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Big Holiday Project for Hornsounder - all welcome to join


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Hello folks,


the Holidays are drawing near and the Hornsounder wants to mark this occasion with a list of special projects and activities in which you are hereby warmly invited to participate.


For the next 2 editions (November + December), Hornsounder will publish a special Holiday Section, in which your pieces and submissions will be published.


Below is a list of several projects in which you can participate, each with their own set of instructions on how to go about it. Please follow these in order to allow for a proper coordination and handling of your work/submissions.


Bridmorgan is coordinating the entire Project, but the subprojects can be run by other people. Their names are posted next to the Subproject's title. If there is no name posted, that means that project is still open for someone to take the lead on it.


Note please: this list is likely to be extended with new projects and ideas as they occur or as people present them. So make sure to check back here regularly so not to miss any of them.



ALL DM members can participate in all these projects!


1. Holiday Recipes


This is a Recipe swap project in which you get to exchange recipes for the Holidays.


Do you have a special recipe that to you just screams Christmass or New Year? Or are you from a region or country that has a special dish for the Holidays (or several even)? Then share it with us, so your special dish can be tried and sampled by your DM friends.


All recipes sent in will be published in the first upcoming edition of the Hornsounder.




Send in your recipe by PM to Bridmorgan entitled: Holiday Recipe



2. Holiday and Table decorations for low budgets - StefaniaSedai


This will be a combination of tips and tricks with crafting ideas where you can share their best decoration sollutions for the Holidays using low budget materials.


What can also be included here is environmental awareness such as recycling used material to make decorations from or things like that.


All submissions that are usefull will be published in the first upcoming edition of the Hornsounder.




Send your ideas, tips & tricks, 'how to's' in a PM to StefaniaSedai entitled: Holiday Decorations



3. Holiday Surprise Wishes - Mystica


Do you want to surprise that special friend you have on DM with your very own Holiday Greetings? This is your chance!


Text, poems, graphic cards, ... You can use your imagination in whatever way you like to wish your friends the best for the Holidays and the New Year. They will find their special surprise published on the Hornsounder Edition of December.




Send your pieces to Mystica in a pm entitled: Surprise Wish for (name)


* Text only and Poems: there's no restrictions on this

* Graphic cards: don't make them too big, please. Try to keep within a 600x500 size.



4. TOP100 of favorite Holiday tunes - Arrandion


This is a project in which all DM'ers could send in their favorite 5 Holiday tunes. At the end a list of 100 tunes and songs will be made and published with the Hornsounder to which people can listen while reading the Hornsounder.




- A thread will go up on the Band's public board on DM in which all DM'ers can post their favorite 5.

- Each person can post only one post and a maximum of 5 songs or tunes. You are allowed to change your mind untill the deadline by modifying your post in that time. But always keeping with the maximum 5.

- you also need to post a link to the tune so that it can be listened to online.

- Deadline to submit your favorites: 15 December 2007


Voting for the Top100:


On 15 December the submission thread will close and a poll will be made of all the submissions in which DM'ers can then choose their personal top100. That will form the basis for creating the top100 that will be published in the Hornsounder of December.


5. Corrupt a Holiday tune


Ever wanted to be a song writer? Well here's your chance!


Pick a Holiday tune or song and re-write the lyrics to it. You can make it anyway you want (moving, emotional, funny,...) so long as you stay within the PG13 rule. 


Example: Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg...


All submissions that are valid will be published in the next upcoming edition of Hornsounder.




- Send your submission to Bridmorgan in a PM entitled: Corrupt a Holiday Tune

- include a link to the original tune so that it can be listened to from the computer

- you can choose to do the entire song/tune or part of it, but it must be at least a full chorus or minimum one paragraph



6. Holiday Traditions - Arrandion


DM has a vast variety of people from different backgrounds, origins, countries, etc. No doubt all these people have their own traditions for the holidays and we want to know about them.


Do you have a special tradition that deviates from the standard one related to Christmas or New Year? Something special and unique for your family, country, religion, background? Share it with your DM Friends and see it published in the first upcoming edition of Hornsounder.




- send your tradition to Arrandion in a PM entitled: Holiday Traditions






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