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Wise council (attn: Lillian)


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The frown of concentration on Annais Nevell's face turned into a scowl by the time she got to the end of the letter. She let out some disapproving noises and curses that alerted Aramina by her own desk through the open door. Annais waved the letter at her disgusted and Aramina picked the signet marking it as correspondence from the young queen of Illian. All the rulers she had approached had replied with satisfying alacrity but the Sisters she had sent to deliver the messages hadn't been as pleased to be reduced to glorified Traveling pidgeons. Well phaw to them too. Quickness was of essence and she had been able to deliver the decree the Black Tower had required sneakily included in the long letters she had written. It absolutely wouldn't have done if that had been the only issue she brought up.


Aramina eyed the missive through also and she and Annais shared a look. "You should send a novice to fetch me Lillian. I want to hear from her in person what happened in Illian and get an opinion on this goat-brained bloody idea. And please get me the official report that she wrote. I need a smoke now."


The fresh breeze on the balcony was certainly refreshing and Annais closed the glass paneled doors behind her as she didn't want her office to start smelling of cigars. The first mouthfuls were delightful as usual and she thought with a smile on Darienna. A fine club of smoking women they had in positions. Now they needed to convert Aramina too. The pleasent thought was soured by the rememberance that they would have to test Darienna too as soon as possible. It simply wouldn't do to have a Black Sister as a Mistress of Novices which was a prime opportunity to pick out the most promising novices and Accepted for their recruitment. Come next Raising when they could get the Oath Rod without suspicions and the Gray would be secured.


She had time to scan through the report by the time Aramina brought in the White Sister. It was incredible to think that just a day ago the same woman had sent her world reeling by her revelations. Annais nodded and smiled at Lillian. "Thanks for coming. I hope that you weren't doing anything too urgent." She shaked the Illian record to her and passed the letter from the Queen for her to read. "That's the topic. Why don't you tell me what you left out of the official report. And did you know of that burning brilliant plan the Queen has for her advisor? You could have given me a bit of a warning. What do you think of it? You met the Queen, right? What was your impression of her? She is going to be stubborn about this, won't she? How much is she under her 'advisor's' thumb and why does Sofia want that woman as her advisor."


In Annais' opinion Arette Nenatiar, well, Stavros now couldn't advice a cat out of a sack. Certainly she and Karana had been very cunning while they held their positions. Annais could see why they had wanted to keep the Dragon Reborn from the Hall but she did not approve at all their methods and the condition they had left the Tower in after the forced ending of their reign.


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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Entering the Amyrlin's office, Lillian frowned as she took the paper from Annais and listened to her even as she read the contents.  It probably could have been phrased a touch better, but she couldn't say that she was entirely surprised by it.  Well, she wasn't at all, it had been expected but she hadn't informed Annais of it earlier.  There was enough to worry about, and it was easier to deal with once it became an issue.  It had given more time to those in Illian to prepare for this moment when it happened, longer to entrench and therefore harder to uproot.


Letting the letter fall to the Amyrlin's desk, Lillian made her way to a sidetable where Annais tea set was sitting.  She suspected she would be there for a little while if Annais managed not to completely explode.  But, Lillian stood by her decision, even if she had made it upon a faulty basis.  Or not, but either way she had ensured at least one avenue of communication between the Tower and Illian.  "I think its a brilliant idea, but thats partially because it was as much mine as it was theirs.  Tea?"


Looking over for a response from Annais, Lillian observed was very still.  "Guess not."


Cheating with saidar to bring the tea to boil, she began to pour herself a cup as she spoke.  "Arette was the Keeper, agree with her decisions or not she was still competent.  She sheltered Sofia at great personal risk to herself and her family, helped fight to win back the Illianer crown, helped facilitate the assistance of the Band of the Red Hand and the Black Tower that was instrumental to the success of the uprising.  She has a head on her shoulders and, more importantly, she's matured a good deal since she left the Tower and as Illian is her home now, she will do a fine job of advising Sofia Stepaneos without having to worry about the White Tower's agenda."


Walking over to the seat opposite Annais, Lillian sat down and rested the saucer on her lap as she continued.  "When I helped arrange this, I was unaware that our previous Amyrlin had disappeared.  Regardless, there are a number of strong reasons to acknowledge Arette as the White Tower's representative.  She already has close ties with Sofia Stepaneos, she is trusted, she is capable, wiser for what happened and for having more than politics to guide her, such as her family."


