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Sister out of the tower...attn Jaydena


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was told to discuss this with you and work it out


as cema is based upon itandza who was based on cadusuane anyhow lol


i jsut came to recal the period cad had out of the tower beeing asumed dead or such and my thougths started spining as i just got some more decades of time in her timeline to play with


At her end of elder period she finds that the plans shaping infront of her is made imposible to do riskfree while staying in touch with the tower. So she disapeares to serve the shadow (not sure what this will entail just yet but sooner or later i am gonna play with this time away.) She returns after almost half a century in the middle of her mythical period of her life. For now that is what i wanna attack, playing out and around the consequences, make up likely some false story about what she been on about or such, and deal with the consequences of not sending a word to her ajah.


ideas and sugestions is apriciated...

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Well I could have work with the Sitters, she could see what it's like to have some disappear, how we could send her to farm, turn her into a Novice for a month. Make her realize what it felt like to be a lower rank or there's always birching. It's up to you as she's your character. *G*

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the farm would likely be over her dead body or more likely someone elses :P, she'd asume some consequenses but have her excuses ready as well...some in tower work that was less obviously a punishment outward would be more something along the lines of acceptance...is also looking to just RP out the whole confrontation (hoping i can do her justice as an old manipulator :P)


She is old enough after arie opened for age adjustment that she and jaydena might have been intiates togheter (cema a newly entered and jaydena in her last acceptance years)


but yeah in general she is very much built on my liking for cadusuane who basicaly more or less do what she want when she feel the need for it...+ i have some vague idea for what to do in these years...basicaly a study that would mean going to places and so on that wouldnt be explainable for someone of the light


ie fortress libary and into shadow teritory etc...not quite sure what her search would be for yet thoug...mayhaps if i could figure out there could be some way for her to twist some part of it in a harmless way into info that could be revealed of usefullness


gonna be talking to the DL and DF AGLs to get some ideas

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Okey after discusing here is what has been come up with, and this could help the green ajah.


The journal of a green sister said to contain info on her life search on some subject, with remarkable discoveries is lost without anyone knowing the exact writings of it, but there excist rumors of it from those who stood her close. The journals where kept in a shrine from the AoL heavily protected by unknown weaves of saidin (hence the wt never been able to break them), and will only  open for a sertaint key.


The sister died when malkieri fell, and both shrine and key is gone. Cema come over the info on this as its not normaly  much mentioned anymore considered a lost cause sadly. Later on one of her travels she come by a trace, a painting in a book of the key beeing used as a necklace (the key is not shaped as a key), or rather something that at least fit the description for the key.


She descides that she is going to find this and follow the trace, though soon it becomes aparent the key has shifted hands. And that the figurine wearing it where a darkfriend. The search makes it clear to her that she needs to go back to the last known location of both objects, at first this wouldnt be a problem, asuming she soon would be back in the mainland and could send reports. However her search lead her to the fortress, where she learns more, the shrine has been opened once, and brief mentions has been made in a book, which gives her more knowledge. And so with that Cema now got a bether feeling that this may be more important then the rumors say. The search will eventualy drag out the time, and time passing by she also come all consumed with it, she descides to cut her ties as she gets obsessed with this book and finding the shrine and the key. She thinks she is puting pieces togheter and plans is forming, plans that leads her away from the tower.


In the end she finds the shrine, and a clue that the key would be back in the tower. She needs to go back, indeed the search indicates that the last known holder of the key would be an ex ajah head. Which in Cema's mind obviously leads to the conclution of the likelyhood the key has been passed down to other ajah heads. As well by now some of the founding for her plans is gone, and she descides that it might be in her best interest to be back at the tower and find a way there to use it within the limits of the green ajah.


Which means the journals come home again, along with a sister ready to leave the tower ranks behind her intialy.



the missing piece in this is what the journals turn out to contain. Here i'd say we should find something to inspire internal ajah rp's.

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*nods* Ok that makes sense, she would still need to be punished in some way. Now if she shows the journals to Jade, shows that she had a reason, her punishment might not be as harsh. Will Cema show her the journals or will she keep them to herself. Also I don't know I feel about the journals getting into the hands of the shadow, still thinking of that one. I do love this idea though, great brainstorm!

