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Hello, hello


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I've been posting a little and realized that I never got around to introducing myself.  My name's Thomas and I'm a screenwriter who works on databases in order to eat.  I'm also taking night classes in order to get a degree that will allow me to eat better.  With all that and trying to maintain something resembling a social life, my posting is sporadic but I try to find the time to.  Anyway aside from reading and writing, I also like rocks, animals, cooking, good music, and long walks/runs (preferably not on the beach or near any of the sand that came from it).  I also love to travel (not to beaches) although I don't think I'll have the time to go anywhere for fun over the next year or so.


I'm looking to rping with you all.



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Well, there are action books and Domani action books with illustrative pictures ;) Real action is for people without imaginations.


It is nice to hear more of you, Thomas :) I am IRL a marketing student who will get her Batchelor's Degree next December. What kind of a degree are you working to get?


My nerdish likes beside reading and writing are historical swordplay, table top roleplaying games, boardgames, tv series like Heroes, Lost, Jericho and Battlestar Galactica, WoW and an online game named Popomundo. These activities consume pretty much all my free time :)

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This one is a Brown. Rocks is a dead give away.


True, true.  When I was in D.C. with some friends, they wanted to climb the Washington Monument but I dragged them to the Library of Congress instead.


Woohoo! My kind of man.  The Brown would love to have you. ;D

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What kind of degree are you looking to get?


Well, I have a long and glorious history of effing up so right now I'm working on an Associates of business management.  After that, I'll likely go for a bachelors of marketing.  I'll likely get a masters in something after that but I have enough trouble planning a few weeks into the future, let alone a few years.

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