"By accepting Sofia's choice without contest, it shows a willingness to respect her wishes and will help make her more receptive to the White Tower.  By acknowledging Arette, you empower her status and that will in turn pay off by making her more receptive to the Tower as well.  Regardless of whether you designate her as an advisor from the Tower, she will remain an advisor to the Queen of Illian.  Better to win her over rather than deny her the place and therefore make her, and the Queen, less likely to receive the White Tower's ideas and advice."


"We have resources at our disposal that we can make use of for Illian, and despite Illian's status as Dragonsworn, we still need to maintain and build any links that we have.  Its also another point of contact with the Black Tower, as Arette collaborated with the Black Tower and while she isn't their best friend, she is someone that they know and can work with.  The same applies to the Band of the Red Hand, better to make that point of contact and influence ours rather than leaving her independent."


Lifting her cup from the saucer, Lillian was nearly done.  "To summarise, she's already well placed and trusted by the monarch, she's capable and she's improved since her time as the Keeper.  She's not only worth it due to Illian, but also due to the Black Tower and the Band of the Red Hand, we need every asset we can get and she is one the Tower could use."


"Your thoughts?"  Lillian sipped her tea as she waited.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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As Lillian was facing half away from Annais, she missed the whole brunt of her glare. Her suspicion had been right then, Lillian had known all along. The motive was a bit more unclear for both, the action itself and keeping it a secret. The latter could be justified with other concerns and the Black Ajah issue. Until the previous night Lillian hadn't been certain that Annais herself wasn't a Black Sister after all. She contained her exclamation and waited for the explanatition with an impatient tap of fingers on her desk.


Annais agreed that Arette had been a competent Keeper, if more an accountant than a savvy politician. It had been almost luck that Sofia had come to reside with the Stavrosi and had more to do with Arette's husband, who had found his own militia, rather than her. But the Wheel weaved as the Wheel weaved. From what Annais remembered from the woman, she doubted that her relationships with the Black Tower would be very cordial indeed. The former Brown was a very traditional Aes Sedai in many senses. Maturing was always a good thing and Annais hadn't been very impressed by the stories she had heard of the woman's personal behaviour on her last year's as the Keeper.


It certainly was a surprise that Lillian thought it a good quality for an Aes Sedai advisor to not have to worry about the Tower's interests in Illian. Annais had been an advisor to a ruler herself and certainly she had sometimes received instructions from the Amyrlin or the Sitters but mostly she had been independent. The Tower didn't send incompetent women to do its biddings and trusted the Sisters to be able to do their jobs without constant hand holding. If only Annais could be certain that Arette would represent the Tower well in Illian, she might have agreed if reluctantly. But what Lillian said promised quite the opposite.


A piece of the puzzle was revealed when Lillian mentioned Sirayn Simeone. Lillian had detested the woman and thought that she was leading the Tower to another tragic mistake like Dumai's Well. The Watchers crisis had proved the fears quite founded. Lessening Tower's influence in Illian would have therefore meant lessening Sirayn's influence. But there was no need for that anymore, just the contrary. The Tower needed to strenghten itself more than ever and not by force but by interaction and truly helping and being a valuable ally.


The reasons Lillian listed were all fine and good, except for the trust issue. Sofia might trust her but Annais didn't. And she couldn't without meeting the woman and hearing her views on various matters. Annais was honest enough to admit that she also didn't like the woman very much, respect her professionally maybe, but she wasn't Annais' kind of a person. But that was no reason to base decisions on and even now some Aes Sedai advisors served who Annais didn't care for much. But they performed well so personal opinions were shunted aside. The family issue was a two bladed sword. It would be a distraction and a motivation and would also create a curious conflict to her image. Never before had an Aes Sedai with a family acted in any kind of a public position.


It was very true that yielding in this matter would create goodwill, certainly the warrants on both Stavrosi could be called off almost instantly. Still, Annais would first have a word with the Commander of the Tower Guard and hear what he had to say. And another more biased party. Though calling off Arette's exile would give her her Aes Sedai status back. It could be done as thanks for what she had done in Illian even though she would have done it anyway as it was for her home. Annais wasn't at all certain that Arette would be an advisor open to White Tower's ideas at all whether she got the position or not but she really would have to discuss with her to be able to decide.


