wine, but he knew he did not have the time. Just then he heard a shout inside the Inn. "Free Wine for everyone!" Gritting his teeth he went on. He passed another Inn where there were musicians and dancing just as another trainee, a female he had been only admiring from afar, came out and tried to pull him in as her dance parter. Cursing under his breath he declined. On one corner he came across an Illuminator giving a small demonstration, but couldnt watch since he was pressed for time. He then passed by a bath house where he was asked by not one, but two women to join them.


Finally coming down the street he needed to be on he realized it was crowded. People were not moving any faster mounted on a horse than those on foot and it was all at a crawl. Then a chest was dropped by two men trying to load it onto a wagon and a spray of gold coins littered the streets. There was a mad scramble as everyone rushed to pick up the coins. It did however, clear the street for Arturus to get through.


Finally running up to the shop he was supposed to get the ink and quills from he read a sign on the door.


"Closed for the week end."

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