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she would pretty much have to as when she finds them they are locked down into the shrine again, and my asumption was that jade have the key without it beeing public knowledge


asuming some ex head that now gone that it was inherited from, got it from some df or dread she contested/killed in past, and recognised it for what it was by having heard the stories, so kept it and it gone in inheritance from head to head


as for what the journals contained that would still be to  be discussed, if cema thougth she could use it on its own in the shadow..it likely was as some sort of level, something changed so she didnt see that option anymore, but migth see a way as a green to use it against an enemy faction within the shadow if it is as usefull as she hopes...(she only have very vague pointers which she sort of filled in herself)


if it was as such knowledge of the shadow it didnt mather if the shadow had it cause they already knew :p and it means i get to spend the 50 years as planed on a study within shadow ranks, while eventualy the green get it back and can use it for an interaction rp...cause surely the journals of a green could contain more then this said info cema was looking for, info irrelewant for the shadow....or in some sort of code developed by the green which is why even the fortress libaries cant say for true what it is cause whomever dread had it though managing to desiper some of it descide it not important enough to spend the time descipering it all

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*nods* Ok so if I understand you, Jaydena would have the key, it's passed from ajah head to ajah head. Cema brings the journal to Jade and Jade has the key, Jade opens it and begins to read it the journal. Jaydena will not be giving the jorunal back to Cema as she feels that this would be Green Ajah property and belong to the entire ajah. Does that sound about right?

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Cema would ask to be allowed to read them as she found them, and silently would belive there would be something in there for her to use in her dual position...ie gaining some dark side advantage, + she likely would have an interest as a green in knowing more


cema is dark but not overly so...she is more of an opertunist which means whatever she originaly thougth was in there that she lost hope of using to the degree planed...would have had to  been  big to make her scrap that many years of career building in the tower ...and so even if what she suspect it cant be used as planed, when she knows the details surely by logic in her mind there must be other ways to use it


she'd be willing to risk giving up the books and likely agree with Jaydena holding on to them as long as she didnt think there was anything in them to b e used against her (which is not something she is suspecting it to be, and indeed it aint planed to be), but would be rather insistant on geting the chanse to read them as said as she was the one finding them


and likely would make sure to get asurances of such sort before fully revealing to Jaydena what she had...ie typical AS style daes'd creator princip or some such...

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Ok and here's Jaydena's thing, Jaydena has been in politics and the White Tower a very long time, a foolish thing to do would be to give up the journal to anyone right away. Weather that person found it or not. The political move would be to read it herself, research it, and only then if she sees nothing in it, to hand it over to Cema. There is not way, she would ever hand it over as ajah head without reading it herself first. So you have no plans on what is in the journal?

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no i figured for that we could come up with something benefiting the ajah as a whole for some colective RP



oh and with the stablised age system where we get a somewhat choise ourself...and a new DL more lenient on things...Cema would have been an intiate togheter with Jaydena...which might be could be help mathers? unless they where enemies :p


the thing is Cema likely would let on she has spent the time researching something, but twist it in such a way to get Jade to give her words on allow the reading before letting on what it was...if she thougth that Jade would deny it outright...something about comon sence in that i got something that might be of interest...i need help geting at it from someone trustworthy, but not let on that it is so important that another sister could interfear in a cosisters buisnis by ordering it delivered out


Or if she knew Jade well trusted her or something, maybe friends as intiates she migth well tell it rigth out more or less if she thougth she'd be geting in on it, and that Jade would trust her in helping with investigation the content :p


So it would likely pend on their relation...certainly Cema if thougth she would be denied it so she wouldnt gain anything by giving it to her head would hide the shrine and make up some other excuse for beeing gone, then try and work on finding some other way to get it up :P


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  • 1 year later...

bump...need to look at this and evaluate it as well what we talked about...as i am thinking about investigating how to update my bio



ok got an added idea after talking to myst


the book seemingly seems to contain info only relevant to the green, but a mention in a noncholant way of the object cema is looking for, the rumors in themself being missrepresentative leading to the book in an effort to try and throw other factions of the track in the shadow (as one faction wanted a better chanse of finding it themself)


instead the object is merely mentioned in such a way as a property handed over to a blue sister in malkieri for study (the green not really knowing what it was, and the blue maybe studying ter'angreal or something be the better for finding it out and then returning it to the wt where it belonged, while the green continued her campain)


this twist comes from needing a reason to tie myst into the plot, and her true mom was a blue sister, and mysts char was born in malkieri...which would allow us to use this as a sustantial reason in a way hopefully in the AS req...due to cema knowing how the blue looked and recognising myst as the spitting image



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Ok so would the Green have any chance at seeing it after it comes back to the Tower? I see where you are going and I have no issues with the timeline thing, if you want to have them being intiates together but keep in mind that Jade is old. *G*

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the way i see it, this way jade get it, when done as there isnt anything sugesting in there that there is anything of major relevance and all general maintain to green ajah, maybe some loging of course of the battle, but by then old news mainly


well there would be no reason not to let cema read it, cema does catch up on the lil info there is as she has aditional info privy only to the shadow...and thus begin ploting again on how to get to the end of the track ...which is temp stalled by say tower duty due to her absent..and i dont know after that maybe other things on the schedule..as i dont feel like writing up anything about a ter'angreal atm (that is something i can always do later if i need something to do as this is retro)

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ok then just need to dig out the unofficial updates already done as such, go through them and phase this in


did you wanna rp out the meeting when cema get back between her and jade?

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