There it came, Arette obviously didn't get along so well with the Black Tower but enough to work with them. And it was a valid point that the woman should be brought under the Tower's influence. It might be good enough compromise if Annais would delay the decision making until she had spoken with the Queen and the former Brown in person and she still had the right to say no if it would lead to distaster.


"Your reasoning makes sense. I was slightly put off by hearing of this only now but admittedly it has been only three days and all of them have been hectic. Just remember that you are not scheming alone anymore, Lillian. You will include me from now, yes? Are there some other plans in motion that I should be aware of? And do you intend to keep up your policy of undermining the influence of the White Tower? I can see why it was necessary with Sirayn but that was hurting the Tower on the long run. The Amyrlin may be influential but she is not the White Tower."


"As for the matter itself, my current response is maybe. The warrants can be called off as soon as possible as the Queen requests, but I will have a word of Con's case with Brent first. I doubt that he opposes it. This will restore Arette's Aes Sedai status which is a clear amendment. I will however hold making the final decision until after the dinner with the Queen when I will have a word with Arette too. She needs to convince me herself by her views. I need to be certain that she is not going to do the Tower harm even if she wouldn't be too open to following council. And don't say anything, Lillian. I need to see it myself."


"The other point is of course that this way they can possibly have their way but I will have my way too and I am not just giving in to their demands. It just needs to be worded prettily. Won't fool Arette and maybe not the Queen and she might not point it out to Sofia. It also subtly underlines that she needs me to give her the position and she just can't take it."


"So what is their relationship like? Is Arette very domineering? And what is the Queen like? Is she a good player of the Game? Can she be pushed into things easily or does she have backbone?" It would be truly audacious if the whole idea came from Arette. "And you spoke of Arette's development. What do you mean by that? Do you really think that she would make a good advisor if we leave all those extra perks out and focus on just her as a person?"


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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Allowing herself to frown as Annais began to speak, Lillian absorbed what was said with a certain amount of disapproval, and a couple of insights that she hadn't expected.  It was one thing for Annais to want to be able to observe for herself, but this was something that was inevitable and was going to happen.  As far as Lillian was concerned, this was the best way events could turn out for everyone, and it was done.  She had little doubt that Annais would be won over, one of Annais good traits was that she was a pragmatist, she would do what was best even if it didn't agree with her own personal feelings on a matter.


"You can observe if you want but you'll end up agreeing to it.  If not, you will alienate Illian and do more damage than you could ever do by entrusting Arette as the Aes Sedai advisor."  Taking another sip of her tea, Lillian set the saucer and cup on the table before her as she added.  "As to whether I continue to undermine the Tower, that really depends on you."


"Are you the Amyrlin Seat?  Or is the Amyrlin Seat you?  One of your best strengths as far as I'm concerned is the fact that you are approachable, and that you attempt to not allow yourself to be overly defined by your position.  Yet for some reason when you have this opportunity to take a new ruler into your confidence, you're worried about pretty words and feeling like you're losing by submitting?  Why make it a conflict in the first place?"


"As for undermining the Tower, it wasn't just about Sirayn.  The Hall is supported by the sisters and the Halls support for the Amyrlin has allowed for an isolationist policy to perpetuate.  It could only be maintained as long as the Tower remained in a position of power, the only way to get the Tower to open up was to weaken its hold.  I worked on Andor and Far Madding, Andor proved to be a useless venture considering everything that happened there, and Far Madding is a work in progress in agitating for their council to accede to the Dragon.  Illian more fell into my lap more than anything else."


"You see, Arette didn't want the position."  Folding her hands in her lap, Lillian barely paused before she explained further.  "Arette was approached by Sofia and asked to be her advisor, Sofia specifically wants someone that she can trust and Arette has already earned that trust.  With the White Tower's less than cordial relations with the Dragon and her allegiance to the Dragon, she isn't going to welcome anyone else from the Tower because not only will that advisor be perceived to have the Tower's agenda first, but she will not want to call into doubt her loyalty to the Dragon now that she has given it."


That and she could get away with not having an Aes Sedai advisor, unlike the rulers of the past.  The White Tower's sun was setting as a power amongst the nations, a monarch no longer only had the White Tower to fear.  "Sofia will not be pushed over, Arette helped build her up rather than turn her into a puppet, which is exactly why Sofia trusts her.  Which is the exact same thing you should do if you want to win her, and Arette, over.  These people can play the game, do them the honour of dispensing with it and you may find that they will do the same."


"As to Arette...  She's a good deal more down to earth, her time as a wisdom's apprentice and taking care of her children has done a lot.  She doesn't have a desire for power, she had to be bludgeoned into taking this on between me and Sofia and she has a good deal more concern for getting things done than about appearances.  She might not perpetuate the mystery that Aes Sedai carry about them, but she'll do more to win the respect of the Illianer than any five of your other sisters with the position she is in now, especially with the elevation of her husband to the Illian nobility, which in turn makes her an Illian noblewoman."


Leaning forward in her chair, Lillian's forehead furrowed slightly as she asked a question that was on her mind.  "I do have a question though.  Why do you need to consult Brent Enios about Con Stavros?"



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Annais agreed with Lillian's assesment of the situation. In the end she would agree with the nomination but she still wanted to know what kind of a cat was in the sack she was being sold. She was still pondering on the difference of the distinction of being the Amyrlin Seat or the Amyrlin Seat being her when Lillian elaborated what she meant. She would have listed the same strenghts as Lillian did and she accepted the rebuke. She had been trying to think too much like an Aes Sedai or the Amyrlin instead of seeing what was the most practical thing.


"Fair enough. I don't really see it as a conflict as the Queen and I both want the best of Illian. But she is a stranger and I do not know this new Arette either. Even though I trust your judgement, I want to make my own too. I need to be certain that I am making a good decision. I admit, I would still make the same decision even if it was a bad one, but at least I will know it and can prepare for it."


"I think that the Hall has had a change of heart lately. They chose me over Kirsta after all. And they accepted the treaty with the Black Tower which is a start. So in that sense we can thank Sirayn, I suppose. She sent the Watchers which was a mistake but something reasonably good came out of it. Of course not everyone in the Hall are very happy about it and the feeling of the Black Tower forcing their hand has not made them amenable toward the Asha'man."


"How exactly are you trying to achieve that goal in Far Madding? And what kind of attitude are you trying to generate toward the White Tower? We have never been very popular there and the ending of the rehabilitation center wasn't a very good one even though it was some years ago."


Annais wasn't certain if it was a good or bad sign that Arette hadn't wanted the position. Good thing because it meant that she didn't have wrong kind of ambitions but bad motivation wise. But then one of the rare things Annais had respected in Arette was her mork moral. If she took a job, she did it to her best ability. The downside was that she had an tendency to overdo duties and risk getting very stressed which was only added by having a family in the equation too. But she would address the issue when they met.


Arette and Karana likely would receive certain kind of sympathy from the people of the Dragon as they had been deposed for protecting him and rumours placed Karana as an advisor of the Dragon. It was very true that any Sister coming from the White Tower would be viewed with some suspicion so even a bad Aes Sedai advisor was better than none. It was certainly good that Sofia's integrity as the ruler had been supported rather than undermined. Annais wasn't certain if the old Arette would have done so but she liked what she heard. It was a sensible advice to not try to play with words and get too enwrapped with the Game and it was what Annais usually did when she didn't try to be too clever and act like she was assumed to.


Lillian was likely a bit biased when describing Arette but then ability to make friends spoke always good of the person. More good traits. It would be interesting to meet the woman. Light, it had been over ten years since they last had. She would have to try to rely on her own impressions and not the hearsay and opinions of others that had coloured her view - that and the decisions of the woman.


"That is a pretty indepht but nicely short analysis and good advice that I will follow. Thank yo... What about Brent Enios?" Where had that come from all the sudden? Did Lillian know something? Not that there was anything to know except some silly dreams and Mia wouldn't have talked about them. Annais eyed the White with apprehension until she realised that there was absolutely no reason to worry. She also knew what had happened and the relief burst as laughter. "Ooh, that is just priceless. I meant Brand Ryota, Lillian. The names are quite similar so I just mixed them up." Light, she had to be more careful in the future or her blubbering tongue would land her into really deep trouble. Not that there would be any trouble. Tonight was just a dinner and nothing more. Maybe she should use a chaperone, like Aramina or Lia. No way! That was a ridiculous notion. She was a grown woman and Aes Sedai of all things.


"I will meet him later today. Brand, that is", Annais defined further. "Well, Brent too. I mean, M'Hael Enios." A change of topic and quickly. "Bah. But the Stavrosi matter. That is pretty much done deal, I think. I was asking about the Far Madding and your plans there. And are you satisfied with my answer about myself as the Amyrlin? I certainly aim for using my real strenghts in the position, not just acting like I am supposed to."


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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  • 3 weeks later...

Listening to Annais as she spoke, Lillian paid close attention to every word and gesture.  It was always interesting how much you could learn about a person if you actually took the trouble to observe them.  Annais had an easy poise when she spoke to those around her, a natural affability that the Tower had not stripped away and had indeed been put to use for many years as a Gray Sister, allowing it to develop until it was as natural as breathing.  With that natural poise came an ability to take things that were said without blinking, accepting them as easily as her manner that she could take for granted.


The disruption that came with the mention of Brent Enios was of interest to her, it was unusual and it made her wonder.  You only mixed up names when someone was on your mind enough to stick there, was Brent truly so much at the forefront of her thoughts?  Of all the people that could be worried about the M`hael's arrival, Lillian would have rated Annais as least likely to be worried, considering that she had already formed a successful rapport with the man.  Admittedly, there could be the fear that it could go badly, but still, it should not have been causing Annais that much worry.  Allowing it to affect her too much could impact on her ability to act as the Amyrlin Seat and, more importantly, as a bridge between the White Tower and Black Tower.


"I thank you for accepting my advice on the matter, and you should certainly appraise the situation for yourself.  As long as it is with an open mind, as befits an Amyrlin Seat, which I feel you are now remembering.  But, I think there is something that you need to speak of."  Lillian smiled slightly and arched an eyebrow as Annais looked at her sharply, she would be interested to hear the answer to the question she was to pose.  How much Annais would open up about the issue on her mind, and why there was an issue to begin with, would be interesting.


"Why is Brent Enios so much on your mind that you are confusing him with Brand Ryota?  Yes, the names are similar, but I don't know you to make such slips often.  In fact, I would say such slips are unusual for you.  Why is Brent Enios on your mind?  Are you worried about how the meeting shall proceed with the M`hael?  You shouldn't be worried, you've already established a rapport with him and engineered the White Tower's first agreement with the Black Tower that can actually be built upon.  Is there a problem?  Whats on your mind?"



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Why had the slip happened around Lillian of all people, a bright and perceptive woman. Annais' only saving grace was that the White Sister seemed to have high enough opinion of her that the real state of matters didn't even occur to her as a possibility. And it shouldn't have because the whole thing was so ludicrous and stupid. Now she had to somehow squirm out of the hole she had dug for herself without revealing too much but satisfying Lillian enough that she would put it out of the mind. And all this without lying or dancing around it too much as that would make the other Sister wonder even more.


"I don't particularly feel the need to speak about it", Annais remarked wryly. "But since I know that your quicksilver mind has set itself on this, I as well might. I am not worried about tonight's meeting." Not professionally at least. "Like you said, the rapport is there and we get along fine. It will be mainly just maintaining and deepening that connection. Before I can craft a proper plan for what we want from the Black Tower I need to speak with the rulers and gauge the reactions on the announcement we made about them. The White Tower has lost prestige for events like the Dumai's Well and now this... amendment to the Black Tower so it will be tricky to balance being co-operative and still seeming strong to the world. And naturally I need to figure out what will be the immediate steps for the White Tower now and how the Black Tower can be utilized in them."


"So the meeting will be light and without any really relevant agenda. Which is something new that I am slightly nervous about. There won't be roles to hide behind or at least that would be the goal." And that was as much as she was going to admit. Lillian could read between the lines and draw her conclusions but Annais also offered her the option to not delve into it. Sometimes there were people you just got too well along with and it was best to avoid them in professional circles.


"But Far Madding. What is their attitude toward the White Tower currently? Is it something that I should be worried about?"


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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